Do you know what cousins are? You come from your parents. Your parent's siblings give birth to your cousins. You don't come from your cousins, but if you did that would explain a lot...
I am aware of the literal definition of "cousin"
They aren't just random conclusions. They are well supported and tested conclusions.
Doesn't that mean that you are finding supporting facts for your conclusions? If yes, that means your science is the same as religion.
In other words no one is making this claim.
You just called Richard Dawkins a "no one"
The gravitational potential energy of a gravitational field
You need an object to create gravity.
Yet your certainty is being placed in falsehood.
We can say it's 99.9999...% accurate, which is far better then anything religion offers.
Your certainty is placed in falsehood as well. There is no 99.9999...% in this business. It's either fact or fiction. If 0.0001% is fiction, that means the whole theory is fiction.
Religious claim which was dogmatically held onto.
This wasn't a religious claim...
Science doesn't require faith.
Says the one who believes we evolved from bananas.
Seriously? Why would God have a reason to do this?
So we can study the limitlessness of His power to create.
You're making a statement which you cannot possibly back up, based on nothing.
Based on the Bible...
100000 different people can read the bible, and interpret it 100000 different ways. In fact, I have never, ever, EVER, seen someone who holds the exact same beliefs as another person, in anything.
That's because some people are strange. And in my church everyone believes the same thing...
During cell division, minute changes will be introduced in the offspring.
That quote is from the link you gave. It is wrong. Asexual reproduction results in exact DNA copies. Minute changes are never made.
Bacteria can sometimes share their genetic content, which is a way of sexual reproduction
That is completely absurd. When two bacteria conjugate, there is a donor and a recipient. The donor gives DNA and the recipient does not. It is merely sharing of DNA. In legit sexual reproduction, both parents must contribute DNA to an offspring.
Again, you have absolutely nothing to back this up with.
I have the Bible. Which brings us back to our original discussion...
then how can you interpret it. you have to do it all literally
Jesus said "I am a door." ...What person in their right might would believe that Mary gave birth to a door. Or even that a door could even speak.
just means you need to expand your vocabulary, and then those facts will become explainable.
I doubt it would make sense even then.
we then adapted science so that we would know that it was harmful from there on out.
We didn't adapt anything. We discovered that lead is poisonous when ingested.
you nincompoop
Childish name-calling is a sign of losing a debate.
discovery is how science adapts
No. Discovery is how science discovers new facts.
when we learn, we can alter science to accomodate it. if it is disproven, then it isn't fact
Which means that you were once believing in nothing but foolery at the time. So what guarantee to you have, that the science you believe in now, is not also foolery?
(sigh) if we are only 75% accurate, that means there is still room to discover more
That still means you are believing lies until you can somehow get complete proof of a "fact."
we are looking back in time by looking at "old" light-waves
How can you tell the age of a light-wave?
we didn't evlove from bannanas
Then you don't believe the same thing as your fellow atheists? Because Richard Dawkins said we evolved from bananas. If you believe differently than another atheist, that sounds a lot like Christians differing in interpretations of the bible.
except maybe you since you seem to have the I.Q. of one
Insulting is another sign of losing a debate.
also, crap from the bible won't count because that was written by men
By your logic: Crap from science text-books shouldn't count because they were written by men.
But our methods have improved a lot since then, we have corrected many things
If science is always changing and "improving" how do you know that the science you believe in now, won't change? Then you will have ended up believing lies for your whole life.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't egoism considered a sin? If so, then why would God be so egoistic, demanding that everyone believes in if he/she doesn't want eternal suffering. I'd rather burn for all eternity than worship a egoistic maniac.
Putting your own interests before others, could be considered a sin. God is not egoistic because He sent His son to die for our sins.