ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
315 posts

I'll admit that I had my doubts with religion as a whole, but when I kept looking into the subject, I realized that religion is good for shaping the person you can become. I CHOSE religion myself. That is not brainwash

1,612 posts

And how is our faith damaging? enlighten me.

Don't you think gay people is damaged by Christianity?
5,552 posts

but entirely leaves out the New Testament.

Well as time passes, morals change. The further ahead in time you go, the more we will agree with them. Besides, most of the new testament is just chronicaling (Spelled wrong most likely, i'm going to head to bed after this) the life of Jesus and his apostles, not claiming new laws or sins. Revelations is the most picked on of that group for being the most crazy sounding, the rest read fairly normally, if at times a little absurd.

It meant death as in eternal death

Bull ****. You're just reading what you want out of that. Where in "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB) Do you see "eternal death?" I see "Put to death" which sounds imminentm and "Forfeited their lives" which sounds imminent as well.

@Kasic-Men arent aroused by other men. it's human nature

Except for Gay people who are. What, do you think every "gay" person just randomly decided to sin? No, they did it because they were excited by it, like most guys are by girls.

So what your saying is a robber can be "bi". So in other words he can be taker and a giver.

That's a pretty poor analogy, as it has nothing to do with feelings, just actions.

Because they were born that way.

Greedy or needy would be the only things I could think of that motivate robbers most often.

And also if you have a problem with the faith and not the people, then why are you wasting your time trying to prove us wrong?

"Okay Christianity, I think you're wrong, what do you have to say about that?" *Silence* I can't very well argue with the faith itself, and it's not a living thing. I'm arguing with you because one, there's a topic for it here, two, I feel it's important that people don't waste their lives bowing and scraping and depending on something that I do not believe exists, and four, because some people here are so blatently wrong with some things that it's hard to not correct them.

Obviously you have a problem with us

No, not in particular, although Shift is becoming annoying by completely ignoring my posts and then accusing me of doing the very same to his. I do have a problem with people who act upon what their faith says that I feel is wrong, such as punishing gay people.

This post, as thepyro222 said, please no athiests and no insults.

It's a public forums, you can't bar people from posting. Also, I am not insulting anyone personally, I am just picking away at the faith itself. I use what it says against itself, and point out the contradictions/moral things wrong with what it says in its holy text.

You're simply insulting us by trying to cripple our faith.

If you don't like looking at your faith shown not in a praising way, and shown as what it actually claims not in a way that covers those things wrong with it, then i'm sorry, the truth hurts. I AM trying to cripple faith however, but not in any malicious way. I am trying to dispell the blind acceptance religion requires and make you look critically at your own faith. I don't care if you still believe it, I have never harassed someone for believing in thier religion alone and I never will, but I will argue against it if such an argument arises. I have no problem with the majority of religious people who stick to their own faith and do not cause any harm, I think that's their right to believe it. But when religion asserts itself, tries to pass laws based on it's own moral codes that are independent of societies, that's when I have a problem with it. When religion is used as an excuse to hate, that's when there's a problem.

So if were "brainwashed" so are you.

Do you really think that any sane person would not prefer to spend eternity after death in paradise? No. But beleiving in a fairy tale does no good.
1,304 posts

If your faith wasn't so damaging to other people then we wouldn't have a problem with it and wouldn't have to try and bring you back to sense/snap you out of your brainwashing.

Are we really brain washed? Or are you brainwashed from all the anti-religion propaganda, friends who hate on religion and the internet?
128 posts

Not really. They still have their choice to be Gay. And I don't want to hear any of that. Atheists have ridiculed gay people before. Damaged by Christianity my butt

5,552 posts

two,and four

Alright, i'm bowing out for the night. I'm too tired and not coherent enough to count to 3 apparently. Night all.

Atheists have ridiculed gay people before

Last thing then. That's what we call homophobia. And an atheist who bashes gay people cannot hide behind some faith. He simply has no reason and is shown to just be a bigot.
196 posts

If your faith wasn't so damaging to other people then we wouldn't have a problem with it and wouldn't have to try and bring you back to sense/snap you out of your brainwashing.

if you won't be so easily insulted when told truth there will be no need of "snapping us out of our brainwashing".

