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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,139 posts

Just to add to this - it was clarified i was being crazy. Sometimes straight up bluntness is the way to go.

"Not being funny, but you've been seriously miserable with me the past while. You can't message me saying you want me home and call me up and be all moody like. Mixed signals aren't cool."

"I'm not giving you mixed signals you crazy [cuss], i care about you and want to be with you more than anything, but you know the [stuff] i'm dealing with. I'm exhausted, all i do is work, etcetcetc"

Advice: Long-distance sucks. It can work, but you can't let your head get all wrapped up in reading into stuff. Will my advice work? No, because this is my third time in a long distance and i'm still struggling and messing it up. I have two more months and probably one strike left. Wish me luck in not using it ;]

5,952 posts

Happens to me all the time. I'll see an attractive woman and then my mind will just wander from there (nowhere dirty, because I know that's what you're all thinking).

And I thought I finally had something in common with Ernie
it was clarified i was being crazy

It's ok, I'm always crazy....ok so maybe I'm single, but don't worry about that part.
Advice: Long-distance sucks. It can work, but you can't let your head get all wrapped up in reading into stuff. Will my advice work? No, because this is my third time in a long distance and i'm still struggling and messing it up. I have two more months and probably one strike left. Wish me luck in not using it ;]

Well if it's so painful and difficult, then end it. She sounds a little obsessive, strict and whiny (no offense, cauz posting "no offense" makes you feel better /sarcasm). If your not happy the way things are going, then end it.
3,139 posts

Well if it's so painful and difficult, then end it. She sounds a little obsessive, strict and whiny (no offense, cauz posting "no offense" makes you feel better /sarcasm). If your not happy the way things are going, then end it.

Ha, no it's kind of me that sounds a little obsessive, strict and whiny. Although the thing is, i'm not in the slightest. I'd be the first to admit it, i have been with other people in the past and have definitely learned from my mistakes, to a degree. It's just difficult because we haven't been together i guess.

& anything long distance is going to be painful and difficult if you care about the person. I mean you want to be there for them when they need you and you can't be. I find it harder when the time zone is +6hours. I only have eight weeks left here (thankfully). We're not labelling whatever *this* is until i'm home and we see what's up, so there'd be no ending it, just letting it fizzle out i guess, but that's not what i want.

It's my flaw, my problem, my crazy over-analytical female mind in overdrive, so i just need to chill it, focus on work and life here instead of her until i get back. Just "Go with the flow".
767 posts

"Not being funny, but you've been seriously miserable with me the past while. You can't message me saying you want me home and call me up and be all moody like. Mixed signals aren't cool."

"I'm not giving you mixed signals you crazy [cuss], i care about you and want to be with you more than anything, but you know the [stuff] i'm dealing with. I'm exhausted, all i do is work, etcetcetc"

You actually said that to her?

Advice: Long-distance sucks. It can work, but you can't let your head get all wrapped up in reading into stuff. Will my advice work? No, because this is my third time in a long distance and i'm still struggling and messing it up. I have two more months and probably one strike left. Wish me luck in not using it ;]

They do suck. They make you hate the person more and more until you don't want to talk to them.

Whenever I don't want to talk to someone and I want to make them feel sorry, this extremely nice act flashes through my head.

I pretend I am my dad/mom.
I text the girl.
"Omg, you were the last person to talk to Ace! Do you know where he is?"
"No, but why and if you aren't Ace then who is this?"
"This is his Mom/Dad! Ace is missing!"
"Omg what happened?"
"I don't know! Did something happen between you and him? 'Cause he really cared about you?"
"I don't know! I said something bad I think...I just don't know! If you find him tell Ace we can hug if he comes back!"
"Sure thing. Thanks!"

I then don't text her back until two weeks later. Where I take her offer up on hugging her. Then I live happily ever after?

I always wish I could do that to someone...since I want to see if they care about me...but it is pretty vile? So chances are I probably won't. But I know pickpocket wants to now?

I italicized the whole story so me bolding things are meant to be for...extreme double italicized emphasis...if that makes sense?
5,952 posts

So chances are I probably won't. But I know pickpocket wants to now?

What's that supposed to mean? :P
That's a little too simple for me. I could probably scheme up something better. Gimmie sometime.
Why do you overuse question marks?

It's my flaw, my problem, my crazy over-analytical female mind in overdrive, so i just need to chill it, focus on work and life here instead of her until i get back. Just "Go with the flow".

And now their are no problems left to discuse.... Ace, go get yourself in some trouble to save the thread!
3,766 posts

You sure you didn't also accidentally hug her?

Ace are you implying that it is weird to hug girls that are in a bikini? Also there is no evidence suggesting that she was in a bikini. She could have been in a one piece for all you know.

Anyway, ummm. Ya. No problems I think. So ya.. Carry on.
13,344 posts

And I thought I finally had something in common with Ernie

Not to worry, those thoughts will surface from time to time as well; they just don't have much of an effect on my thought processes because they're so instinctive and short-lived, and therefore have become commonplace. Which is not unusual for a male person.

What is unusual is the thoughts I will have about my future that are triggered just by seeing a random attractive female. Especially since I've been having these thoughts, about starting families and such with these random people, since maybe eighth grade.
3,139 posts

You actually said that to her?

