i do. i fully believe in my religion BUT... i am aware my religion is just one theory of many more. no one knows what originally happened. no one knows what will happen after death. people have to understand those are just theories. and since i believe in a theory i know that my theory might be wrong and that the truth might be completely different from what i believe in. thats why i will never say to anyone else their belief is wrong or that my belief is true
Hmm, it seems to be an odd blend of religious discussion and simply answering the question. Anyway, I will move this to the WEPR and hope that it won't turn into one of those threads. Keep it clean, guys.
People belong to a particular religion because of either childhood indoctrination which has a very deep psychological effect or feeling god which has been proven to not need an actual God to happen by the God helmet. A factor that can help them stay with religion is the hope that they will go to heaven and see dead friends and relatives. Lots of people have used these qualities to manipulate religion and something that was probably thought up to answer the big questions in life that early humans had no answer for has been used to gain power or to control a rebellious population.
Agnosticism is basically the belief that God cannot be proved nor disproven. It entails there is evidence enough for both sides (or reasonable arguments), and that the believer finds that neither side has enough to prove their point or disprove the others'.
Agnostic is only about ones knowledge not ones belief.
i belive in the FSM, is great . ppl are good eachother, is fun and dont try to get in your brain like all the others. also ppl say "WTF" when i told them that when i die im going to drink beer in heaven from a volcano
i can belive whatever i want coz religion is sopoused to be a way of join ppl together and teach how be good, not give us a AK-47 and tell us to kill harry potter.
I'm atheist because there's no reason believing in anything. Just because of religion many innocent people were killed. There are no arguements for believing in God, proof the opposite.
I'm an Atheist for two main reasons. One, probably 95% of people who are religious were raised that way, and all assert that their way is right and use the same claims, which essentially disproves them all. Two, when applied to scrutiny, all religions have major conflicts with themselves and can mostly be chalked up to superstitious beliefs of people 2000+ years ago.
I'm an atheist because I wasn't brought up in a religion and there is no proof for the existence of god. If God truly existed he would do something about the worlds problems which at the moment are getting worse.
I'm an atheist because I wasn't brought up in a religion and there is no proof for the existence of god. If God truly existed he would do something about the worlds problems which at the moment are getting worse.
I'm Atheist, but today in school we learned about the sight of religious people. They believe that God lets Satan at life to show the people in the world what's evil so they understand the goodness of God.
I'm Atheist, but today in school we learned about the sight of religious people. They believe that God lets Satan at life to show the people in the world what's evil so they understand the goodness of God.
THAT TAUGHT YOU THIS IN SCHOOL??? I've seen evolution (to an extent), I'm in Biology now, taught in school, but never anything religious!!! May I remind you I'm a Catholic and wish to have religion taught in school.
THAT TAUGHT YOU THIS IN SCHOOL??? I've seen evolution (to an extent), I'm in Biology now, taught in school, but never anything religious!!! May I remind you I'm a Catholic and wish to have religion taught in school.
No. 1: I live in Germany, so it's a German school No. 2: Thats wasn't Religion class it was Ethics class. 75% of the Class are atheists (Teacher too). Accually it's a Class for pupil who aren't baptised/ Who cannot go to religion class. We often talk about other religions in a philosofical way and we try to understand why people believe in God. Today we talked about Satan.
No. 1: I live in Germany, so it's a German school No. 2: Thats wasn't Religion class it was Ethics class. 75% of the Class are atheists (Teacher too). Accually it's a Class for pupil who aren't baptised/ Who cannot go to religion class. We often talk about other religions in a philosofical way and we try to understand why people believe in God. Today we talked about Satan.
I wish we learned that in my school. We sorta had these things in my old school. We had two semesters of christian teachings class (I didn't attend my parents are very religious so they didn't want me to go) and two semesters of ethics were we learn about morals, norms and things like that.