ForumsThe Tavern[April Fools 2011] Mod firin' lazers chatterbox

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4,104 posts

As some of you may have heard, armor games is firing a moderator. Since you're not allowed to have any discussion on the forum i guess post any opinions on the matter here.

The firing thread

  • 423 Replies
825 posts

Wow, back to fileting. WHAT THE HECK?

15,595 posts

Any person that pissed off a mod, got in trouble for it, and started whining about it probably wants the mod who punished them gone.

That's just enforcing the site rules and probably didn't cause them to have this voting nonsense.

It could be Gantic, trying to mess with our minds just to see our reactions to it. He could be writing a psychology paper or something. Hmm.
6,672 posts

I still don't think that this whole thing is serious.... seems to kid-ish if you ask me....

4,104 posts

That's just enforcing the site rules and probably didn't cause them to have this voting nonsense.

I know i was responding to
Is there anyone that actually wants a mod fired?
2,891 posts

A bunch of people just voted for Cormyn, who is not a moderator. Hopefully, this problem will be fixed

I should give them a temporary ban for being a smart***.

Haven't you ever thought to yourself, "Wow, I've banned this guy so many times. I wish I could just ban him permanently"?

Oh, I've perma-banned people with no warning and no temporary ban at all, just a final death blow with the banhammer.

[quote=Gantic]oo bad youre missing an aposrophe. Now back on topic.[/quote]
Geez, Gantic, seriously? You're acting like a member of the grammar police too?

Is there anyone that actually wants a mod fired?
Besides Cormyn.

Over a hundred people and counting from the looks of things.
9,462 posts

Since you guys seem to be having fun with the topic name maybe you should call it 'Mod filling discussion' next.

2,763 posts

Over a hundred people and counting from the looks of things.

Yeah, but that's including group think and group polarization. You in this case act as leader figure which encourages more people to vote and due to group polarization effect and the hierarchy of users and mods the firing is an extreme result of the process you have created. It's found people will engage and vote on something they themselves don't even believe to be true just because there is a majority. Due to you limiting the comment there will be no naysayers greatly increasing this effect. trollface.gif

But really this mod "filleting" seems to just be getting out of hand and creating chaos in the community.
9,504 posts

(Waiting for Mod Fillynanny discussion)

Over a hundred people and counting from the looks of things.

Some of the voters voted while it was still being considered a joke. For example, the first 2 pages or so, since we were all in the "It's totally a joke, it's almost April" phase back then. That's primarily why I voted for poor ol' Voidy, since I figured it was for lolz. I love the guy to death, he's a hilarious fellow when he locks threads. None of the mods like being the bad guy when they have to intervene, so there are times when he does so in a satirical way. This is a definition of cool right here.

Not to mention he's the Head Eggporer of the Breakfastarians.
15,595 posts

Over a hundred people and counting from the looks of things.

My first joke for Devoidless was because I thought it was a joke. The first two-three pages of people thought it was a joke. I voted again to hopefully disqualify my vote and because it's so near April Fools day, why not vote for an Administrator? No hard feelings. But I don't want to be apart of that thread since I do respect what all the Moderators do around this site and if they leave then it's like a chain of the community just got disconnected. I do like Devoidless, his post always make me laugh when he isn't being serious.

Filibuster discussion now?

Hmm, I've never seen Gantic act like this before on the Forums. Could be because I haven't been here for a long time, but from what I can tell, he's never acted like this before.
825 posts

Gigantic seems to be acting a little childish, don't you think?

3,386 posts

I'm seriously waiting for the April Fools thing to pop up.
Cause firing a mod from AG is a sign that no one gives a crap about the community.

3,086 posts

I'm seriously waiting for the April Fools thing to pop up

If it does, i'll want to punch whoever laughs. Perhaps it's an admin joke for everyone including the moderators. Not that I think it's a joking matter at all.
3,386 posts

Well with Gantic throwing a hissy fit, or at least what seems to be in his own way, I don't want to think it isn't a joke, but it seems that it isn't. :/

15,595 posts

Well Moon, that's why I think it's a perfect joke since Gantic is normally calm then seeing him acting up is a surprise then people will take it serious.

Cause firing a mod from AG is a sign that no one gives a crap about the community.

