Ask why they have that specific religion as well. It will make the thread last longer.
I personally, am a deist. Partially because of the people here at AG, and partially because it answers so many problems that are in Christianity and Atheism. I might get flamed for saying there is anything wrong with Atheism, or Christianity, but that's how it goes...
Prediction time!
You will get mostly Athiests, followed closely by christians, then Muslims. Possibly some more Deists, but unlikely. And this thread will untimately turn into a debate.
I personally am a Christian, I'm not really what you would call a faithful believer but it's just the way that I was brought up since both of my parents are Christians as well. Some could say I'm an Atheist because I don't 'really' believe in religion that much but I suppose I do on some levels.
As I said in my previous post, I'm not really a faithful believer and have questioned what beliefs I have on a regular basis. You could call me an Atheist if you want to because I don't strongly believe in a God and in some of the books I've read Jesus came across to be a somewhat arrogant person and I'm meant to put a lot of my trust in someone who's arrogant?
You could call me an Atheist if you want to because I don't strongly believe in a God and in some of the books I've read Jesus came across to be a somewhat arrogant person and I'm meant to put a lot of my trust in someone who's arrogant?
If you still believe God exists then your not an atheist. I would suggest reading through the Bible for yourself, if you haven't already. Look into what other religions have to say as well.
Pastafarianist specifically of the "radical" Tortellini sect. i'm not crazy i just believe the holy flying spaghetti monster didn't have noodles, but instead connected tortellini
I think there was a Buddhist or two here a while back... the mormons have at least one that came/comes here... there are a few ex christians... a few christians... but the ex's / neverwere's are the most prominent in number and number of posts per person.
Right on Divisible. Mostly for your family, partially for yourself. Whats the point in getting too deep into finding the "exact" truth. I won't change anything. We'll all still just be here. I like this world.
deists believe there is a conscious being called god who made the universe and went off to do something else.
I'm an atheist because:
If I was a muslim I'd say why does allah allow suicide bombers to exist.
If I was a Christian I'd say why do I belong to this faith
If I was a Jew I'd say, what, I don't want to be circumcised or eat kosher foods, why should I have to?
And I'm not really sure I understand what Hindu beliefs are since at school we learned they believe in a being called Brahman who is the entire universe and takes the form of all their other gods but my Indian family believe in all the gods according to my mum.
So atheism seemed the logical choice and since reading things like the God Delusion I have become an antitheist
I'm Christian, as was brought up as one and after looking over it I've stayed because i like the moral aspects and because the priest at my church was a very good person he just makes you want to be a nicer person too.
Come on qwerty, anyone can make a belife sound stupid.
I'm Christian, as was brought up as one and after looking over it I've stayed because i like the moral aspects and because the priest at my church was a very good person he just makes you want to be a nicer person too.
Apart from atheism. And how can you LIKE Christian morals. They support slavery, ****, incest, genocide, being misogynistic, and stoning anyone who tries to convert you from Christianity. Among other things.