So, if someone you knew died tomorrow, you would cheer and not feel the slightest bit sad?
Ancient Celtic people did it! Every funeral was a party, and every birth was a tragedy. Lol. Funny guys. No wonder that they used to fight naked if they loved death so much. Posting this I thought that maybe funeral derives from fun, but sadly it's not true D: However I agree, that's a sign that nobody really believes in heaven. They just convince theirselves that it exist to feel better when people die but it's clearly not enough.
Ancient Celtic people did it! Every funeral was a party, and every birth was a tragedy. Lol. Funny guys. No wonder that they used to fight naked if they loved death so much.
That's the first time I'm hearing this. The celts believed in a cycle of death and rebirth, maybe they were glad that the old could undergo rejuvenation and be reborn, but why would they be sad about a birth? Except when the birth was fatal to the mother, but that has nothing to do with the baby.
mmmm well because they also had a heaven (I think it's called annwn, annwyn or something like that) and people that die here go in the heaven, but because of the cycle you mentioned if someone is born here it's because he died if the annwn. I think.
Really? I heard it a bit differently. They believed in an underworld, not a hell mind you, but a beautiful subterranean land, that was Cernunnos' realm, and had that rejuvenation fountain. That's probably the annwyn you are talking about. The souls, or whatever was doing the travel/whatever they believed in, didn't die, but instead bathed in the fountain, get younger and return to the living world, a.k.a. the surface, by following a source and impregnating a bathing woman.
This is what I remember, but I'll be sure to research a bit on that subject. But your point about them fighting lightly armoured stays, since they believed in an eternal cycle they must not have feared death as others would^^
It all depends. If you think that there is no afterlife and this person died after accomplishing nothing, then feel sad, because they were a loser for the short time they had on Earth. If you think that there is an afterlife, it then comes down to what you think that afterlife will be like, or which one the person who died will get. If you think they were good enough or had enough faith to get to a "Heaven" then you shouldn't be all that sad, if you also are going to the same "afterlife" they are.
Really, if you use the turn "afterlife" it becomes very stupid to think that there is a heaven where everyone is fine, or a hell where you burn for eternity.
After means later than or when something has already been concluded and life is what you are living right now. If you think that there is an "afterlife" you are saying that you are no longer living, since life has already concluded and therefore must no longer be. It depends also on your definition of living. If living means consciousness and a physical being, then there probably won't be a life after this one, but if you think that the "afterlife" is a life controlled by a spirit or a ethereal being and there are no physical bounds or conciousness, then it becomes a bit more realistic. Still kinda silly, but more realistic.
No it isn't. Its just that ghosts and similar events can only be explained by an afterlife
...Are you about to
A. Yell "APRIL FOOLS!" really loudly B. Admit that you have been taking narcotics C. Say "What are you talking about? I am so cereal!!1!" And get laughed at as an irrational moron by everyone with a shred of logic?
A. Yell "APRIL FOOLS!" really loudly B. Admit that you have been taking narcotics C. Say "What are you talking about? I am so cereal!!1!" And get laughed at as an irrational moron by everyone with a shred of logic?
Well i kinda agree with Mooooooo. Frankly, yes it is too scary. if there is no afterlife then your life almost seems pointless. why were you born? so you could polute the earth, and bring hurt and joy to others with meaningless lives? Plus it is scary in the fact that it can't be understood. i would love to see someone imagine they're dead. It's impossible because every moment you spend trying to think you're dead, you're just alive. And when you think there is now afterlife it's impossible to understand and that in itdelf is scary. No offense though, you may not be scared of it, but most people are.
Death is certainly not a pleasant thought, and I often imagined how it is after death (don't try it, first you can't imagine such a thing, second I get depressed everytime I try). But just think of how it was before you were born, that is pretty much what it is; or a dreamless sleep, comes pretty close too, though it is of course not the same.
But the fact that it is not a pleasant thing doesn't mean it is impossible. There are a lot of things we can't conveice. And also think of this: once you're dead you won't have to bother about anything anymore, so until your death you can just stop worrying.
Considering the point of it all: who cares whether there is one or not? You are living now, you have the possibility to live a life, and it's probably your only chance. You can waste it by crying over your mortality, or you can use it. And remember, you are not only living this life for yourself; there are people who care for you, and you have a responsibility towards future generations, at least your future children.
I'm not an optimist, but I'm not a pessimist either. There are a lot of beautiful and nice things here, and when you experience such a thing you are not asking yourself what is the point of this, you simply rejoice it.
Sorry if it's a tad too cheesy.. but it is about how I see things, and it at least helped me cope with certain things.