Faith isn't damaging, and its not brainwashing. I don't know how to link so paste this in your URL.

Anyway's, if it is brainwashing, its the same kind that evolutionists have, you are told something and shown evidence providing its truth. 1 shows hard evidence, and the other has witnesses.
1,612 posts

Are we really brain washed? Or are you brainwashed from all the anti-religion propaganda, friends who hate on religion and the internet?

I live in Italy, and I can assure you that the amount of atheist propaganda is not even comparable to the amount of Christian propaganda. I haven't seen any message leading to atheism anywhere outside of this forum, while I am bombarded with christian values all the day.
3,085 posts

I was born an Atheist, just like everybody else, anyone that chooses to believe in deities is the one who has been brainwashed into believing something that has no supporting evidence whatsoever. As for the damage that Christianity has done - it's been used as fuel for discriminating against homosexuals, blowing up abortion clinics, looking down on black people, looking down on people who don't believe in the same God or believe in him differently, burning 'witches'... Christianity is a very damaging religion. People are brainwashed into religion as children either through the things that that religion says being taught to the children as fact (which it isn't) or through fear and propaganda (if you don't believe in X or you do Y then you'll be punished in Z).

Once again, as stated before, everyone is born an Atheist.

128 posts

@Kasic it's not a fairytale. Your being "brainwashed" by satan and the world. The bible said that the world would do this. We knew we had it coming. But when we are with our Lord Jesus Christ and you are in the fiery depths of the influences of the world, we'll see what's a fairytale.

196 posts

Well as time passes, morals change. The further ahead in time you go, the more we will agree with them. Besides, most of the new testament is just chronicaling (Spelled wrong most likely, i'm going to head to bed after this) the life of Jesus and his apostles, not claiming new laws or sins. Revelations is the most picked on of that group for being the most crazy sounding, the rest read fairly normally, if at times a little absurd.

There you go again. God inspired the Old testament. Jesus inspired the New testament. God cannot stand sin. Jesus loves everyone. There is a trinity in heaven.

Bull ****. You're just reading what you want out of that. Where in "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB) Do you see "eternal death?" I see "Put to death" which sounds imminentm and "Forfeited their lives" which sounds imminent as well.

I would rather die now and go to heaven than spend eternity burning in hell. Somehow you think the one is worse than the other.

That's a pretty poor analogy, as it has nothing to do with feelings, just actions.


You know, I have been arguing with you, and I know from experience this is no good. Whether you like it or not, Jesus Christ loves you, and will forgive you for your sins. It doesn't take a pastor for you to accept him. All you have to do is look into your soul, and let Jesus in. It doesn't matter if you know him, or what he teached. You just need to know he loves you, as abstract to science he may be, and there is nothing you can do about it. You have to remember, if you were the only sinner on Earth, he would have still died for you.
3,085 posts

if it is brainwashing, its the same kind that evolutionists have

You do realize that using the word 'Evolutionist' is like using the word 'Gravitist'? Evolution occurs and I have evidence to back up that claim - what evidence do people have any god or gods?

