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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,139 posts

If the "relationship" as such is based on the phone. Like, long-distance, can't clingyness incorporate verbalness?

13,344 posts

Like, long-distance, can't clingyness incorporate verbalness?

Yes, I suppose it can. If she wants to continue talking to you for hours and refuses to hang up, or she's calling you more than a normal person would call another person, I guess that qualifies as "clingy" as well.
36 posts

hey guys thanks for replying and yeah so yes we have been friends for a year or soo and no we havent talked about i was just wondering how do i ask her without being awkward

3,139 posts

Yes, I suppose it can. If she wants to continue talking to you for hours and refuses to hang up, or she's calling you more than a normal person would call another person, I guess that qualifies as "clingy" as well.


hey guys thanks for replying and yeah so yes we have been friends for a year or soo and no we havent talked about i was just wondering how do i ask her without being awkward

Just make a joke about it, see her reaction.
399 posts

Hey AG I need some help.
There's a guy at my school who I liked, and I think he may have liked me too. I haven't talked to him all summer, if he did like me, will he still once we get back in school together?

13,344 posts

if he did like me, will he still once we get back in school together?

That ultimately depends on what he did during the summer and whether or not he's had a change of heart. Or if he even liked you in the first place.

You'll have to wait and see how he behaves around you when school rolls around.
767 posts

Hey AG I need some help.
There's a guy at my school who I liked, and I think he may have liked me too. I haven't talked to him all summer, if he did like me, will he still once we get back in school together?

You know, what questions me is why you never talked to him during summer? If you liked him and talked to him during summer, there would be a chance that you know his true intentions about you. Then we wouldn't be here talking about it and I would lose this forum post...sooo in a did do the right thing...?
1,361 posts

how do i ask her without being awkward

You could always pull the "girls don't like me" card and see where that goes, but I don't recommend it because she will probably just think you're hopeless and depressed... so you'll have to find a way to do it jokingly but still seriously enough so that she'll be tempted to argue with the claim!
5,952 posts

hey guys thanks for replying and yeah so yes we have been friends for a year or soo and no we havent talked about i was just wondering how do i ask her without being awkward

While having a casual convirsation, bring up movies. Find one you both want to see and ask, casually, if you would like to meet up (or whatever) to see it.
Hey AG I need some help.
There's a guy at my school who I liked, and I think he may have liked me too. I haven't talked to him all summer, if he did like me, will he still once we get back in school together?

I know I'm deceiving but believe it or not, I actually am not god. I know, your shocked. This means I actually can not read minds.
Alright, sarcasm aside, let me reverse this. I liked a girl before summer (things went south) and haven't really been in contact with said girl the entire time. In the back of my mind I still do like this girl. Now then, I somewhat understand this situation perhaps I can help. Now then, I would try to re establish the connection ( if any) that you had before summer break. If said boy acts the same as you remember chances are good. If he seems slightly bored then chances are poor. But basically the best advise has been given,
You'll have to wait and see how he behaves around you when school rolls around.

Am I the only one who finds it funny that we are all here at nearly the same time?
255 posts

BUT! BUT! You do need to call nevertheless! It's the thought that counts or something. Go ask her if she would like to meet up in the park where you will honestly say you are not looking for a relationship.

i am not allowed to step outside my house at all, not to mention having to cross the second busiest street in Las Vegas just to get to the nearest park.
255 posts

i see her weekly/biweekly any way, so...

5,952 posts

i am not allowed to step outside my house at all, not to mention having to cross the second busiest street in Las Vegas just to get to the nearest park.

Dude, you blind? I told you what to do. Why you hate me man?
255 posts

One tiny problem with the "Call Now!!" i would have to use my house phone.
So would she. Both of our sisters(and parents) are VERY prying and they, well are sisters. (if you have sisters, ya know what i mean) so how do i get the phone to myself for a while? My parents CONSTANTLY check the incoming and outgoing calls(dont ask me why) and i dont usually call people(not many friends, remember?) so i cant pretend i am calling a friend, but actually call her. They would get VERY suspicious.

13,344 posts

so i cant pretend i am calling a friend, but actually call her. They would get VERY suspicious.

Would they necessarily be wrong? It's not like she's your girlfriend or anything and you want to keep it a secret from the rest of your family; your parents would probably be happy for you if they knew you had a new buddy.

I actually am not god. I know, your shocked.

God never leaves out an apostrophe. He also capitalizes his own name.
5,952 posts

God never leaves out an apostrophe. He also capitalizes his own name.

You seem shocked.
So would she. Both of our sisters(and parents) are VERY prying and they, well are sisters. (if you have sisters, ya know what i mean) so how do i get the phone to myself for a while? My parents CONSTANTLY check the incoming and outgoing calls(dont ask me why) and i dont usually call people(not many friends, remember?) so i cant pretend i am calling a friend, but actually call her. They would get VERY suspicious.

"hey mom, I'm calling a friend from archery on the house phone"
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