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ForumsThe Tavern[superdup] The weirdest dream you've ever had

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784 posts

tell me what the weirdest dream you have ever had is.

once i dreamed that i was driving my moms car through fence's and stuff and then suddenly i fell of a cliff,then as i hit the ground i woke up!

  • 47 Replies
295 posts

I dream about 4-5 times a night, I guess I'm lucky But the strangest dream I ever had was I was sentenced to satans prison and I was in a huge line and my family was crying and I was crying because I still had a lot of life to live. Then A couple of my teeth fell out into my hand. I ate lunch with some of the inmates but could not eat. Then When I was in my cell I got even more depressed and all my teeth fell into my hand making teeth clacking noises and I was bleeding everywhere. Then I tried running into the wall to kill myself and I ran through the wall and ended up in satans office and he kinda looked like santa claus. My dad was there begging him to let me go and I was begging and he said ok. Then he was like "JK!" And pulled a lever and I fell through the floor in this huge huge pit and when I almost hit the ground I woke up.

On a happier note I Once was a news reporter and I tried to cancel a nuke countdown to another country but accidentally re directed it to my exact location so the entire city started fleeing to the ocean. My reporter van almost left without me so I grabbed onto a cord hanging off the back and got dragged to the ocean and started swimming towards a far away island when the bomb hit.

Also I once dreamt that I was a pro skateboarder with an afro.

1,085 posts

You have strange (not weird) dreams

16 posts

My Dream: Me and a fat guy eating a sandwich in the middle seat of one of those old long station wagons, which is balanced on the edge of a cliff. Fat guy drops the sandwich in the front seat, "Oh no, my sandwich!", leans over to grab it, and makes the car tip forward and fall off the cliff. It falls for a long way, spinning on it's way down, and hits a river at the bottom. As soon as the car hits the water, the whole car transforms into an opened half-eaten can of beans, and floats down the river, then I wake up.

1,085 posts

Were you using drugs when you had that dream?
Perhaps those huger inducing ones?

200 posts

Okay, I don't know what my mind was thinking because I had this dream where I made out with a girl I didn't even know.

5,365 posts

Okay, I don't know what my mind was thinking because I had this dream where I made out with a girl I didn't even know.

Dude, that sounds freakishly common.

Me and the blonde girl agreed to team up to betray our other team member, a girl with short, brown hair. I stabbed her in the heart in her sleep. Finally, it came down to me and the blonde girl, whoever would win would be able to live, and would win lots of money. She fired arrows at me but I took cover behind a tree with a sharp stick that I had practically turned into a spear. I then ran up to her and threw my spear into an incoming arrow that reflected it into her kneecap. I then jumped on her and strangled her to death. Then I cried realizing that I had just killed so many other kids my age... and I kissed the dead blonde girls body.

You don't need to be Sigmund Freud to notice necrophilia. =/

I dream about 4-5 times a night, I guess I'm lucky But the strangest dream I ever had was I was sentenced to satans prison and I was in a huge line and my family was crying and I was crying because I still had a lot of life to live. Then A couple of my teeth fell out into my hand. I ate lunch with some of the inmates but could not eat. Then When I was in my cell I got even more depressed and all my teeth fell into my hand making teeth clacking noises and I was bleeding everywhere. Then I tried running into the wall to kill myself and I ran through the wall and ended up in satans office and he kinda looked like santa claus. My dad was there begging him to let me go and I was begging and he said ok. Then he was like "JK!" And pulled a lever and I fell through the floor in this huge huge pit and when I almost hit the ground I woke up.

Lol, that sounds cool.

Me and a fat guy eating a sandwich in the middle seat of one of those old long station wagons, which is balanced on the edge of a cliff. Fat guy drops the sandwich in the front seat, "Oh no, my sandwich!", leans over to grab it, and makes the car tip forward and fall off the cliff. It falls for a long way, spinning on it's way down, and hits a river at the bottom. As soon as the car hits the water, the whole car transforms into an opened half-eaten can of beans, and floats down the river, then I wake up.

Wow, were you on a diet or something?
200 posts

I know right. But I had this other dream where my grandma was dressed as a witch and she was flying on a broom and I was plainly scared.

1,085 posts

Cool,you have a witch grandma,you must be popular around willages.
Ever attract a warlock?

5,952 posts

Were you using drugs when you had that dream?
Perhaps those huger inducing ones?

come on megamanxpert u have had really wierd dreams too

1,085 posts

But they did nt involve giant bean canz,fat people and sand witches...oh wait,sandwiches.

5,952 posts

thats true.....................but there still weird and yes i can read i just choose not to!

2,226 posts

I once had a dream about a day of "survival exercises" at my school and people were creeping around the school trying to stab others with forks...
I also had a really graphic dream about a werewolf that killed everyone by slashing them until it didn't get the female pilot of an SR-71 on a tropical island in the middle of nowhere full of tourists who seemed more interested in taking pictures of weeds than running away from it.

948 posts

You don't need to be Sigmund Freud to notice necrophilia. =/

Eww, no way! I just felt sorry for her.
1,085 posts

I once had a dream about a day of "survival exercises" at my school and people were creeping around the school trying to stab others with forks...
I also had a really graphic dream about a werewolf that killed everyone by slashing them until it didn't get the female pilot of an SR-71 on a tropical island in the middle of nowhere full of tourists who seemed more interested in taking pictures of weeds than running away from it.

Heres a dream my mom used to have,she was lying in bed,and the walls would start bubbling,and they would turn red,and bubble their way to her,then she would start being crushed,and wake up.
Well...thats how she described it to me.
511 posts

It began that i was running over the bridge in my home-town chased by the police. I had no idea why but I was. I ran across the side of the river but they closed me in. The only way out was the water. I jumped.

When I was swimming they gave up but suddenly i was standing on a submarine (in the river, I know). The hatch of the submarine opened and there was this guy with a navy Captain's hat. He shouted Hey! at me.

Then the dream was over and i woke up.

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