Deism is a theory that personally I think would have happened if an all powerful sentient being existed. If I was an all powerful being I'd spend eternity challenging the laws of physics or something rather than concerning myself with the affairs of arrogant monkeys
Since he is already all powerful, why challenge the laws of physics? He already controls them. He just created humans so he would have a really long episode of Jersey Shore to watch until we all die in a firey miasma of protoplasm.
Is there actually any proof or a specific religion because so far all supposed proofs I have seen are just about what all religions claim to do. And I feel God doesn't count because since so many people claim it it is in no way provable.
You can't "rove" evolution, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event, and no single person can observe evolution on a scale that proves it is true.
You can't "rove" evolution, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event, and no single person can observe evolution on a scale that proves it is true.
You don't know what you're talking about. Here is a proof:
1) There will be genetic variation within a population. 2) There is inheritance within a population, in which the offspring inherit traits from their parents. 3) There will be certain traits that benefit survival and reproduction more than other traits. 4) Over time, we can observe traits that benefit survival and reproduction to be more common than other traits, as these traits directly increase the chance that these traits will be passed on to offspring.
You can't "rove" evolution, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event, and no single person can observe evolution on a scale that proves it is true.
Evolution doesn't even need to be directly witnessed, since we can deduce it from the basic processes that are driving it, like those that Einfach listed (genetic variation, inheritance etc.). Nonetheless small organisms that reproduce fast, like bacterias, show directly how it works.
You can't "rove" evolution, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event, and no single person can observe evolution on a scale that proves it is true.
But religion can be proven with god simply appearing to everyone or something which any omnipotent being could do easily and anyway evolution is provable with bacteria except that people could claim god is doing that to make us think evolution is real but anyone can say that and it's obviously a lie
You can't "rove" evolution, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event, and no single person can observe evolution on a scale that proves it is true.
religions are good for people that seek a guide to get on in life.
but religions is something from the past. in the time we live now, sience can give us enoufg proof to proof that some religions facts are total non-sense and over time science will proof this to more and more people whit the help of i-net. and sience alrdy has proven the evolution theory right.
religiones people will always try to backup their facts whit something that can not be proven in any way because it is above natural. in simple words. "god did it" (or how they call their "god" this proof of them can not be proven by any tests. evolution on the other hand is alrdy proven by tests.
sometimes people call a religion a believe. because you have to believe in it. i do not have a religion, but i do believe. i believe in the facts of sience.
You can't "rove" evolution, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event, and no single person can observe evolution on a scale that proves it is true.
bit of an old post, but I guess I will cover it anyway sice I missed it some how.
You can't "rove" evolution, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event, and no single person can observe evolution on a scale that proves it is true.
you can't "rove" god, if you mean it had to be a witnessed event. and no single person can observe god on any scale.
the simple fact that we can experiment whit evolution, shows that there is more truet in evolution then any religion.
christians believe that the univers is only 6000 year old right. but that can't because we alrdy have discovered planets that are more then 6000 light years away.
anyway i wont be opening such kind of discussion here. i think people wont like it if i'm going to proof their religions wrong. aslong your happy whit your ideas. you can believe whatever you want =)
christians believe that the univers is only 6000 year old right. but that can't because we alrdy have discovered planets that are more then 6000 light years away.
Not all Christians believe that. There are those who except an old universe. Also the number for the young universe can vary as much as twice that number. Though even 12-13 thousand can still easily be proven wrong the same way 6,000 can.