ForumsWEPRIs religion bad?

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295 posts

I was just about to go to sleep so I was taking my nightly dump where I do a lot of reflecting.

I started a thread a couple days ago called about atheism and it started a debate. I myself am a die hard atheist but I was just wondering is religion even all that bad?

I mean maybe some people just need that cushion, maybe they cant accept their fates? I would like to hear from you why religion is so bad. Is it halting progression? Is it dumbing us down, what do you have to say?

  • 296 Replies
9,462 posts

I think a better example would be: If someone was playing Russian Roulette with a Colt revolver and died, would Colt be at fault for making the gun? No, because that person was misusing it and didn't follow the instruction manual.

What if the instruction manual both condoned and condemned the use of the gun in such a fashion? Giving specific situation where the manual claims it's not just okay but required that you play Russian Roulette.
This is exactly what we see from religion. Most people fortunately will filter these parts out with with their own morality (which they then attribute to the religious text) but that doesn't mean these parts don't still exist.
3,371 posts

This is exactly what we see from religion. Most people fortunately will filter these parts out with with their own morality (which they then attribute to the religious text) but that doesn't mean these parts don't still exist.

I don't really agree with that. I think the point of religion is to be good to other people. The ten commandments, and many of the teachings that Jesus gave were about loving others and respecting them. (for the most part). The extremists are the minority that you would find in any group of people.
3,025 posts

... That's kind of what he said.
But as he also said:

that doesn't mean these parts don't still exist.

- H
3,371 posts

Seriously? I need to work on my context clues. Well then. I guess I agree?

9,462 posts

I don't really agree with that. I think the point of religion is to be good to other people. The ten commandments, and many of the teachings that Jesus gave were about loving others and respecting them. (for the most part). The extremists are the minority that you would find in any group of people.

It's also about mass murder, genocide and a good number of other atrocities. The extremists have grounds for their beliefs and actions in the very same texts you say you get messages of love and respect. This is why it's such a piss poor guide for morality and can be used to justify any number of actions.
3,371 posts

Which religion is about mass murder and genocides? Like, which ones tell you to go out and kill people?

5,129 posts

Which religion is about mass murder and genocides? Like, which ones tell you to go out and kill people?

sofar i understand do about all religions speak about justified murder. and the "god" himself usualy does it in large numbers.
3,371 posts

All religions tell you to kill people? Because justifing a killing is different from allowing someone to kill.

9,462 posts

Which religion is about mass murder and genocides? Like, which ones tell you to go out and kill people?

There are quite a number of them that justify and demonstrate it's use as a good thing. Since you have to ask, as a Christian yourself you only need to look that far to find one. The reason you do nit see it in your own religion is as I have said you view the religion through filters. This is particularly common especially among moderates.

All religions tell you to kill people? Because justifing a killing is different from allowing someone to kill.

Not all but many and it is justification we are talking about with religion. The point is there are areas where it says to do these things.
3,371 posts

Not all but many and it is justification we are talking about with religion. The point is there are areas where it says to do these things.

Well having a religion where it justifed killing in certain situations is different from having a religion that tells you to kill people. Isn't the main idea of Christianity about order, respect, ect...? Christianity was made because of Jesus Christ right? So I'm pretty sure it wasn't based on genocides, and hate, and murder.
453 posts

in a way religion is bad because it has slolwed down thevancement of science, especialy christianity, which is definatly not a good thing but as an against my point it has served as a rallying point for people to survive to progress. its a highly contriversial question.

138 posts

Yes and No. Personally I think it's bad most of the time. The reason being, most people use it as an excuse for their own ignorance or hatred against others.

Throughout history, and even now, religions have been a form of control over people. My beef isn't even with the religion itself, it's the people that follow it and claim to "uphold the ideals and beliefs" of the bible, but in reality only use it to further themselves, point fingers at others and tell them they are wrong.

I don't mind if someone wants to believe in religion, but don't be an idiot about it. some people get so caught up in the whole thing their whole life is practically controlled by it, it's just ridiculous.

Another thing is people who claim to be religious, but then turn around and do everything the bible says not to. Most Religious people I know are the biggest hypocrites I've ever known.

9 posts

Religion itself isn't bad. Religious intolerance is. Intolerance of other religions is what leads to mass murders and genocides, because people hate it when others don't accept their world views. And we hold so tightly to world views that we would rather die than change our beliefs. So, as long as intolerance is around, we will continue to see all kinds of atrocities committed in the name of religion.

It should be noted I am a hardcore atheist.

1,707 posts

I believe that religion does more good than bad. It brings peace and harmony to many people. Alas it is true that some fight and kill in the name of religion, but I think that would happen either way under a different name. Even with no religions on this planet wars of equal tragedicness would still happen I think.

9,462 posts

Intolerance of other religions is what leads to mass murders and genocides, because people hate it when others don't accept their world views.

What else would you expect when they all claim to be the absolute truth?

I believe that religion does more good than bad. It brings peace and harmony to many people. Alas it is true that some fight and kill in the name of religion, but I think that would happen either way under a different name.

Even internally a religion has trouble harmonizing. It's quite likely you can go to a church on Sunday and talk to five different people each with five different views of their religion even though they claim to be part of the same church and denomination.
The closest it get's to peace and harmony is the sense of community it brings, something that is important to social animals such as humans. Though even here religion is not a required factor.

Even with no religions on this planet wars of equal tragedicness would still happen I think.

What would be used to stoke the proverbial flames of a war?
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