Hello, my name is Arya and I'm an avid Eragon fan. I just learned yesterday that the fourth book in the Inheritance Cycle is Inheritance and it's coming out November 8 2011!!!! omg tell me what you think!
My writing thread. Yes, I am a writer, I realize that many are genius in what they write. Which is why I am critical of Paolini. He is not a genius to my mind. He is below average because he has developed such poor character and plot.
Also - may I add that you can fit a lot of material into 400 pages.
Yes, and yet I remain unfulfilled, because most of what he writes is pointless garble. Filler.
Obviously, Paolini has a big head and we have to hand it to him for that. There are several different languages in the books. You can tell that he really thought on what was in his books, which can make a book really interesting and you can tell that it is well thought-out.
Well thought out, agreed, to an extent. His world he has created is well thought out, however his plot and character development is not. Out of those things plot and character development is much more important.
You can definitely tell that he has grown up a lot
No, I actually can't. Yes he has matured, but it's slight and hardly noticable in the long run of things.
I think that Paolini is doing a great job and he isn't really doing anything wrong. And honestly, it should be interesting how his books unfold
And this is where we differ. To me Paolini is over glorified. His last book received mainly negative reviews. He's trying to reach an older audience and failing. If he was aiming at children I would commend him, however, this is not the case.
I suggest you read a Steven Erikson or R. Scott Bakker novel, both will show you a mature writer with wonderful plot and character development.
Grrr. I created this thread, forum, whatever so we could be excited about the fourth book of the Inheritance Cycle having a release date, cover art, and title. Grr.
OK, sorry. But just because i posted vthat last post, doesn't mean I don't want people posting in here. Now... LETS GET SOME THEORIES! Q: Who do you think will be the green Shur'tugal? My answer: Either Elva or Arya. What do you say?
Inheritance is awesome because it is THE BEST literature
Inheritance is the best because its the best? Circular Reasoning...
The series started out alright, but then got steadily worse. The First book started out good, but the pace never increased. It seemed that you'd have to read 600 pages just to get to any action. And the pace never picks up in any of the other books. It just goes on and on and on, and I'm glad when I reach the end of the series. The quality of writing isn't really that great either. Theres just too many cliches, and sterotypes, and Mary Janes. Peoples attitude towards Eragon is bipolar: they love him one day, hate him the next. Theres loads of plot holes that are never even attempted to correct, and its just over all a fairly predictable read.
The fact that its taken him 9 years, means the fan base he established with the first book has largely moved on. So no doubt this book won't sell as well.
Lord of the Rings is really the best fantasy out their. Its uber developed, has multiple original languages, extensive maps, sound sub-plots, and an actual back history that explains the development of the races, nations, and languages.