Perfect is always right in front of us. we are human, and have a piece of god inside us. He created us, but we need to embrace our perfection. Once we grasp it then we can actually be what we were intended to be.
Depends. Maybe the 25 limit bar was set too low, what if there is a possibility to get at least 30 despite the pre-set requisition?
I was talking about if it's only possible to get 25/25. For example in a grade one math test. There would be 25 questions like 1x1, 8+7 etc... They could get perfect on that.
Perfect is in the eye of the beholder, but if he's got estigmatism, we're all in trouble
--Professor Scynaedrion
I love quoting game characters. Anyways, what he said. Perfect is only what you percieve it to be. For example, I fall in love with a girl: I consider her perfect, because that's how love works. That perfection, or percievation of perfection is caused by natural pheremones (or whatever) in the mating section of the brain to utilize our perception to incite us into attraction to the opposite sex, therefore making them irresistable to us. Good example, if ya ask me.
Perfect implies that error was removed from the equation. You can't have perfect with a mistake. As in, human error would not be present in whatever was created/destroyed/etc. And as we all know, humans are of course prone to human error. That's why it is so hard, nye impossible, to get something perfect. Just an idea
perfect is an imposible idea to strive for that is programmed in our genetics to try to become better than the person next to you and you and the person next to you run away from a bear
Perfect implies that error was removed from the equation. You can't have perfect with a mistake. As in, human error would not be present in whatever was created/destroyed/etc. And as we all know, humans are of course prone to human error. That's why it is so hard, nye impossible, to get something perfect. Just an idea
Well yeah, I agree with crazyape that we may think some people are perfect. You can really like someone so much that even all their errors are seen as beautiful to you. So to you they would be perfect.