ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
554 posts

You probably mistake a sect from a denomination. And, here in Russia JW are counted as a sect, and Catholic Church counts JW as not Christians.

Who cares? If JW are right then they don't need a classification since they are right. If the church is right then JWs are wrong and deserve no status. Why is it that since both a wrong they boh have credibility.

By the way US patriots, what would you say about this?

Look vesper, I know this is hard for you as you have been convinced that religion is true with no evidence but in the real world evidence does not count as a letter which is quite obviously faked on a site where people can upload whatever they want.
9,462 posts

This seems like the most basic way of describing what a Christian is.

"A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament."

Secondly, Vesper, do you not know what a valid source is?

I would think the answer to that would be quite clear by now.

I can't however, put it in a newspaper

Well you might be able to get it into a newspaper depending on that paper.
3,025 posts

put it in a newspaper, peer reviewed journal, goverment website

Umm. Neither are reliable in my opinion.

Multiple sources saying the same thing is the best way to go about it, ones related to the government aren't the best way to go about either. :/

- H
9,462 posts

Umm. Neither are reliable in my opinion.

A peer review journal is a reliable source. Though sometimes things like to call them selves peer review when they aren't. For our level of use, a government website can be of use.
955 posts

The mother who can not afford another child either has to raise the child in a bad enviroment (thereby increasing the chances of the child being maladaptive personality wise) or recieving funds.
You are playing chances all over the place, while deciding whether this particular child yet unborn will be cared for. Therefore you'd better play Russian roulette 1000 times with a single pistol. With yourself, of course.
Not everyone has the money to get a high paying job (they can't afford the education required).
Here smart people are still capable of receiving university education without paying, and being paid for instead. A miss. You in the US who center on money will measure anything in money, and since you can't measure the price of life in money, you are wrong. In case you believe you can, there is a nice phrase stated here in the 1990s when criminals were widespread: "Don't take more money in credit that what could be paid for you getting killed". IMHO US is long overdue with its government debt, if measured against this scale.
Besides, didn't Jesus advocate giving to the poor? Not very christian be you.
Well, I do give to the poor, while I can't say the same about you.
Secondly, Vesper, do you not know what a valid source is? Scibd is not a valid source.
I use any source that is verifiable by other sources and either not influenced with religion or has direct references somewhere. So, I have used scribd as a readable copy of this letter. I was unaware about anyone being able to post whatever they like in there. Still I can provide more, they will have exact lettering but different locations. So what?
in the real world evidence does not count as a letter which is quite obviously faked on a site where people can upload whatever they want.
Any proof of fake? Seven corpses say otherwise.

Yes, this is evidence, so all of you basically say "evidence is not proof". Okay, I'll provide more, these will eventually amass to the point of any closed-minded atheist to stumble upon and consider if there's indeed something behind all this.
9,462 posts

I use any source that is verifiable by other sources and either not influenced with religion or has direct references somewhere.

That's a complete load of bull.

Any proof of fake? Seven corpses say otherwise.

Which is not what you presented. It was just a letter with no sources of origin. Really this sounds about as real as the story of the atheist professor who tested God by breaking chalk and was proven wrong.

Where are these corpses? What unit was this guy in? Who was his commanding officer? Who released the letter to the public?
955 posts

It was just a letter with no sources of origin.

Who released the letter to the public?
Just found some source info. From here: "What follows is a letter written by a young Marine to his mother while he was hospitalized after being wounded on a Korean battlefield in 1950. It came into the hands of a Navy Chaplain who read the letter before 5,000 Marines at a San Diego Naval Base in 1951.

The Navy Chaplain had talked to the young man, to his mother, and to the Sergeant in charge of the patrol. This Navy Chaplain, Father Walter Muldy, assured anyone who asked, that this was a true story. This letter was read once a year in the 1960's over a mid-western radio station at Christmas time."
5,552 posts

This Navy Chaplain, Father Walter Muldy, assured anyone who asked, that this was a true story.

Orly? How does he know, he wasn't there either...
9,462 posts

So we just have this one guys word for the authenticity of this story?

You know even from a Christian perspective this story should look dubious with the angel killing over half a dozen people.