The first clingy as heck bit, yes. She responded with the stop being an absolute weirdo. But everything is good.

Also, ace, i'm not kidding. Your texting story: wow. That's a little weird .Is there any particular reason you want to mess with a girl like that, ha?
66 posts

i have a question... my girlfriend is like sure about nothing she first wanted to break up cause i make her sad but not 1 second after that she started crying and saying she miss me after that she was like wayyy to happy, than she wanted to be best friends and now she wantsto become my girlfriend again....

3,139 posts

i have a question... my girlfriend is like sure about nothing she first wanted to break up cause i make her sad but not 1 second after that she started crying and saying she miss me after that she was like wayyy to happy, than she wanted to be best friends and now she wantsto become my girlfriend again....

Egh, women.

Did you ask her why she makes you sad? If so, did she give you a reason? If you don't want to share, is it something that can be fixed?

Do you still want to be with her after all this head messing?

I think you need to just sit down with her and have a rational conversation about why she is so unsure about being with you. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you or care about you, sometimes people just aren't compatible for each other despite the extent of their feelings for each other. Talk it through with her, see where you can go from there.
767 posts

What's that supposed to mean? :P
That's a little too simple for me. I could probably scheme up something better. Gimmie sometime.
Why do you overuse question marks?

Nothing really?
Why does everyone say I overuse question marks? Maybe I do...? Wow, never mind. I'll try and limit it down.

Ace are you implying that it is weird to hug girls that are in a bikini? Also there is no evidence suggesting that she was in a bikini. She could have been in a one piece for all you know.

I am not implying that it is weird to hug girls that are in a bikini. I am just implying maybe he bumped into her on purpose?

The first clingy as heck bit, yes. She responded with the stop being an absolute weirdo. But everything is good.

So you worked it out between you and her?

Also, ace, i'm not kidding. Your texting story: wow. That's a little weird .Is there any particular reason you want to mess with a girl like that, ha?

I guess you are right. I always thought Pickpocket would have that plan, but he needs something more complicated. There is no particular reason, well there is, but that's a whole problem. So here goes:

Does everyone think it is weird for someone you like that knows you like her...Wait that didn't make sense.

Person A likes Person B.
Person B knows Person A likes Person B.
Person B is pretty insensitive. (Person A thinks).
Person A talks to her.
Person B talks about Person C and liking Person C with Person A. But Person B doesn't know that it is stupid to talk to someone who likes you (Person A) about other people (Person C), that Person B likes.
So Person A has to suffer and give his honest opinion with Person B.
Person A accidentally wants to kill himself. (Doesn't).
Person A is extremely furious about Person B.
Person B thinks nothing is wrong.
Person A is now one of the stars for Charlie Sheen's Anger Management TV series.

Well some of the parts aren't true, but isn't this easier than to be like: I like this girl. She doesn't like me...TV series!

Not really, but that's how I feel like doing it. That's my reason. I want to mess with her. I want to see what her true intentions about me are since you know this is the same girl.

I had to contact her, since well a lot of people begged me to do it.
Random people.
Fine, 1 person begged me on the interwebz.

Anyways, this girl, on the night I decide to text her, she says something like: After all the times I treat you like poo you come back...
I say: I'm used to it. After all, I am poo.

Poo was used as another word. A word that starts with S.

Back to helping other people:
i have a question... my girlfriend is like sure about nothing she first wanted to break up cause i make her sad but not 1 second after that she started crying and saying she miss me after that she was like wayyy to happy, than she wanted to be best friends and now she wantsto become my girlfriend again....

So are you's not her time of the month?
66 posts

its not her time of the month?

Yes i am cause she had that period a few months ago already she told me that was the reason for another thing but now shes just being unsure

did you ask her why she makes you sad? If so, did she give you a reason?

Well she said that i did make her happy but the things that are caused by our relationship make her cry or something i didnt really understand what she means.

do you still wanto be whit her after all this head messing?

Yes because i love her
767 posts

Yes i am cause she had that period a few months ago already she told me that was the reason for another thing but now shes just being unsure

A few months ago...ummm...I don't recall if I was paying attention back in Health Class too much...but I thought girls get them every month?

Well she said that i did make her happy but the things that are caused by our relationship make her cry or something i didnt really understand what she means.

Think back...
Think back and remember everything you said to this girl, said to someone about her, or your relationship. She might be upset at smallest thing that you didn't think would upset her. Most girls are unhappy about a relationship, because the guy usually doesn't acknowledge her needs. Like treating her different when with your friends. You can't be two-faced/fake around a girl. You have to show her you love her.

Yes because i love her

Does she know you love her?
66 posts

Oh im sorry i ment weeks it was indeed the same month i was thinking about the word month that was why i said months im sorry.

think back..
the only reason i can think off is that i had a huge fight whit a friend of her but were good now....

Does she know you love her?
i tell her like every second that i love her and cant live whitout her
767 posts

Oh im sorry i ment weeks it was indeed the same month i was thinking about the word month that was why i said months im sorry.

It's fine.

the only reason i can think off is that i had a huge fight whit a friend of her but were good now....

I really can't see a reason for her to hate you for all this time now....

i tell her like every second that i love her and cant live whitout her

Does she show you the same love back? Or is she just melancholy all the time? Or is she like, Kristen Steward, no emotion whatsoever, when she says "I love you?"
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