A 92 year-old lady shot her neighbor's house. She shot 4 bullets into his house because he wouldn't kiss her. She appparently had a crush on him and threatened him multiple times when he refused. One of those was, of course, a threat to shoot his car.
One of the bullets hit something bittle and shrapnel hit the man. Luckily he was unharmed. She was however, charged with aggravated assaulted assault and firing into occupied dwelling, both of which are felonies. She is currently being set on a $15,000 bond
No but the interesting part is that people tend to beleive things like that because there's a random picture or statistics when nowhere does it say that it's a non-fictional account of information.
I don't think that he'll last very long, but try to stick to the subject. since your new I don't want to duscourage you from posting but your not supposed to get off subject. So bringing it back to the subject, People are really starting to hear about it now. The old person shooting at her neighbor.