am I the only one who thinks he is in for a rude surprise when he wakes up?
It's ultimately up to you on deciding how to interpret the Bible. But first you need to believe that it's true...
if you believe that it is true, then how can you interpret it. you have to do it all literally, or not at all. in this case, the bible is false.
Tis called covering up unexplainable "facts" with big words.
just means you need to expand your vocabulary, and then those facts will become explainable.
So what is at the end of the universe? A bunch of "Universe construction workers" leaning on their shovels next to their orange cones?
more likely, the energy of the big bang is still going, and parts of it will eventually turn into matter. this new matter will be the building blocks for new galaxies.
Give me one example of an argument that has change because it has been "disproved."
evolution disproved creationism, and some religions adapted to allow it to be part of god's works. enough said. if you are wondering which religions I am talking about, the most prominent is the catholics.
Discovering lead poisoning wasn't an adaption, it was a discovery.
a discovery that came from scientsts figuring out that lead is harmful to humans. we then adapted science so that we would know that it was harmful from there on out.
Just to clarify: Discovery is uncovering a concept that is completely new and had no prior knowledge of existence. Adaption is changing a "fact" (<which makes no sense) because it was proven wrong (which also makes no sense because it was never a fact in the first place)
you nincompoop, discovery is how science adapts. when we learn, we can alter science to accomodate it. if it is disproven, then it isn't fact, but a theory, which comes from facts. all you are saying is that discovery can't adapt a conclusion, which you and I both know that conclusions can easily be altered, like religion.
Wow. Wrong again. There is no "75%" in this business. If the big bang explanation is only 75% accurate, doesn't that make 25% impossible and thus making the whole thing impossible?
(sigh) if we are only 75% accurate, that means there is still room to discover more. if we were 100% accurate about everything the first time we thought of something, then we would believe god is the reason you are eating bran instead of oatmeal. do you really think that is logical, I sure as heck think it isn't.
No. There is point A and point B. A is Earth. B is a distant light source. A is billions of light-years away from B. God placed light in between A and B so it appears that is has been there for billions of years.
that is the single most ignorant thing I have heard from you so far. listen to yourself, are you so absent minded, that you will believe that "doublethink" drivvle?
light-waves travel rather slowly in the relative distance from points A and B. there is no god, there is only light that we pick up from the source that has been floating from point B after the light-wave was released. we are looking back in time by looking at "old" light-waves. that is as simple as I am willing to go, because if I make it any more complex, you would say "the bible says..." and I would have to listen to your ignorant ramblings about how you think you are right because of what a silly, out of date book says. do you know what you do with out of date books? you get rid of them for the newer, more up-to-date version.
Really. To me, it just seems like it takes equal or greater amounts of faith to believe that we evolved from bananas, than to believe in God.
we didn't evlove from bannanas, except maybe you since you seem to have the I.Q. of one. faith is what kills reasoning. reasoning saved us in the stone age from predators. with religion, we got down on our knees and worshipped the predator, and got killed for it. reasoning tells us that the predator is about to kill us, so we find a way to defend, or escape from it.
God is outside of time. He did not come from anywhere. He has no beginning and will have no end.
god is able to do that because he doesn't exist anywhere except in the delusions of a madman. prove to me that god exists, and I will be more than happy to devote my life to him. also, crap from the bible won't count because that was written by men, and does nothing but talk about how men occasionally hallucinate and believe what isn't true.