I love writing Haikus. My best friend taught me how to write them. He said ' It's not that hard. All you have to do is learn.' So I did and I fell in love with them. Here's my first Haiku:
Clear like Crystals It is clear, you know that what some don't know, we do albeit, they will. 03/21/11
I believe the middle line should be 7 sylabbles but the line has only 6. Not trying to be a critic however you may want to fix that.
That's what I get for posting in multiple places at the same time Facepalm Change I take one step back. I take the alternate route. It is time for change. Happy >.>
Sorry, guys!!! I had trouble posting my comments on this thread this past week. So, I've been waiting for it to work!!! Anyway, without further ado, the new theme is: forgetfulness!!!