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ForumsThe Tavern[superdup] The weirdest dream you've ever had

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784 posts

tell me what the weirdest dream you have ever had is.

once i dreamed that i was driving my moms car through fence's and stuff and then suddenly i fell of a cliff,then as i hit the ground i woke up!

  • 47 Replies
452 posts

I was going to the bathroom and when I got to the toilet I woke up and I was peeing in the toilet... It was weird

1,085 posts

Being in a car,going somewhere,looking out.
Suddenly strange things start to appear from everywhere,scary strange things.
I dont want to talk about that part,but lets just say that the car fell inside a giant eyeball when i woke up. (still think the eyeless rhino dream was weirder,due to this being my nightmare,and the other actually being a scary dream.)

1,085 posts

Also,around the time i first saw giygas . i had the funniest dream ever.
Note:giygas was actually quite funny to me,never even got scared of him/it.
I was actually fighting giygas myself in the dream,and i was beating him,after at least an hour of fighting,i actually beat him/it,only to fight Shigesato Itoi (creator of giygas) as the real final boss,swear i said something like NOW U PAY FOR ALL THE CHILDREN U SCARED when i was fighting him.

Considering that i dont even care that much about all that stuff,it was hilarious.

1,558 posts

I rarely dream but when I do I have nightmares. Which is good because I LOVE horror movies. My most recent "weird" dream is one where I was bitten by a zombie and turned into a bumblebee. A mad scientist found me, performed experiments on me and found a cure for the zombies. The night he went to spread it he actually sent of his alarm system and was shot by his own defense lasers.I sat in a small beaker with a book on top until I ran out of oxygen and died. Let's just say I woke up with my blanket in my nose.

1,085 posts


I had a really old dream,from like 3 years ago that i just remembered.
i was falling down,the "background" was black,then it turned white,then it got blurred up,then it started changing all the time.
So i closed my eyes in my dream,and fell some more.
When i opened them,i was in some sort of shiny place,and an angel told me:"Welcome to the edge of infinity" and stabbed me with a sword just after he said it.
I woke up feeling a slight pain where he stabbed me.....

40 posts

Well, it was a strange, stormy night. I was walking home from a good friend's house, when suddenly, a car swereved off the road, nearly hitting me. I just barely jumped out of the way, and grabbed my phone to call the police. Calling the cops, I was greeted with a dial tone. I hung up my phone and went to investigate. The damage to his car wasn't that bad--the bumper was off, but that was it--but for some reason, he looked pale and was covered in blood. He looked at me, got out of the car, and walked toward me, moaning. I ran away, throwing rocks at him. They had no effect. Suddenly, I was cornered (I don't know how) by about twenty zombies. My mom drove through the wall I was pushed against and killed about ten of them. I jumped in, and suddenly, my mom started ranting about high gas prices.

This is what I get for reading The Zombie Survival Guide and listening to Marketplace on NPR at the same time.

No joke.

1,085 posts

No joke indeed,this is the dream i had when i was 3 years old.
Note:i didnt even know that the internet existed then,so if it seems unoriginal,blame my brain for making it up back then.

I was looking at a map,it was slowly turning black,like from a plague,suddenly im standing in a forest clearing,some guy with a boomerang starts talking to me about something,then i look at the moon,and he slashes me with the boomerang.Then i find myself listening (along with that guy) for strange noises,i can hear howling...
We run away then,to a city.
Only to be cornered by zombies...
Dont remember the rest of it.

Please not that:
1: i was just 3 years old when i dreamed this up
2:i was really sick at that time.
3:i had another part of the dream every night,thats why its seems to be split into segments/events.

5,952 posts

ok umm megamanxpert u have a lot of really wierd dreams. u might want to see a doctor or something..................really soon

1,085 posts
Nomad was....9 years ago.
Dont you know how to read?
And those were the only dreams i could remember ever having (among scary ones).

948 posts

Oh, okay. Your gonna love this one.

