I am Agnostic... I used to be Episcopalian, but after the weird thing called the Internet and some personal events happened, I really started questioning God and changed to Agnostic over a few week period. My view is not even as simple as the definition of an 'Agnostic', but it most suits Agnostic than any other classification of religion (or lack thereof).
I wasn't trying to backseat the mods. I was trying to help my argument, yes.
Pointing out that someone is spamming to help your argument is about as low as you can sink. It shows that you can't argue using valid points, so you have to look for an unrelated fault made by the other person in order to "win" the argument.
SirNoobalot, can you explain to me exactly what Agnostic is because i can't find a good explanation.
Agnosticism is basically the belief that God cannot be proved nor disproven. It entails there is evidence enough for both sides (or reasonable arguments), and that the believer finds that neither side has enough to prove their point or disprove the others'.
@libby, Ernie is right, pointing out that was spam is irrelevant. Also, your username is deceiving (or your lying).
Agnosticism is basically the belief that God cannot be proved nor disproven. It entails there is evidence enough for both sides (or reasonable arguments), and that the believer finds that neither side has enough to prove their point or disprove the others'.
Thanks, i thought it was something along the lines of believing in a God but not having a religion.
Nondenominational Christian with undertones of Christian Buhdism and Biblism. I feel organized religion is inherently corrupt, so I disbanded from organized religion.
I'm not going to say my religion but most people who believe in their faith believe in it because they were taught It was the right one from birth.
So many religions... and every single one thinks they're 100% right. I think anyone who believes in a religion must at least believe it's possible not everything that is taught to them is correct...