It seems to me that, during my short time here on the forums, the majority of the AG Community is Atheist. Is this just me, or is there truth to my thoughts?
even if they dont think that, i dont see how they cant not see us with utter disgust, and a smug sense of happiness know ing we are going to be tortured by the boogey man for all eternity
It's just another means of control used by some religions.
It's not just religions that do this. You could argue that it's human nature. They just see you as different and they don't understand so they want you gone one way or another.
And that is what Moslem extremists thought. but most religious people aren't like that. I am a bit of a geek so I find it irritating when someone makes an awesome discovery, and some guy in a weird hat (no offence meant)puts it down to someone called god that hasn't been proved exists.
I am Jewish, with agnostic beliefs if that makes sense. I do not believe that a man in the sky is playing chess with us as his/her pieces, but I do believe in a higher power. I just get confused with the "God has always been" part because everything must have a beginning so where has God started? That would give me a headache in religious school.
so why bother believing in something that you can pick massive holes in? i mean you even said that YOU dont believe many theistic teachings and that thinking about them is impossibly hard
I agree, in addition to necros. Please check the last date of the thread before posting, as well as add some more thought to your posts instead of, "I agree!" "Yes!" etc.
Hey well....don't be too harsh on her, if her location is true, then well...a little leeway......
Hey well....don't be too harsh on her, if her location is true, then well...a little leeway......
she's a squire, she should've learned by now.
to continue the discussion, I see more atheists lately (it's rather stifling, many of them are rather cookie cutter) but they are still nice people, and I enjoy debating/agreeing with them whenever they post on a topic. only wish some of the christian posters here had better typing elocution. if we christians can't win by logic, then we might be able to win by emotional sway .
I don't understand... What is bad about nercoing? You are searching for a topic instead of making a new one (which seems what the mods say we should do) and you do it, then a mod closes the thread down.
on a forum people come and go. dead topics often have posts in it from people that are not even active anymore and so it's useless to talk back to them. and dead topics are most of the time dead for a reason. (evry1 gave his opinion already, question has been answered already, topic went way off-topic and died or simply no1 cared anymore.)
also is a post like "im an atheist. yay!!!!!" not adding anyhing to the topic.
I don't understand... What is bad about nercoing? You are searching for a topic instead of making a new one (which seems what the mods say we should do) and you do it, then a mod closes the thread down.
Actually, we only encourage it if the thread is a few weeks old at max. We don't bother to look more than a month or two back to find the original thread, and unless it is some wholesome and long discussion of awesome, it is easier to simply make a new thread and get some new perspectives on things.
I am wondering whether to lock this, considering the main topic was "Is a lot of people on AG Atheists?" as far as I can see from the first page, though it might have changed (in that case a more WEPR savvy mod can unlock it), and the person who necroed it didn't care much for what discussion there was either, not to mention that all but one post since it was necroed is related to the necroing and not the discussion, my own included. It does however look like the topic had swayed from the OP enough to become a general discussion, and thus I see no further reason to keep this open.