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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,139 posts

Hey AG I need some help.
There's a guy at my school who I liked, and I think he may have liked me too. I haven't talked to him all summer, if he did like me, will he still once we get back in school together?

As Ernie says, it all depends. Wait until you talk to him and see. If you have a chance to talk to him before school, maybe put the effort in.

You know, what questions me is why you never talked to him during summer? If you liked him and talked to him during summer, there would be a chance that you know his true intentions about you. Then we wouldn't be here talking about it and I would lose this forum post...sooo in a did do the right thing...?

Not overly helpful.

One tiny problem with the "Call Now!!" i would have to use my house phone.
So would she. Both of our sisters(and parents) are VERY prying and they, well are sisters. (if you have sisters, ya know what i mean) so how do i get the phone to myself for a while? My parents CONSTANTLY check the incoming and outgoing calls(dont ask me why) and i dont usually call people(not many friends, remember?) so i cant pretend i am calling a friend, but actually call her. They would get VERY suspicious

Have you not noticed you've just given yourself a reason for not calling - tell her this and she'll understand why you haven't been in touch. Do you talk to her when you're with her? I mean, did you say you'd call etc?
767 posts

Not overly helpful.

Oh yeah...I forgot the helping advice...

One tiny problem with the "Call Now!!" i would have to use my house phone.
So would she. Both of our sisters(and parents) are VERY prying and they, well are sisters. (if you have sisters, ya know what i mean) so how do i get the phone to myself for a while? My parents CONSTANTLY check the incoming and outgoing calls(dont ask me why) and i dont usually call people(not many friends, remember?) so i cant pretend i am calling a friend, but actually call her. They would get VERY suspicious

Since I am going to be helpful here I see nobody has solved the problem of getting the phone from your sisters! SO, Ace here, has come up with a couple of solutions:
A) You could accidentally tape their mouths and lock them into the bathroom and make the call?
B) You could do it when they take an afternoon nap?
C) You could do it when they leave you home alone/go shopping?
D) You could accidentally once again take the phone out of their hands?
E) Try borrowing a phone from a Buddy?
F) I heard you had an iPod Touch? If so, there are a lot of apps that have calling abilities. Some are free here and there.
H) You might notice I skipped "G" and just use your desktop/laptop/Mac to go call people with it.
1) Use something like Sype/Oovoo to call her?
2) Use something along the lines of Google Voice?
A) Realize I started back to A and use a payphone according to Maroon 5?
Z) Buy a phone? And help get me a list of letters in the alphabet.

You know these are other options...some good, some better.

Have you not noticed you've just given yourself a reason for not calling - tell her this and she'll understand why you haven't been in touch. Do you talk to her when you're with her? I mean, did you say you'd call etc?

I think he did say he would call her...or that's the accustomed thing to do when someone gives you their phone number...unless you recognize the rejection hotline. Then you play it cool and say you won't call. Then she feels like it didn't she would give you her real number which just happens to be the idiot hotline...

Also can't you text her with your iPod?????? You said that's what you used? Unless is the girl's phone number for her house?
399 posts

For those who are wondering WHY i haven't spoken to the guy all summer *coughs* AceOfSky *coughs* It's because my parents separated last month and we have had to move back to Canada. I moved at the beginning of summer, then moved back 3 weeks later.

767 posts

For those who are wondering WHY i haven't spoken to the guy all summer *coughs* AceOfSky *coughs* It's because my parents separated last month and we have had to move back to Canada. I moved at the beginning of summer, then moved back 3 weeks later.

I'm very sorry to hear, but didn't you have his number, or Social Media the very least?

Looks back to see if he was indeed the only one...Realizes he is and is embarrassed...Makes up excuse...
Well...I wasn't the only one...people would have asked you sooner or later...? I was just asking it for everybody...they peer pressured me...they told me I would be considered Kool Kat if I did...
255 posts

So remember the b****? well i saw her at a party yesterday(she is going to a different school) she just sent me a truthful(it seems to me) apology.
it seems truthful. i bumped into her(literally) in the pool and SLIGHTLY talked to her. she seemed not as hot headed. i wont TRUELY trust her for awhile, but i hope this can be the start of a renewed friendship(we were pretty good friends in 6th and most of 7nth grade)(until the incident)

what do i do?

3,139 posts

what do i do?

If you want to resume the friendship, then do? Simple as that.
255 posts

First day of school

Thanks for the advice above.

3,139 posts

Does anyone else feel like an absolute whine posting problems here, or just me?

