What would happen to the world's politics, religion, pop culture, etc. if another devastating infection like the black death (plague) were to hit today's society? Would we be fully prepared, or would a sixth of the world's population be wiped out again?
If something that affected the brain, and made the victim insane and wanting to transmit the disease, came along, I would set up a vast wall around the affected area and build 20 forts at regular intervals along the wall to stop people getting out
Zombies? xD
Here's a mathematical model of a zombie infection outbreak^^ From the discussion:
In summary, a zombie outbreak is likely to lead to the collapse of civilisation, unless it is dealt with quickly. While aggressive quarantine may contain the epidemic, or a cure may lead to coexistence of humans and zombies, the most effective way to contain the rise of the undead is to hit hard and hit often. As seen in the movies, it is imperative that zombies are dealt with quickly, or else we are all in a great deal of trouble.
Zombies? Finally a good discusion topic. To quarantine zombie infection you would have to go with the Redeker Plan for maximum effectiveness. Let us all now thanks Max Brooks for his accurate recounting of it.
Zombies may not be real, but im a militarist for a reason besides my background. I believe in order and security even if it means removing some liberty, if it ensures the safety of the whole populace. If things relax, then liberty is restored slowly.
A militaristic state has an advantage in terms like this since the amount of control over society is far greater. Not only that, the response time is far more effective.
As for zombies, I believe there was a thread in The Tavern section of the forum, the Zombie Survival club or something. Died out, kind of a shame. incorporated realistic role play and such with a sense of survivalism.
If there was a infection here in The Netherlands everyone would die. Why? Because the government has sold all of our bullets or locked them up. I think that they would give policeman permission to shoot when the Zombies where about to kill the queen.
Because the government has sold all of our bullets or locked them up.
whats that for non-sense? they made a big cut on military spending yes. but from the 300.000 soldiers only 30.000 are fired of wich about 15.000 unwilling. and SOME of our machinery is sold. what we get for that? 1 billion in 1 year. sounds good next year we can reqruit the 15.000 back in and buy the new airplanes in a few more year.
I do not deny that if there was an ifection in my area that I would almost definitly die. I might set up a blockade in the place where I live and go out to get food in the stores around wherei live when that runs out. I would also make sure that I know about the zombies. If they can still hear, smell, see, hear. Then I would plan out my food raids based on that. I might try to find a police station, again depending on whether they still have all their senses and see if I can get guns. But if there was something in my area I would probably die. There are too many people where I the for the infection not to spread too fast. Even as a regular illness I still might get sick. I would probably survive for a little while, but I would almost defintly die. Too many people plus it's on the coast and pretty easy to just shut out from the rest of the world.
It seems we derailed this topic into a zombie survivalism prediction. How about this. I'll remake the zombie survival group, since our community has an interest.
If another plague occurred, assuming it would be the same disease, it wouldn't be nearly as effective as it was back then. We have Biology, Technology, and Hygiene-ology. H1N1 was full of media hype. Deaths did occur, but it paled in comparison to the standard influenza...and HIV is not the stage that kills.
Well, if such a disease ever happened, we would know either earth's time is up, or someone thought those big green tanks in the military R&D section looked pretty, and even better when the liquid was leaking through multiple punctures.
Depends on the virus. Bacteria is incapable of getting to any large height due to antibiotics, so we're fine.
Most viruses tend to lay dormant for a few hours to a few days before showing symptoms. If the disease was deadly enough, people would start dying before we even knew what was going on. Hundreds of people would be infected within the first few hours, before they even know they're infected, and it'll just grow exponentially from there.
We're doomed no matter what it is. If it's infectious, deadly, and new, it wouldn't matter how much medicine we have in the world, it's a very likely thing none of it would be for virus X. Orion's prediction is such: Impending collapse of all government, law enforcement, and general society as we know it. It'll probably take a month or two.