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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
255 posts

Oh, she knows it is my home phone. She gave me her home phone number, too.

1,361 posts

Why did you say I needed to bring my grades up? I have had straight "A's" all my life. this past year I passed Algebra 1 Honors with an "A" in SEVENTH grade.

I think you're supposed to use that as an excuse to get out of dating the younger sister... you don't have to be completely honest with this girl you barely know, after all!
2,150 posts

Yeah, sorry I came a little late to the ball game, but I thought some more advice would help

255 posts

Oh i see know.

767 posts

Thanks for the advice on the older sister, AceofSky. I have one question, though. Why did you say I needed to bring my grades up? I have had straight "A's" all my life. this past year I passed Algebra 1 Honors with an "A" in SEVENTH grade. It is a 9th grade course in my state.

Lucky? They didn't teach Algebra 1 to me until 8th grade and that was a 9th grade course in my state too. The wouldn't teach like a group of students Algebra 1 in 7th grade...Also yes it was supposed to be an excuse.

If that doesn't work then say that you need to practice your instrument more? You might be moving and hate long distant relationships? Your addicted to a drug? Or the're into guys now? (Don't use these excuses unless the grades one doesn't work?)
3,592 posts

Lucky? They didn't teach Algebra 1 to me until 8th grade and that was a 9th grade course in my state too. The wouldn't teach like a group of students Algebra 1 in 7th grade...Also yes it was supposed to be an excuse.

You guys have it easy I had to take it in 6th >.> Well do whatever you wish either way chances are the relationship will end soon >.>
767 posts

You guys have it easy I had to take it in 6th >.> Well do whatever you wish either way chances are the relationship will end soon >.>

The relationship should end soon. Pyro wants it to end/never exist. You wishing it to end soon helps.

You guys have it easy I had to take it in 6th >.>

I feel as if my whole life was a lie...
2,739 posts

a complete b**** asked me out THREE days after she put on Facebook that we were in a relationship. everyone knows she is a b**** and i got dirty looks at school before i knew anything was going on(remember oblivious to outside world). so when she did ask me out(at the end of the day) i was pissed off because she didnt respect that i didnt want anything to do with dating and i was really mad at the facebook thing. so as a parry-repost(fencing terminology) she started spreading extremely mean rumors about me. they werent true and i wont tell what they were. so then she started vebaly attacking one of my female friends(she is just a neighbor and part of the group of people i hang out with) by calling her a lesbian and started some anti lesbian thoughts of other kids.( the victim is NOT a lesbian FYI) so basically how do i handle this situation.

don't be stupid! do as Killersup does! If you ever see her again kick her ***! whip her with sticks,bricks,throw **** at her!kick her,spit on her! treat her like a hoe! ***** slap her!

yeah,that will totally work dude.*warning kids don't try this at home*
767 posts

don't be stupid! do as Killersup does! If you ever see her again kick her ***! whip her with sticks,bricks,throw **** at her!kick her,spit on her! treat her like a hoe! ***** slap her!

That seems a little...nice for her.

But what Pyro said...
You need to confront her about it, because it's cyber bullying and it can be serious. One person can light a spark and the next there's a wildfire going. It's led to many suicides. So confront her about it, and if she doesn't stop, then contact the proper authorities

or follow Brainz's advice

This ***** as you call her doesn't seem very respected by the community judging by the looks people gave you. Ignore her. Everything out of her mouth will be forgotten.

or follow zakyman's advice

#1, as unhelpful as they are, you could get this ***** hung up on sexual harassment charges against your friend and also simple harassment against you, by involving administration and your school's officer (all schools usually have one policeman on campus at a time).

Those were all good advice...seriously. Just tell a teacher/parent/principal you trust. Or better yet...tell a cop you trust...Very soon she would be sitting in the back of a copper's car since bullying and sexual harrassment is taken seriously...
5,952 posts

But what Pyro said...

You need to confront her about it, because it's cyber bullying and it can be serious. One person can light a spark and the next there's a wildfire going. It's led to many suicides. So confront her about it, and if she doesn't stop, then contact the proper authorities

or follow Brainz's advice

This ***** as you call her doesn't seem very respected by the community judging by the looks people gave you. Ignore her. Everything out of her mouth will be forgotten.

or follow zakyman's advice

#1, as unhelpful as they are, you could get this ***** hung up on sexual harassment charges against your friend and also simple harassment against you, by involving administration and your school's officer (all schools usually have one policeman on campus at a time).

or my advice
Kill ALL the b*tches!
Simply telling her to shut up should do.
255 posts

Two things.

1) i said the b**** isnt a problem anymore.

2) New problem that you guys cant really help me on but i'll tell you anyway.

so i am in this band camp that started monday and ends today. from the 1st or 2nd day i can tell that this girl likes me. she blushes everytime i talk to her, fidgets when i am around her, fixes everything(hair, clothes, etc.) all the time, laughs at every thing i say even if its not funny, etc.

so today is the last day. i am still anti-middle school dating btw. i will se if she has an ipod touch or an email so that she can text me or email me. i of course am not looking for a relationship but hey a friendship could work. i have no idea what her mindset is, but i'll keep you guys posted.

5,952 posts
Shepherd camp :P
....I dont see a problem here....

1 posts

jeez people whats wrong with talking about relationships. this is like a support group here

1,627 posts

jeez people whats wrong with talking about relationships. this is like a support group here

Your point is? That is precisely what this group is doing...
5,952 posts

Alright I have a problem here. It's not the kind you would expect but it is a relationship.
It involves my parents. Here is the situation. Throughout the summer they have been forcing me into random stupid camps that I don't want to go to. I finally couldn't take it and exploded in rage last week. The ressult? They take away my videos game because they think that the violence makes me "inhuman and angry". For those of you who don't know I started a gaming YouTube channel and I want it to get pretty big. Now I have no way to post new stuff. I have stuff for te rest of the week and that's it. This was the end of it. At first I was acting nice and was helpful in an attempt to earn them back. When I politely asked and they said no AND they took away more of my freedom I lost it. I have been incredibly angry for the past week. I cannot take them controlling every aspect of my miserable life. To make it better they say, "you and your only friend" and "you will be a garbage man if you keep that up." they proceed to ask what's wrong and I say they are and they yell at me more.
I can't stand it anymore. I hate being forced to do things I don't want to and being treated like I'm 5.

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