In that case, perhaps explain how much of the Enlightenment/Renaissance age scientists made their discoveries since a good chunk of them were highly religious.
I don't see him saying that it completely eliminate such traits, only that it detracts from them.
That. It is a deterrance but not a flat out denial. There are people today who study science or geography that contradicts their beliefs and yet they're capable of doing it -- do they follow that same mindset?
but then one must also commend on their unshakeable spirit of faith.
Perhaps you should commend others' passion and efforts towards trying to help others so much -- not those who accept what has been pointed out as the lazy way out and adopting a close-minded thought pattern.
That in itself shows fortitude in character.
For... backing under the pressure of eternal hell? Make no mistake - that is the case for some people.
Ultimately, the portion of people who literally take the Bible is rather minute.
Those who call themselves Christians automatically represent God, and being as he hasn't spoken for himself, I'd rather not give him the benefit of the doubt, given his supposed previous actions.
It doesn't subsume one's logical thinking or critical mindset;
So... There's this unicorn... and it has this chest -- that is filled with 5,011 pages concerning lifestyles of humans.
Would you believe me?
You have no reason to believe me -- the same stands for religion.
furthermore a religious person is constantly bombarded by science in today's world,
Oh noes, they're so oppressed?
and I believe most people are of sound mind to make a choice in believing whichever they wish in the end.
Indoctrination, a poor moral basis for the majority of people and the lack of teaching of the critical thinking style make me doubt that hugely.
Different people value different things,
Yeah -- I didn't quite know that.
I for one value morals more.
Morals more than what?
I would rather have a pair of morally upright parents who are shoddy on the intellectual side rather than parents who are so crooked but smart.
As would I. But it's not even to do with parents -- I taught myself... myself. I did use examples, either historic ones or ones generated regarding my parents since that had some moral implications involved.
Very interesting to grow from that.
And yes you can develop morals without religion as I have done as well, but that doesn't mean one must abandon religion.
Must? No. Should? Yeah, honestly. As said -- it's not the truth, and it promotes the lack of a logical mindset or critical thinking. How can you deny that being a bad thing?
The FUNDAMENTALS of religion relies on promoting the lack of those -- faith.
Can you deny that?
but to have something to cling onto in their darkness.
False darkness. People underestimate their own positions and what they have -- I wasn't in the best position of anyone I knew, a few years back, but I was and still am immensely grateful for what I had / have. There is no reason for me to expect more and it would be literally bad of me to feel negativity for wanting a positive thing when I already have all that I need (unless of course I sacrificed something under certain conditions etc... but that's not necessarily the point).
Darkness is rarely darkness, but the lack of light -- and with a logical mindset it would be much easier to illuminate the line of what is bad, neutral and good.
Yes it is gullible, but it boosts their morale and spirits.
It does so falsely. I used to have false confidence but now I don't and I can visibly see the difference - it boosts my ability in all aspects, it makes me socialize better, I think much better under any circumstance and hell -- I've rarely felt poorly since I've just been "Hell yeah!" about anything.
You know what the best thing is though? The effect it has on other people. Happily trancing around helping people in revision before the Science exam, spreading a happy atmosphere -- it makes you feel so good not just because of your actions but (and this is my selfishness :P ) because of the feeling of power you have as a result
You cannot do that when it is not YOU that does it. :/
Science in itself is constantly changing and sometimes hinders, not help people understand.
Which in itself is progress. -- One step closer?
Plus, it actually gives a viable "meaning of life" to people -- why look for one when you could make one? Morality and in this case the meaning of life (a philosophy) are not something that can be proven with a scientific formula -- they are subjective and as such are much more controversial and much less smooth. In the scenario of the meaning of life there is no true determining of one... so make one (and that does not include religion).
Also, it is not science itself that helps you understand things better.
Neuroscience begs to differ. :/
It merely helps mean answer my final year chemistry paper; it doesn't in one bit make me more ''confident'' or ''balanced''.
Woah woah woah hold on there -- what I was talking about in that quote was not scientifically related -- it was philosophically related.
With a logical mindset and / or critical thinking you can more easily establish measurements for items of interest in subjective debates. I could argue killing is the right thing to do in the case of saving energy -- the majority of people would disagree with that argument and so would I, but you literally cannot prove that it is wrong.
On the other hand if religion fortitudes one's spirits then that's a good thing.
Not if it's false. A lie is not good, because I didn't run away. If I had a problem I'd find the way to fix it, and if I couldn't fix it, I'd find the way to make myself capable. If I am mentally / physically incapable of doing something that need be done (which is generally philosophical and thus mental) but I know it's literally possible for me to do it I made sure I could because I regarded it that highly.
If a theist turned atheist cannot manage to be responsible for their actions and furthermore their honest intentions then it only goes further to show of how reliant they are on religion. For the record -- I am
not saying atheists are as a result more responsible, what I'm saying is that they're well aware that they're on their own, and that is a great thing as well (not needing to rely on someone = great).
As more and more of science is discovered and published people who are exposed to both sides of the coin will make their own choices and what they choose in the end will probably be what they deem best for themselves.
What they deem may not be all that reliable though. Again - the three previous problems stated (indoctrination, lack of a proper moral complex in culture -- and don't say the law, that's less than a minimalist system of punishment and protection. The third then is the lack of teaching critical thinking or a logical mindset) show vulnerability in a lot of people.
"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than a drunken man is happier than a sober one."-George Bernard Shaw.
Oh I love your profile page, MageGray
- H