The continuation of Memetia Legends Part 2! [quote=part 1 Intro] After the Armature Incident, the world of Memetia was facing peril. Most of the wildlife and vegetation was mutated or destroyed by bombing of the surface. Those who remain have either made remote settlements ore struggle under the regime of an oppressive alien force.
There have been rumors that some of the veterans that lived through the incident at the source have appeared after nearly fifty years thinking they all died. They may be allies, but they may have been what caused this whole incident...
FOR THOSE WHO PLAYED PART 1: You can insert the original character sheet as an application, and you will receive the gear you kept at the end and be placed in a unique situation.
FOR THOSE WHO JUST STARTED: Don't worry, you can still start here, and you will be able to play the story from this point.
Character Sheet Name: Athlete: Mind: Body: Race: Origin:
(Stats cannot go below 1. But still, prepare for... Unforseen consequences.)
Name: Kinda self-explanatory.
Athlete: Speed and Endurance. Some things can only be avoided by straight running.
Body: Strength and Overall Endurance
Mind: Intelligence and Charisma. What's a good game without a puzzle?
Race: What part of Memetia you Hail from.
Cheezburgian: The most well-liked of anyone. Also, runs faster than average, and has gained more strength than before the Incident from forced labor in the Collective cities in Memetia. Body 6, Athlete 5, Mind 7
Chanian: Generally hated and stupid, they bulk up to Hulkish levels to compensate. They, however, have gotten a little brighter in the need of the epic wasteland that is now their home. Body 8, Athlete 6, Mind 5
Youtubian: In the 50 years, the Youtubains had to fix their cybernetic implants that have been broken since the invasion. This makes their bodies lighter, allowing for an easier time with athletics. Body 6, Athlete 4, Mind 9
Trollix: A more rebellious type of the aliens, they invaded Critizuela, wiping them all out. They decided that this would be a prime opportunity to break off from their oppressors. Body 6, Athlete 6, Mind 6
Origin: Determines stat modifications and the start of the character's story.
Laborer: An oppressed people who were forced to work in the Collective work camps. It's mind-numbing work, but it makes muscles strong. +2 body, -2 Mind.
Vansibane: Hermits that study the secrets of magic. Intense meditation makes them a little atrophied, but they can have a much more well-developed mind than normal. -1 Body, -2 Athlete, +3 Mind
Colonist: People who live in colonies other than the Collective cities. Stat-wise, they don't lose or gain anything.
Mercenary: A gun for hire. There's no charm to these cold soldiers of fortune, but they are more athletic and have more endurance than most. +1 body, +2 Athlete, -3 Mind
Survivor (VETERAN ONLY): Those who survived the Armature incident. The class for anyone who is re-using a character from Part 1. Keeps the same stats and equipment as they left with. [/quote]
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Karma: 940 --------------------------------------- Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Power Brush: 150/150 Ink Techniques: UniFire, UniThunder, Boat, Wind, Ink Bullet. "Bakugami" Grenade Launcher: 99 Grenades Electric Guitar: 680/400 Mana Beam Shotsniper: Ice Mode Magic Hand: 1000/1000 Mana -------------------------------------------------------------- Group Leader: Demyx Members: Silent Beaver, Jack(kingjac11) Group Rank: Class D
You can use water magic to allow the others to breathe under water as well. Now they just need to decide whether they want the mermaid kiss or the quick cast from Demyx.
SB: No offense, captain, but I think I'll let this poor Watermaid lady overcome her urges from the radiating hormones and take the kiss.
SB lets the mermaid kiss her, resulting in SB getting a satisfied look on her face and Justice getting a look that conveys lust, horror, pleasure and sruprise all at the same time.
You check out what is going on, and one of them speaks.
Scorpion 1: Hello, sea traveler! We're just two Syphronitzans stranded on remote piece of land with no method of leavink. Now, we can be leavink easy way or hard way. One involves us leaving you for sharks.
You take the kiss, and are greeted with a distinct feeling of fangs, not poking into you, but just being in her mouth, This would disturb you if you weren't a Cheezburgian, a species whose pearlies also sport these meat-grinding implements.
You give Fthagn's body to Zed, and it appears that he's close to getting that project done. It helps that he's just been given a morale boost after being appointed head scientist.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Karma: 940 --------------------------------------- Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Power Brush: 150/150 Ink Techniques: UniFire, UniThunder, Boat, Wind, Ink Bullet. "Bakugami" Grenade Launcher: 99 Grenades Electric Guitar: 680/400 Mana Beam Shotsniper: Ice Mode Magic Hand: 1000/1000 Mana -------------------------------------------------------------- Group Leader: Demyx Members: Silent Beaver, Jack(kingjac11) Group Rank: Class D
Justice: If you will follow me, the others will take your vessel somewhere safe.
You dive into the ocean to follow Justice! Well, that is Demyx dives in while SB has to shove Jack in and swim with him down because he's too busy flipping the **** out to swim.
The swimming down is an epic scene including seeing a shark attack a barracuda but get chased off by a laser dolphin, several schools of fish swimming around being chased by mermaids and an Aurora effect as you get closer to the Narrativium-Unobtanium seabed. This would be another great visual if we actually had visuals in this forum game.
You swim down to the city, where it, unfortunately, does not have convenient passages of air. These are water people, after all.
Justice: Welcome to our home. We found this when we arrived on this world. It seems to be a long-lost city from before the people who inhabit the world now were here.
SB: As in humans?
Justice: No, further back. A race that, apparently, has a name 937 syllables long. We just call them the Ancients.
Wow, did we really just make a reference to Core?
Justice: Yup. It just happened.
Hey! Stay on your side of the forth wall!
Justice: Well, we need SOMETHING to do while we wait for the elevator worker to wake up.
Nameemyx Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Karma: 940 --------------------------------------- Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Power Brush: 150/150 Ink Techniques: UniFire, UniThunder, Boat, Wind, Ink Bullet. "Bakugami" Grenade Launcher: 99 Grenades Electric Guitar: 680/400 Mana Beam Shotsniper: Ice Mode Magic Hand: 1000/1000 Mana -------------------------------------------------------------- Group Leader: Demyx Members: Silent Beaver, Jack(kingjac11) Group Rank: Class D
Creatures with either very powerful magical abilities or a deep understanding of the universe can think on this plane. Justice and Demyx are on the magical side, but SB and I are on the deep understanding side.
Justice: First off, it's a her.
SB: Not surprising. We've yet to find a man among the Watermaids.
Justice: Second, I've tried to wake her up with a loud sound. A lot. Short of an explosion, nothing will even make her budge.
SB throws a grenade outside! The grenade explodes and you hear something over the intercom.
"Zzz*Skronk* Wha? Did I fall asleep again?
Justice walk over to an intercom and talks into it.
Justice: Yes, you did. Again. Just bring the elevator down, will you?
You hear a distinct lack of noise from the shaft nearby as the elevator comes down.
Justice: I really don't get how these work.
You move up to a large, beautiful plaza in the city! It seems that there are several stores and a man walking around in what is a totally not conspicuous black cloak and seems to be watching everything. Also, there's a palace to the north.
Justice: Shall we meet with the queen or investigate what the hell that guy is doing?