
28 6943
813 posts

I dont believe in evolution because if there was evolution how come the things we supposedly evolued from arent evolving inton humans and the creatures before that? I want to know what other people think! My relegion is Christian!

  • 28 Replies
93 posts

I agree.

Evolutionists claim that Creationism is too faith based without any evidence to support it. In reality, evolutionists require more faith. The main pivot of their system is the so called missing link, which supposedly will close the gap between man and monkey. Well, they have to have faith in the fact that there is a missing link. They also have to put their faith in man and science because they could be just making up stuff to feed the masses. They already constantly warp the age of the earth in order for it to match up with evolution. That's kinda like saying that you will alter the laws of math so that it fits your belief that 2+2=5. Or that you will alter history so that is jives with your belief that the American Civil War never happend. Etc.

813 posts

I agree [b][i]

290 posts

I am personally not a evolutionist but it is true that evolution requires faith but so does almost everything you do or beleive that you have not personally seen or heard yourself. The Earths age does not change constanly just becuase it was decided by one scientist to fit is beleif. The rest of the scientific world will not allow such a thing. Some scientists are christian so it was not specifically for the fact of evolution. The reason science continues to change the date of the world is becuase of new evidence such as a carbon dated rock or something. If you are in high school as of right now that science bok you are reading is at least a year behind current scitific devolpement becuase of how much science changes becuase of evidence.

341 posts

I agree and there are ALOT more reasons to believe in God then there is to believe in Lucy

290 posts

If your refering to lucy the skeleton then I think you have it a little bit backwards. Lucy is a real life thing, no longer living but still, your god is a thing that you have to think about you have never seen nor I will venture a guess as to say many of you have never heard him. Lucy if you look it up on the internet I beleive you'll find pictures of her. Lucy we know exsits god we have to have faith to exsit.

1,058 posts

This is a really good topic, but, as most really good topics, there is already a very well-worn thread for it here:

49 posts

evolution is a fact bacterias evolve rapidly and this is one reason that penicilin doesnt work anymore because new strains are imune to penicilin
but chimps to humans thats a bit far-fetched at least for our logic at this era

508 posts

Craze, you obviously have never studied evolution. Had you, you would know why nothing else is evolving into humans. Evolution is adaptation. If someone, as an example, was born with 4 arms and 4 eyes (This is an extreme mutation), and they could survive better in the world, and reproduce, the human race would slowly change to a 4 eyed and armed race. So, everything adapts to it's environment, and humans are not the best for all environments.

Zerlock, Evolutionists believe the missing link is dead. Scientists classify us as Homo Sapiens. Some earlier humans were called Homo Erectus[i] and Homo Habilus[i]. The thing is, the current phase of humans are adapted versions of those. as for the Neanderthals, if you were going to ask, they were a different sub-species, and we were better adapted to this world then they were, so in the end we outdid them and they couldn't survive.

RedBedHead, Please state those reasons.

I am agnostic, although my parents and siblings are firm believers in evolution. In my opinion, evolutionism is a religion, as well as Christianity and Islam etc. But, it has as much or more reasoning behind it than the other ones. Most religions are used as a way to explain the world to our ignorant selves. Oh, yes, and please don't try to prove God using science because that is the very thing you have doubted.

129 posts

I believe in evolution. It is the one of the most important things that happened on earth. I think we have evolved from that smallest organism : the bacteries (but not a classic WC-bacteries). Really, Im a christian but the evolution is not a thing of religion

93 posts


You're thing about Lucy? Flawed.

There aren't that many bones. How in the world can you decipher that mess as a human-monkey link? You could say her pelvis is shaped to help her stand on two legs, but really, all those years under the soil warped it out of shape. You could also say that her arm to leg ratio is just between that of an ape's and a human's, but just look at her leg. Not only is her leg not complete, it's so smashed up that there's no way to get an accurate reading. You could also say the joint on her knee is like that of a human's, but in all reality, the knee joint was found about a mile away and 60-80 ft deeper than the rest of the skeleton. The scientists who found this skeleton are just bending the truth to get them to fit the theory.

Still believe in Lucy? Well, then I'm sorry you can't realize that the evolutionary THEORY is just a theory, and theories can be wrong.

93 posts


Apparently, the forum didn't like the picture, so here's a link.

922 posts

GUYS! This is becoming spam. DragonMistress said that this thread has been copied, so post on the current one. Thanks!

508 posts

Zerlock, you are acting like a 9 year old. The link was made by comparing human bones to these ones. But the major flaw in your argument is that, even though Lucy is the oldest skeleton, that does not mean that the link was taken from her. Rather, human bones were compared to the bones of earlier species of humans, which in turn were compared to Lucy. You seem to assume that the theory of evolution claims that there was a sudden jump from apes to humans. Did you read my earlier comment?

Christianity is a theory as well.

93 posts

@ hojoko

Sorry! Missed your comment...

Okay, I'm well aware of the fact that the missing link, if there ever was one, is dead and extinct. There have been many so-called "missing links", and most of them have been disproven in some way. What scientists fail to do is pull these disproven facts out of textbooks, so students are actually being taught disproven facts. If you want a list, I have one.

I also don't know where you got the idea that I thought that evolutionists believe that there is a jump between human and ape.

277 posts

I personaly believe in Evolution. It has many facts to back it up, but it is very hard to believe that some bacteria became us.

1. Bones dont warp underground (as far as i know unless there is some crazy condition.

2. Evolutionists dont believe Apes became man, they believe we both came from a common ancestor.

3. Yes disproven facts are taught to kids all the time. Look at all the things that were thought to be fact that now are disproven. For example people didnt think smoking was hazerdous to your health a long time ago, but now it has been proven it is dangerous.

4. The sciencetist dont write the textbooks. They publish their findings. The textbook companies are the ones that put in the facts. The schools are the ones buying them. They dont want to buy a new set everytime one fact is disproven. Thats a waste of tax $.

5. If god made humans then where did all the Homo family of species come from? Just something to ponder.


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