I decided I'd try and post some of my poems on here, since I liked the first line poem thread so much. I would really like some advice on how to improve. Thanks!
What's all this about tumblr? I got one before I learnt it was where all the hipsters were at. I'm so quiet that I'm like the unhipster of hipsters apparently. Or something.
psh, it is not where the hipsters are at! And totally saying it isn't where the hipsters are at, basically says it's where the hipsters are at. And since you are a person who was there before the hipsters were there, you could be anti-hipster, which makes you essentially a hipster. OHMIGOSHSTROPISAHIPSTER.
I made a tumblr. [url=http://tackycrazy.tumblr.com/] I'll be moving some of my decent non-angsty poems over, and it will be filed under the Mental Poop page. There's nothing there now though.
I'd comment on all the hipster-ness going on up there, but it is confusing me greatly.
Except dA is a crap place if you want any exposure. It's pretty sad, but you don't start off with those 200 watchers you need to get better, greater exposure. You start out alone, and hope someone notices your art on the newest-page.
And considering how many established artists that enjoy the community and having fun there. Which also means it is getting pretty mainstream.
Actually the idea of my getting a tumblr was precisely the opposite: remain as unexposed as possible until such a time as I could actually regularly update with content and spend enough time on it to have some kind of a plan and customise my layout and all that stuff. DA's format isn't exactly to my liking and even if I paid for a subscription that would just put a time pressure on me to actually get around to doing something about all those widgets and modules you can play with... and finding somebody who can do CSS. And I'm constantly reminded of the undercurrent of THE INTERNET IS FOR PORN on there, as my few submissions of "erotic ponies" has garnered more views and faves and watches than everything else combined, and I'd really not have to deal with people on one hand dying of epistaxis and on the other disapproving of my "selling out to the DA pervertdom" or whatever.
Anyway the first thing I was going to do with the tumblr was set up the "The Glamorous Life of an Intern" project, but that comes after WoM and the novel.
I posted something, and I realize that it looks pretty weird. I don't know how to format things, as I don't know HTML code.
Looks nice, Tacky. It will probably be joyful
Thank you, and that is the idea.
Honestly, a Deviant would probably be better, greater exposure, and well, it's not tumblr.
I considered that, but it seems more artsy than write-y.
On tumblr, suck up to some people, then show them your stuffs and BAM you will be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus.
What people? O.o
Actually the idea of my getting a tumblr was precisely the opposite: remain as unexposed as possible until such a time as I could actually regularly update with content and spend enough time on it to have some kind of a plan and customise my layout and all that stuff.
That. Is an excellent plan. I should do that.
[quote]Anyway the first thing I was going to do with the tumblr was set up the "The Glamorous Life of an Intern" project/quote]
I'll be using that for research when I venture into the path of medicine. :P