I created this thread for anyone that is interested in discussing mathematics. I don't think that this thread is a [dup] and if it is, it was not intended to be one. The first thing I will say is that I know the value of: e to 12 digits: 2.718281828459 pi to 25 digits: 3.1415926535897932384626433 I hope that this thread will be a successful one.
Math. It's been awhile since I did some math. I just remember some stuff about radians be equated to the angle subtended by an arc. Arc length divided by the radius of the arc.
Circular logic. I want to know why it has no pattern. Why are the numbers after pi what they are.
I remember learning they used a method called exhaustion to discover pi but i don't remember how that worked. If you want to learn how, go take a class in calculus.