29+ Cases for Macroevolution
An Account of a Debate with a Creationist
An Account of the 1993 Creation Conference
All About Archaeopteryx
Ancient Molecules and Modern Myths
Arachaeopteryx: Answering the Challenge of the Fossil Record
Are Mutations Harmful?
Attributing False Attributes to Thermodynamics
Bombadier Beetles and the Argument of Design
The 'Burdick Print'
Creationism and the Platypus
Creationist Arguments: Java Man
Creationist Arguments: The Monkey Quote
Creationist Arguments: Neandertals
Creationist Arguments: Peking Man
A Creationist Exposed: Gish
Creationist Whppoers
Creationists and Pithecanthropines
The Creation Research Society's Creed
Darwin's Black Box: Irredicule Complexity or Irrepoducible Irreducibility?
Digit Numbering and Limb Development
Dino Blood Redux
Dinosaur Footprints in Coal
Dinosaur Valley State Park
Do Human Tracks Occur in the Kayenta of Arizona?
Debate: Edwards vs. Aguillard
Entropy, Disorder and Life
Evidence for Evolution
The Evolution of Improved Fitness
The Evolution of the Woodpecker's Tongue
Five Major Misconceptions About Evolution
Fossil Hominids: The Evidence for Evolution
Fossil Hominids: Lucy
Genetic Algorithims and Evolutionary Computation
Geologic References in the Paluxy Controversy
How Good are those Young Earth Arguments: A Close Look at Dr. Hovinds List of Young-Earth Arguments and Other Claims
Horse Evolution: Hyrocatherium and Hyrax
IRC Graduate School Catalogue and List of Publications
Images of Neandertals
Information Theory and Creationism: Spetner and Biological Information
Jury-Rigged Design
Kansas Evolution Hearings
Lucy's Knee Joint
A Matter of Degree: Carl Baugh's Alleged Credentials
Observed Instances of Speciation
On Archaeopteryx, Astronomers and Forgery
On the Heels of Dinosaurs
The Origin of Whales and the Power of Independent Evidence
An Overview of Dinosaur Tracking
Peking Man and Homo erectus
Plaigiarised Errors and Molecular Genetics
Publish or Perish: Some Published Works on Biochemical Evolution
A Response to Ashby Camps 'Critique'
Response to Casey Luskin
A Response to Wayne Jackson
Review: Bones of Contention
A Review of IRC's Impact Article 151
A Review of NBC's 'The Mysterious Origins of Man'
Review: Science of Today and the Problems of Genesis
Review: The Image of God
Sauropods, Elephants,Weightlifters
Sea-Monster or Shark?
Scientific Creationism and Error
Scientists Challenge Claim for 60,000 year old Mungo DNA
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Evolution and Probability
Suspicious Creationist Credentials
A Tale of Two Teeth
The Taylor Site 'Man Tracks'
Ted Holden's Frequent Questions Answered
Ted Holden's World
The Texas Dinosaur/'Man Track' Controversy
Transitional Vertevrate Fossils FAQ
A Visit to the IRC Museum
&lt>Lets Test Them: Evolution vs. Creationism
Irrefutable Proof of Evolution- Part 1 (mtDNA, ERVs, Fusion)
Proof of Evolution - Part 2 (Summation)
Proof of Evolution - Part 3 (Atavisms and Fossils- censored)
How Evolution Works- Introduction (Part I)
How Evolution Works- Forces (Part 2)
How Evolution Works Part 3- DNA
How Evolution Works Part 4- Mutations
How Evolution Works Part 5- Natural Selection
How Evolution Works 6- The Constraints of Evolution
How Evolution Works 7: Speciation
Evidence for Evolution, Part I
Evidence for Evolution, Part II
Evidence for Evolution, Part III
Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker
The Evolution of the Flagellum
Evolution of the Bombardier Beetle
How Evolution Causes an Increase in Information, Part I
How Evolution Causes an Increase in Information, Part II
[url=]6 -- Natural Selection Made Easy

7 -- The Theory of Evolution Made Easy
Understanding Evolution
Evolution 101
Mechanisms: the processes of Evolution
Evolution at different scales
Examples of Evolution.
Lectures on Evolution
Evolution and the Fossil Record
Interview on Natural Selection
128 posts

No one is born an Atheist, dummy. You are born neutral. From there you choose whether or not to believe in a religion, or furthermore GO against it.

196 posts

Yeah I'm not going to read all of that. I don't need to understand the work of men. They will never offer me anything except answers and pleasure. But I can and always will be able to look up and see God watching over me and all of you. And he is merciful. You don't need to like what he says, or even agree with him, though it would please him. All you have to do is pray to Jesus to come into you're heart and unlock the door. No one on earth can stop you from reaching him. He is God, and he is everywhere. All you have to do is believe, and you will be granted happiness on Earth and eternal life in Heaven above.

3,085 posts

Everyone is born an atheist, at least implicitly, no one is born with faith in any deity or knowledge of religions. As people grow older, at least in modern society, they are either introduced to religion as being fact or are presented with the beliefs of their parents but also allowed to look at other things. It's not to say that these things stick because some people convert in and out of religions at various points in their life but everyone starts off as an atheist. Anyway, the choices you present are far too narrow-minded, you just described theists vs. anti-theists. You left out agnostics/weak atheists for a start and I'm sure there are other miscellaneous groups of people that would dispute what you're saying.

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