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ForumsThe TavernWhat do you like most about the opposite sex?

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134 posts

What is your favorite thing about your boyfriend, or what is a characteristic that you like in guys?

  • 382 Replies
1,936 posts

Most guys do like Beyonce.

We just don't care for her music.

HAHAHAHA, Ernie....
Seriously though. Guys don't have to always prove they're macho and buff.
3,086 posts

Guys don't have to always prove they're macho and buff.

Well we are actually genetically predisposed to. It's one of the reasons why we have so many competative sports.

I like most things about women. The end.
13,344 posts

this is only for girls but thread said opposite sex so...

The thread title was recently changed so both sexes could talk about the opposite sex.
133 posts

I like how girls try to get your attention.

1,936 posts

I like how girls try to get your attention.

Elaborate please! XD
85 posts

I like a guy who is funny but can be sweet too. A class clown would not work for me.

9,462 posts

Elaborate please! XD

Are you sure you want a picture drawn on that one?
6,672 posts

i love the butt....... there is nothing better then being in a dance class surrounded by a bunch of nice butts... NOTHING

784 posts

I like a guy who is funny but can be sweet too. A class clown would not work for me.

Class clowns can be sweet. They aren't *always* coldhearted and self-absorbed. Often times they are, but you can't judge them by a stereotype. You can, but it won't get you anywhere.

there is nothing better then being in a dance class surrounded by a bunch of nice butts...

What about if that dance class was a yoga class?
1,564 posts

I like a girl with a good sense of humor, is inteligent and doesn't brag, act like a snob or act like a total idiot. And has some dignity. I also like the hair, face and body.

783 posts

I agree, females are always neat and orginized

723 posts

True that. Girls always look their best while guys dont give a(purposely left that out).

I like a girl for her personality. I look for humor, knows how to be independent, smart, has a nice smile and voice. I also love the hair and also physical features.

26,677 posts

Delossantos, I once believed that Revenge of the Nerds had the most divinely true line ever in it, but you have proven me wrong.

I am not neat. At all. Whatsoever.

13,817 posts

This thread still manages to disgust me completely.

2,301 posts

As this is a new combination thread, I assume we are to carry on conversation from the girl thread here. So, by DoubleRainbowGuy's request:

How am I a misogynist?
--Kevin. I was never great at writing a thesis, so I'm just gonna jump in, quote by quote.

Hmm. Well, obviously breasts. I don't know if this is weird or not, but nice proportionate thighs are always a turn on. I like their hair, as long as it is straight or curly. I'm not a fan of big girls, tall or fat.
Immediately, you base your judgments solely of physical appearance. The most alarming part of this is your apparent dislike of girls who don't meet your standards of appearance, as demonstrated by "Can't have ugly lips" and strongly implied by "not a fan of[...]".

Now, I recognize that, withing the frankly disgusting context of the thread, you could have meant solely what you found attractive in women physically. However, the next quote keeps it interesting:

Almost all of them are extremely friendly, at leas the ones I hang out with. They laugh at my jokes.
Now we're talking personality. First, you make an extremely superficial and general judgment. You say that you like girls because they're nice. First of all, this sheds light on a disturbing tendency to overgeneralize and over-exaggerate personality traits based on sex. Moreover, you can think of no meaningful personality traits that you enjoy, simply the fact that they are nice.

Even worse, because you make them laugh. Everyone likes making other people laugh, but here it is being used as a primary tool off of which to judge an entire gender. Once again, this is a superficial thing. Once again, it is self-centered. You aren't judging them based on their thoughts or opinions, but rather how they receive your thoughts. When they validate you, you like them. You pay no mind to them, just how they might validate what you have to say.

You're valuing an entire gender based on how much pleasure they bring you, personally. Am I the only one who sees what's so wrong with that?

All girls are insecure, some more than others.
Judgment about all girls. All girls aren't anything but girls. They're diverse and varied.

The trick is to no be seen doing it.
Or, you know, treat them like humans.

First you call me asexual, and now you say that you like girls a foot shorter than you?
Here, you imply that liking a girl who is short is aberrant and wrong. More on this in a moment.

5'11 for a girl is too tall.
Once again, you're saying there is something necessarily wrong with a girl because she does not meet your standards of attractiveness. Also, as I said on the thread, you only responded to the comments about physical issues, utterly ignoring the accusation of being anti-feminist.

I don't know. I used to take Tango classes and usually the tall women were hard to dance with.
'cuz yoo's a noob. Height shouldn't make too much of a difference in the tango, unless the height difference is truly enormous. Perhaps you should try following. You may find it easier if you're shorter. This isn't actually related to the misogyny point, just a comment on the tango.

I can only imagine in bed, but anyway.
Back to misogyny. You see every woman as inherently sexual and think of her first and foremost in a sexual manner. While women are sexual (because they're human), treating/viewing them first as sex objects and second as people is not OK.

Tall women make me feel small, and I don't like feeling small.
Again, you're judging women based on how they make you feel. More important, you're uncomfortable with seeing what you perceive as dominance in a woman in any way, up to and including petty height.

I'm old fashioned.
Considering that almost every society was far more sexist in the past, being "old-fashioned" in this context is code for misogynist. Interestingly, you seem to treat being "old-fashioned" as an excuse or even a good thing. It is neither.

What I am trying to say is, women like to feel pretty.
Another general judgment about women.

What's wrong with picking out the prettiest woman of the bunch?
How you treat her.

Me too. I don't want to seem sexist, but when I get married, I don't want my wife to have a job if she doesn't need it.
Why not? Just because she's a woman? If so, I assume you realize that's misogyny. If you have another reason, I'd like to hear it anyway.

The only reason I try to stay with on girl is because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right? I don't want to take a risk, even though I could get another girlfriend in maybe a month or so.
This is just sick. Again, you're viewing women exclusively as sex objects, even the one you're "with". You also display a very clear apathy for what she wants or expects. It's all about you.

I like preppy girls a lot, so I mean I can go out with many preppy girls if I want to. I just don't want to for some reason.
Your vanity shows through. Even more disturbing, you seem so proud of everything that makes you a bad person.

I don't know. I just feel like I love so many girls. I don't know if it is love, or just attracted. I don't know.
I can't help but think of Yossarian or Hercules. Yossarian was a good man. You could be too. Hercules was... not good.

I like waking up and smelling girls instead.
Seeing them as sex objects some more.

That's just my apercu from one thread. Basically, you treat women as sex objects, and when you don't, you base your judgments on how much fun it is to make them laugh. You just like throwing your ideas at them without any thought of their ideas and hearing them validate you. Mentally, you seem them as you do physically: Masturbation aids.

This thread still manages to disgust me completely.
Knight's right. It's not just Kevin. It's most people on these threads -- male or female.
Showing 316-330 of 382