though they had never seen what the real mary would have looked like which is quite different to how she is portrayed now.
The very first healing out of many reported wrecks this apart.
Tell me please how did god come to exist.
This means no answer. Therefore, God exists. And if so, we have to accept as true His words about Him existing for all eternity, so He didn't "come to exist", He just is, and period.
Well if you have IVF you're not going to want an abortion are you now.
You should know that in case of IVF more than one embryo is implanted, and at some period the "excess ones" get killed within the womb. So, abortion takes place in case of IVF.
And a sperm and an egg have the potential to grow into a scientist but god kills billions upon trillions of those all the time.
Only their combination forms a life, and only this new life is capable of growing into a scientist. Otherwise you are guilty with mass murder :P And I'm not speaking about gays in this case, who do this "mass murder" repeatedly.
Why does god have the right to take life if we don't.
God can make life, so God can take life. God alone can make life, while no one human alone can make life.
I can't be bothered to find a video but dogs can show extreme loyalty to their master even in dangerous situations and it is a basic instincts for dogs to chase cats or snakes to eat mice since at one point they would be hungry again. And these animals all have developed enough senses to tell what species the other ones are.
About dogs - I agree, they can, however they cannot predict the outcome of their courage, say if they offend an armed human. They just don't know what's a rifle. Still, a good example, but here the principle of training also applies. About senses - they also differ from creature to creature, they have some "friend or foe" recognizing system, so in case of snake and mice, one mouse was marked as "friend" - and I'm unsure if this happened without human intervention, and the other was unmarked and classified as food. Still, this has to be considered further.
Had the cat for years before I got the rat.
Okay, so did the cat immediately stop turning attention to eat the rat, or you had to separate them for the first time? Even if yes, this cat has a human to obey commands, so direct order "don't eat this rat" is enough to suppress instincts in a cat.
Neither can most humans.
We can learn this by ourselves, and we have laws. And we have God's commandments - you can deny them being applied to you of course, I cannot.
To me, this seems to state that there is a horrible fate awaiting nonbelievers, and that just seems wrong
Hmm, Programpro, I have probably missed that part of your post, sorry. "He noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes" - hmmm. Since this feast is a representation of Heaven, and is therefore for souls, the only "garments" a soul can be dressed is good deeds. Apostle Paul warned about believing but not doind good, saying that a faith is dead without good deeds. This one seems to be not an unbeliever, but an unworthy believer who did nothing to his neighbors but said a yes to God. God said "Since you did nothing good, your place is not with those that did good" and threw that kid away. Still I have to talk about this with our priests, since this man's story reveals my flaw in understanding the word of God.
About those that didn't come, there's another question. God calls for the feast, it's a call of grace directed to everyone, but due to humans' fault it might not reach some people in time. By this call God manifests Himself and says "Come to Me into eternal glory". Now, people have to either accept the call or reject it, but rejection makes them outside the glory of God, which will lead to them be outside the gates of God's Kingdom, which is Hell if the person already died. While a person is still alive, he can respond to God's calling since He doesn't stop trying to display His love to that person, so he will finally turn to Him and wish for that glory he was invited. Basically, we believe that this is what happens at the end of time for everyone, that at least at the verge of one's death God makes such a manifestational call. There are more inferior calls while a person is alive, and what I'm trying to profess here is an attempt of such a call - I don't know why I'm still in this debate, this might be a reason, God wanting me to call all of you to His feast. So yes, an apostate, the one who rejects every such call from God and dies in this state, remains willfully outside God's kingdom. Several additional comtemplations over this topic could be found
over here, I use this site to refer to Gospels in English.
Vesper, Blogspot is not a valid source. You are using failsauce of the highest order.
Spoiling the source without ever reading it is an utter fail. And I gave you another source alongside. Therefore, you are wrong and weaseling out of this by illegal arguments.
Look, if you kill the sperm that would've reached the egg then you hav killed a potential scientist.
A what-if-false argument, therefore invalid.
Have you ever heard someone say that they remember being in the womb? No, because an embryo is not a person at that point.
Yes, I have heard of one experiment of such nature, when a person who has trouble finishing any work was put into hypnosis in attempt to discover what influenced this calamity. He was constantly asked "What do you see" and "what do you hear". At one point he answered "I see nothing at all" and "I hear 'You will never finish'". This request was repeated with same answer, and the investigator concluded that at this time the patient was in his mother's womb. Though I don't believe this fully, this can be the answer you seek.
Look, there is no need for an ethereal plane. No way it could have been amde. There is no proof for it.
Look at my last link with a long name. Any scientific explanations of this?