Everythings good. Like there is literally no literal "relationship problem" in my life right now. Technically.
Part of me counts the fact I think i'm falling for someone i've never met and the whole moving to Asia thing as a slight problem, but does anyone else ever get the whole "In your head" relationship problem, or am i literally just crazy?

See, being this far away and hearing a slightly "meh" voice on the other end of the phone for a couple of days makes me think i'm screwing everything up, even though that's technically impossible unless i drop a few abusive messages.

Anyone got any advice on how to not over-analyse?

767 posts

i bumped into her(literally) in the pool

So you accidentally pushed her into the pool?

but does anyone else ever get the whole "In your head" relationship problem, or am i literally just crazy?

In your head? Does Over My Head count? It's by The Fray. Not useful for your situation, but a good song to listen to when you think about relationship problems. Anyways,

Anyone got any advice on how to not over-analyse?

How about taking a deep breath before you think about what you are doing? Think how it's not psychological for someone to do that? Just ideas here, but do you like her? Does she like you back?

You gotta be careful for giving this girl all of your life to be with her; she might not be the one, but you never know until you take the chance.
13,344 posts

but does anyone else ever get the whole "In your head" relationship problem, or am i literally just crazy?

Happens to me all the time. I'll see an attractive woman and then my mind will just wander from there (nowhere dirty, because I know that's what you're all thinking).

It took me a while to master not jumping to the conclusion that I'll be somehow associated romantically with this person in the future, but instead just ignoring and not thinking about the situation if it's someone I don't know and not over-thinking the situation if I do know her.

Just try living in the moment for now. Don't think too far in advance.

So you accidentally pushed her into the pool?

I think they were both in the pool at the time.
767 posts

Happens to me all the time. I'll see an attractive woman and then my mind will just wander from there (nowhere dirty, because I know that's what you're all thinking).

If that isn't what you were thinking...then what would you be thinking?

I think they were both in the pool at the time.

I think it's weird to accidentally bump into a girl who is wearing a bikini? You sure you didn't also accidentally hug her?

Also idigit, in some countries bumping into people is considered a I wouldn't accidentally bump into her again.

If you want to resume the friendship, then do? Simple as that.

I just realized it's not that simple. You would have to live with the constant fact that this well...a...bad person?

Also remember you said that she is like a girl that has a bad reputation? Why were you friends with her in 6th and most of 7th grade?
13,344 posts

If that isn't what you were thinking...then what would you be thinking?

More mature and perhaps more crazy thoughts, such as me thinking about spending the rest of my life with this random stranger and her being the mother of my children years in the future.

These silly thoughts were more prevalent when I was in my late high school years.
255 posts

So you accidentally pushed her into the pool?


I think they were both in the pool at the time.

yes. it was VERY crowded in the pool(like 20+ people, not a big pool) i was avoiding her and i was wading in the water, slowly kicking and moving my hands to stay afloat, and she happened to be next to me(i didnt know she was there. i was watching someone flip off of the diving board on the other side of the pool) and i touched her. in a place. i turned to see who it was and apologize and it was her *AKWARD*. really EVERYONE was hitting/touching/bumping into each other. crowded pool.

that clarifies it i hope.

Also remember you said that she is like a girl that has a bad reputation? Why were you friends with her in 6th and most of 7th grade?

she wasnt bad till the end of seventh grade. really nice, friendly person till then
767 posts

and i touched her. in a place.

In what place? O_O

that clarifies it i hope.

When you answer where you touched her than yes it does clarify.

More mature and perhaps more crazy thoughts, such as me thinking about spending the rest of my life with this random stranger and her being the mother of my children years in the future.

These silly thoughts were more prevalent when I was in my late high school years.

Oh I sometimes do that. Not the mother of my children part though.

she wasnt bad till the end of seventh grade. really nice, friendly person till then

I'm curious? What made her change? It doesn't take someone overnight, usually, to turn like that?
3,139 posts

Happens to me all the time. I'll see an attractive woman and then my mind will just wander from there (nowhere dirty, because I know that's what you're all thinking).

It took me a while to master not jumping to the conclusion that I'll be somehow associated romantically with this person in the future, but instead just ignoring and not thinking about the situation if it's someone I don't know and not over-thinking the situation if I do know her.

Just try living in the moment for now. Don't think too far in advance.

So much easier said than done. This is a girl who has spent the last few months planning what things will be like when i get home, but now it just feels like it's fading. I don't know if it's her heavy workload meets time difference. Like on my way to work i got lots of cute messages and a phonecall to say how much she missed me. When she woke up, she just snapped and had a go at me, told me she's glad i'm not home yet because she isn't "ready for me". God knows what that means.
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