I was at a waterpark, WITH ZOMBIES.
I had some kind of firearm... I cant remember what it is now, but lets just say it was an SMG. I climbed up the ladder to a slide, shoot about 30 zombies, then ran out of ammo. 3 zombies were at the bottom of the slide. So I sat down and slide into the zombies kicking them all the the ground. I then drowned one of them that wasn't kill by my kick. That's all I can remember. The dream is about 3 years old.

And another, more recent dream. I was in some kind of TV reality show arena, with 3 other people. 2 boys and 2 girls. We had to fight to the death. The other boy was cocky and didn't want to be part of a team, so we hunted him down. When we caught him, I ordered the tougher girl, who was blonde with a bow and arrows, to cut off his head. She cut of his head and chucked it into a wall, splattering blood everywhere.

Me and the blonde girl agreed to team up to betray our other team member, a girl with short, brown hair. I stabbed her in the heart in her sleep. Finally, it came down to me and the blonde girl, whoever would win would be able to live, and would win lots of money. She fired arrows at me but I took cover behind a tree with a sharp stick that I had practically turned into a spear. I then ran up to her and threw my spear into an incoming arrow that reflected it into her kneecap. I then jumped on her and strangled her to death. Then I cried realizing that I had just killed so many other kids my age... and I kissed the dead blonde girls body.

1,564 posts

Me and the blonde girl agreed to team up to betray our other team member, a girl with short, brown hair. I stabbed her in the heart in her sleep. Finally, it came down to me and the blonde girl, whoever would win would be able to live, and would win lots of money. She fired arrows at me but I took cover behind a tree with a sharp stick that I had practically turned into a spear. I then ran up to her and threw my spear into an incoming arrow that reflected it into her kneecap. I then jumped on her and strangled her to death. Then I cried realizing that I had just killed so many other kids my age... and I kissed the dead blonde girls body.

That is creepy byond bielief.

Here's my dream I had last night.

I was in an arcade with some friends from my basketball team. We played some arcades but then there was gold in the basement and the wanted to steale it. I joined them but then I got this feeling about stealing so I told on them and they went to jail.
948 posts

Calvin, YOU THINK THATS GORY? Oh boy... I haven't even begun yet...

I'll tell one more dream then it time for me to sleep ( its almost midnight ), I'll think of the goriest dream I've ever had...

Okay, so this one is about 6 weeks old. I was in the school where we were all listening to announcements, then we heard the gunfire. A boy next to me opened his mouth like he has going to say something, but few shells from a shotgun blew up the top halve of his head into nothing. His body fell on the floor, there was no eyes on the head, but I could still see the mouth wide open.

The principal appeared and yelled for all kids to get into the basement, I ran for the life, kids fell right besides me to their deaths, a wounded year 7 boy fell, and screamed for help, I stopped and considered dragging him to safety, but it was too risky, and he was trampled to death by the crowd.

Once inside the basement, we had a large journey threw some large vents, we had to crawl threw them, and there were about 40 of us, but it was okay. At least we had escaped the shooters. Then one boy pointed as the vents got big enough to stand in. Suddenly, the hallway/vent started to close in, we were slowly being crushed. I ran threw the vent/hallway as fast as I could. Me and 2 other boys made it to the other side of the hallway where the walls were not closing in, we were safe.

Then I heard the grueling and disgusting sounds of the other kids slowly being crushed to death. The screams... ugh, it still makes me sick.

Finally the last screams stopped as the vent/hallways had finally closed up. One of the boys still alive with me said that we were trapped here, maybe forever. I looked around, we were in a small metal room... how long until rescue came? I got very hungry, I felt we might starve to death in here. Then I woke up, I was STARVING, so I made some cereal

948 posts

That is creepy byond bielief.

I know, because I kissed her dead face... :\\
But I felt sorry for her, I still do, even know shes not real or anything...
1,085 posts

Giygas anyone?

I once dreamed that my mothers friend,a chemistry teacher,pushed me off a broken bridge,oddly enough,i woke up as soon as she pushed me off.
No falling %_o

216 posts

the wierdest dream i had was one that i was commenting on a forum about the wierdest dream i had on AG. No for real though the wierdest dreams iv had are the ones that come true !

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