955 posts

Really this sounds about as real as the story of the atheist professor who tested God by breaking chalk and was proven wrong.
Comparable in fact. God does not need to manifest Himself in something as big as "Hello everyone, I am God", because this will lead to anyone not believing cast out at once. Maybe other reasons exist. But, He indeed shows His presense in some whimsical stuff like "accidental" misfires of a usual way of things happening. I seem to have heard this one someday ago.
So we just have this one guys word for the authenticity of this story?
At least three, the soldier wounded, his sergeant and this pastor. Also, in case of such things, some research is conducted to whatever degree is possible. I do expect this sergeant show the corpses to his fellows, and this cumulative testimony (100% survivors in fact! You can't ask for more) allows people to trust this as being true. Anyway, the saved soldier was 1 vs 7, I don't think any of Counter-Strike players could win such a feat, unless the map is in their favor. This is the closest approach to actual warfare I can compare from my own experience (fortunately I didn't have to wage war yet).
554 posts

You are playing chances all over the place, while deciding whether this particular child yet unborn will be cared for. Therefore you'd better play Russian roulette 1000 times with a single pistol. With yourself, of course.

How is religion not playing chances? It is almost 0 to 1 that religion is right.

Any proof of fake? Seven corpses say otherwise.

Yes, this is evidence, so all of you basically say "evidence is not proof". Okay, I'll provide more, these will eventually amass to the point of any closed-minded atheist to stumble upon and consider if there's indeed something behind all this.

3 things. First of all, fine I will change that to it is obvious that it could be faked and probably is. Second, there is so much about elvis presley being alive and the moon landings being faked but close minded sane people don''t believe that. And finally, if god proves himself in that way why doesn't god just make it obvious that he did. In fact I was reading a hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy where it says "I refuse to prove I exist god said, for proof denies faith and without faith i am nothing. But said man, the babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that you exist and therefore by your logic you do not. QED. Oh dear says god and disappears in a puff of logic."

For people who don't know the babel fish is a species that goes through your ear to your brain and when hearing another language translates it.

Comparable in fact. God does not need to manifest Himself in something as big as "Hello everyone, I am God", because this will lead to anyone not believing cast out at once. Maybe other reasons exist. But, He indeed shows His presense in some whimsical stuff like "accidental" misfires of a usual way of things happening. I seem to have heard this one someday ago.

"Maybe other reasons exist"? "Maybe" you are making things up. And through the christian spirit of forgiveness of god reveals himself everyone will repent their sin of disbelief and beg for forgiveness for their sinful disbelief. Which a kind god would grant.

At least three, the soldier wounded, his sergeant and this pastor. Also, in case of such things, some research is conducted to whatever degree is possible. I do expect this sergeant show the corpses to his fellows, and this cumulative testimony (100% survivors in fact! You can't ask for more) allows people to trust this as being true. Anyway, the saved soldier was 1 vs 7, I don't think any of Counter-Strike players could win such a feat, unless the map is in their favor. This is the closest approach to actual warfare I can compare from my own experience (fortunately I didn't have to wage war yet).

So you have 3 men who I doubt were trustworthy as were probably delirious with grief and could be hallucinating and were probably wounded too. And there are a .lot more than 3 people who stay stuff and are wrong.
8,257 posts

But, He indeed shows His presense in some whimsical stuff like "accidental" misfires of a usual way of things happening.

So basically, we are supposed to recognize god in statistically improbale, yet technically possible events? Isn't that extremely arbitrary? That's not better than the ones saying that thunder or volcanic eruption are the doings of gods.
1,416 posts

What follows is a letter written by a young Marine to his mother while he was hospitalized after being wounded on a Korean battlefield in 1950. It came into the hands of a Navy Chaplain who read the letter before 5,000 Marines at a San Diego Naval Base in 1951.

...Why does God hate communists?

In the letter, some angle fellow killed a bunch of "commies" to protect ONE American soldier. A soldier who probably wouldn't have hesitated to kill, and was only in Korea because his government (not his church) put him there.

Why would god take sides at all in a political war? And if he did take sides, why would he side with the capitalists over communists?

Answer: because the letter was written by an American.
4,206 posts

...Why does God hate communists?

Communism is, usually mixed with Marxism. And Marxism is a secular philosophy
9,462 posts

God does not need to manifest Himself in something as big as "Hello everyone, I am God", because this will lead to anyone not believing cast out at once.

That sounds absolutely stupid.

At least three, the soldier wounded, his sergeant and this pastor.

We just have one person (the pastor) saying they spoke to these people, not three people speaking. Also it would fit the mentality of the era that a story of how God would send an angel to defeat the "commie soldiers" and protect the "God faring American".
This is in the same decade "In God We Trust" and "Under God" were officially added to money and the US pledge.
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