It's slowly deteriorating.
1,322 posts

It's not laugh-out-loud funny. Zero puns. No original absurdity. Ultimately, it is derivative and tame.

for all those who don't know how to interpret that... its code for..."It made me "

I will make something clear... w/ regard to your cynicism to what I'm assuming is my saying I don't want to be a mod. I would love to have the responsibility of being a moderator. I enjoy talking to people and working things out. In times past it has been easy for me to relate to people and help them understand what's got them confused. Cenere and Zophia might remember one of our first encounters... a xat chat w/ a user (name starts w/ a Z)who wouldn't listen to them. >_> he said I was like Ghandi or someone like that... but the moral to the story is that I was at least able to get him to stop doing whatever it was he was doing that had gotten the mods so riled up (death threats to another user I think) when he'd basically put his hands over his ears and started saying "lalalalalalalalallala not listening not listening" to the other two.

Cenere might also remember that user who was receiving death threats had actually been making very sexist remarks to another one of my little female friends... (being new at the time and not knowing any mods at the time) I went back and forth w/ the guy trying to show that his "you're a female and therefore dumber and worth less than me" attitude was bogus so as to help her not be so emotional. Cenere later jumped in and shut him up... and then later said I handled the situation rather well (whether he was just saying that or being "Cencere" (XDDDD) I have no idea...)

in some of the thread types I frequent sometimes the sentiment held towards my position is expressed as (well... in so many words...) "you're f'ing stupid for thinking what you do... and here's why" ...and as far as I can remember, I haven't ever really blown up on anyone. I've kept my cool and countered as best I could for my position. I actively strive to avoid being abrasive to those who aggravate me.

A lot of people's posts take up maybe 3-5 lines of text. Although, I have significantly less than some of these people... a large portion of my posts have been 2-3 microsoft word pages long... if not longer. ( I do admittedly have a few one liners )

Upon self examination, I imagine that I don't look like too bad a candidate for a position like this (except for the lack of posts and merits)... If you take into account that I talk to all of the moderators.... except you and devoidless... and am on reasonably good terms with them. The whole "must work well with the others" part is pretty much a given. as per how strictly I'd follow the rules w/ how I'd do it... the kiddies would probably go to Cenere looking for sympathy

now... again... I'd really enjoy the job. ...but,
1. I don't have time for it, b/c of the time of the semester.
2. I have to study for the MCAT all summer (taking it in July...and have to review 3 years worth of material)
3. I wouldn't really be available for working the needed amount of time till after july... and even then... I'm taking Chemical Dynamics(PChem 1) and Biochem 1 alongside most likely Biology of Cancer and maybe Research with melanoma cells. Even next semester, I wouldn't have the proper amount of time to set aside. And the next semester I'm taking Gross anatomy w/ whatever else is left... and then after that I'll either be in med school or grad school. Strop is truly a work horse () to have been able to have juggled all of that. I can't.
4. I shouldn't even be on here as much as I am now... but I get depressed and/or bored from studying all the time and show up here for some down time (>_> tried to get one of the mods to ban me for a while (while back)so I couldn't come here so much lol... but that was a no go.)

When I say something like "I wouldn't be any good for the job w/o having more people like me added alongside me" I mean it. There would be weeks at a time where I couldn't work consistently.

If Cormyn isn't trolling and is saying the truth... then he basically said "Why not free up the spot so someone else can have it later?" ....which ,as best as I can decipher, means that, if not immediately, someone new will in fact become a moderator at some point in the relatively near future. The job will be given to someone who wants it...whether they initiate the dialogue or they're picked for the job. You're only now seeing the people that claim to be capable and willing now surface...

I'm not sure you've actually disclosed your opinion on whether or not you agree with Cormyn... saying you don't need more than 7 moderators says nothing about the matter at hand. (whether or not the site needs a different 7TH moderator (or 6TH and 7TH if a minimum of two go)).

You now have clarification on why I would like the position, but still say I am incapable of doing that duty.

you really didn't like my Monty Python Mental Poop? :''(


I haven't noticed anything of the sort since I've been here... everything seems quaint and decent. things are only as fun as you help make them. you can't expect everyone else to create the experience for you. Carlie, a single user, doesn't make armorgames. The admins aren't even what make the community fun (they allow it of course)... it is you the user who creates the fun... if its deteriorating and less fun then it is partially you that is to blame.

i type too much
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