I suppose I can use this thread to learn...Isn't Buddhism and...off the top of my head, Daoism, Taoism, Shintoism, and maybe Hinduism referred to mostly as philosophies, rather than religions? I know both sides have codes, dogma, and scriptures to follow, but what sets them apart from each other?
I see many of these threads(I stocked around the fourms long before i made an account) and i see so many where people say things that sound like "uh, i want an easy religion to follow" if you belive in a religion with all these crazy rituals, your not going to convert to another because you dont like doing that, you stay with it because you belive in it. If you think that a religion is "to the point" like deism, and you think that is what happened, by all means, make that your religion. Its just the fact that i see lots of things with people saying "why cant they just make a religion where you dont have to do anything".
Is there actually any proof or a specific religion because so far all supposed proofs I have seen are just about what all religions claim to do. And I feel God doesn't count because since so many people claim it it is in no way provable
Meh, the guys on the first page had it right. Deism is the most straight forward and best religion out there.
We don't believe in propehcies or miracles, and basically just believe that god came, made the universe and now no longer interferes in it's workings.
Try reading the Jeffersonian Bible, seeing as Thomas Jefferson was a Deist, he cut out all the parts relating to prophecy and miracles and it basically ends with Jesus dying.
See, Deism is nice, because without the threat of an all powerful being watching our every move and deciding whether or not we burn for eternity or have eternal bliss, we don't think there is such a thing as a "heaven" and that "revealed religions" are basically harmfull and degratory to society.
Deism is a theory that personally I think would have happened if an all powerful sentient being existed. If I was an all powerful being I'd spend eternity challenging the laws of physics or something rather than concerning myself with the affairs of arrogant monkeys