I have a question and it would be nice If somebody could answer it.
How is it possible that somebody believes in God although there doesn't exist any proof or at least an evidence for Gods existance besides some old books?
In my opinion God's an explanation for everything unknown.
I have a question and it would be nice If somebody could answer it.
How is it possible that somebody believes in God although there doesn't exist any proof or at least an evidence for Gods existance besides some old books?
In my opinion God's an explanation for everything unknown.
Well, there are no old books saying God isn't real.
I don't think you can un-prove something that doesn't have any proof to it.
Here is just one example of how we can conclude such a thing with specific claims. now this might not fit all forms of Christianity, but would for some.
God is theoretically omnipresent, and granted us the ability to know him (to feel his loving presence, etc.), yet I have absolutely no sensation of any God or anything that would be entailed by a God, even though by definition he is within me and around me wherever I go. Likewise, God is theoretically the epitome of compassion, and also all-knowing and all-powerful and beyond all injury, yet I know that what demonstrates someone as compassionate is the alleviation of all suffering known to them and safely within their power to alleviate. All suffering in the world must be known and safely within the power of God to alleviate, yet it is still there, and since the Christian 'theory' entails the opposite observation, Christianity is false.
Also the absence of evidence can in fact be evidence of absence.
The claim "a man has pot" the cop is going to require evidence of this in order to arrest him. The absence of this evidence is proof the man does not have pot, thus the cop has no reason to believe the claim that he does.
As for the quote you have, wouldn't it be fair to say that God only shows his compassion to those who've entered Heaven?
It can, but just because something is not visible to some people doesn't always mean it is not there.
Yes, but since I have, like in the quote, no feeling of the existence of any god, or no certainty/conviction whatsoever, and considering that many assert they in fact do, this would mean that god is partial, and not all-loving, which is in contrary to what christianity teaches. I have not been given reason to believe in god, and yet christians teach that I would be punished in hell for that. D'uh?
[quote] Believing is exactly for when you don't have any proof.
That's faith. Belief is a conviction of truth in something. If I have evidence I can hold a conviction that what I have evidence of is true, i.e. I believe it.[/quote]
Hm, I may have to revise my English vocabulary. In Croatian, we translate belief and faith evenly. Though conviction is something different. Your definition gives me something to think about...
Anyway, my point was (as always) that religion is a matter of personal choice, and it doesn't have to have any more sense than the choice of your favorite meal. The important thing is to respect each others choice rather than impose your own, which is why threads like "Why you (don't) believe in God" get on my nerves. You may argue that it's just curiosity, but it usually never is. More often it is trying to provoke a comment that the thread maker can then dispute in a worthless effort of turning the individual away from his conviction/faith/belief/whatever.
Although arguments over food don't lead to massive wars.
My point exactly. Things like that should not happen. In an ideal world, they wouldn't. Unfortunately this world is far from ideal. I'd like to at the very least try to get people to stop fighting over religion on this forum. It's next to impossible, I know, but I still like to voice this particular opinion.
Is god almighty? When you are saying yes, then you have to think about this paradoxum: Can god lift a stone, that he has created to be unliftable? An almighty Entity can't be existing! And what do people, who believe in god, think about who created him? God didn't create the human, the human created god. In my oppinion, it's only sad, that in todays world so many humans are needing to believe in a higher existence, that has created them. Think for your own and don't follow blindly the path, your parents or someone else has shown you!
Is god almighty? When you are saying yes, then you have to think about this paradoxum: Can god lift a stone, that he has created to be unliftable?
I also find it sad that you'd bring this up in this era. Omnipotence still requires that the being participate within the realm of reality. The answer is no, but that absolutely does not disprove the existence of God.