As some of you may have heard, armor games is firing a moderator. Since you're not allowed to have any discussion on the forum i guess post any opinions on the matter here.
The firing thread
When cormyn announces the results all mods should set "RAGEQUIT" to their profile and leave. Plan backfire if it's real, continuation of poor joke if it is a joke ;D
All you guys are doing is making more spam for whichever mods DO stick around to clean up. I hope you realize that. You say you appreciate the mods then spam all over the place which we have to take the time to clean up. Way to show your appreciation... And Ian wonders why we get so ****ing fed up with our positions
Geez, Gantic, seriously? You're acting like a member of the grammar police too?
If you are jocularly discussing grammar, you must also make sure not to fall victim to Muphry's Law.
Oh, and too bad I couldn't have changed the title because I was asleep. Great job pinning this one on me guys. Great assumptions. And what have we learned about assumptions thus far? You guys are always wrong. So next time, when you assume, it's not me, it's u.
Plus, it seems that when I do a somewhat humorous change to the title of a thread, the other mods just can't help but follow suit and try to one-up me. Does anyone remember the ridiculous title changes of the Count to 100 thread? Yeah, I started that. Then Zophia and Cenere jumped on to the train, and maybe a few of the other mods. The second time I did that, it was mostly me and the Texas Ranger.
Well with Gantic throwing a hissy fit, or at least what seems to be in his own way, I don't want to think it isn't a joke, but it seems that it isn't. :/
I don't throw hissy fits, unless you still think that I'm filled with hate, but that doesn't mean there isn't a grain of truth to my "rant". I don't rant as bad as some of the other users, but I haven't really been active in this forum for over a year now. And guess what? No one has yet guessed that several of my entries in my writing threads are actually making fun of you guys. Heck, all of ROaTNO was making fun of you guys. That's probably because no one actually reads them except for the occasional reader who reads it out of context. Unless, you guys are being stupid enough to make me post and try to correct you, you guys really won't hear from me at all.
Anyway, if I were to change the title, it would be something deliberate but still relevant. I don't do completely ridiculous titles or somewhat tame titles. That was probably the Texas Ranger or the Ancient One, or maybe both. I did, however, change it to what it is now, because the person who changed it before I did was asking for it.