What? If there was no before there wouldn't be an after. In other words if there isn't a start there isn't a finish.
Lolwut? You missed my whole point. I will quote what I wrote before already:
Consider this: to beginn and end, something must vary during a certain period of time, agree? Some say before the universe time didn't exist. Does it need a beginning then if there is no time?
The universe wasn't always present,
Sure. Doesn't mean there was nothing before.
even if you believe in God the story is that he created all from nothingness,
Matter can't be destroyed or created, so that's stupid anyway.
and the same goes with science: it all came from nothing.
Um.... are you sure about that?..
Nothing is a something for if you do not have anything you have nothing and "to have" shows ownership of a thing. And if there was a "thing" before, then there was some-thing (something) before -- making a before! =P
Wait, my sinuses have a hard time unwinding this... ah I get it! You're basically saying: because there is a before, there has to be a before. Very neat!
Anyway you're just playing with words here..
Your logic still precedes mine.
I know, it will always have a headstart over yours
The creation of physics wouldn't be possible if it weren't behind a mind.
You mean if there wasn't a mind behind it. Please express yourself correctly.
And, no. What makes you so sure about that?
The idea of physics as a realm is a law man (a mind) has created.
When you have masses and stuff like in our universe, you automatically have physics. Take away those things, and you take away physics.
But everything in physics are forces that exist and not formed.
Physics started to work and exist as soon as after the bing bagn, at least the physics we know of today. There probably were different physics before the big bang.
And besides, what is your theory behind the "stochastic event" that triggered the big bang? This will help me understand your whole view on the "before".
I don't have a theory, I don't have a clue about what it could be. I just say it is more probable than there being a will (coming from where anyway?) that triggered it all.
To explain my thought, I would have said that it could have been triggered by a certain chain of certain fluctuations of whatever there was before the universe; but since I think there was no time, how can there be fluctuations? I don't know, and I guess we will have to wait until someone finds out something helpful..