It seems to me that, during my short time here on the forums, the majority of the AG Community is Atheist. Is this just me, or is there truth to my thoughts?
If you want to be technical you probably shouldn't use the word "logic" there. "Prevalent" is probably the word you're looking for. Logic refers to a set of rules that structure argument.
Religion is also not any kind of theory. It is an assertion that one commits to as fact, with far more authority than a theory, which postulates a model to represent perceived reality.
Well what I meant through logic was that people hundreds of years ago would considered it logical. I guess theory wasn't the right word though.
Well what I meant through logic was that people hundreds of years ago would considered it logical. I guess theory wasn't the right word though.
Despite the science done by Arab intellectuals science being accepted, the scientific method was looked down on in that era in Europe. They thought only Aristotle's method of discussion and logic was of use in arriving at conclusions.
It's possible that the majority of people are Atheists. But it could also be that the Christians are smart enough not to jump into the debates because it's a waste of time and they will lose and have their feelings hurt when everything they love is debunked and possibly not true lol.
yeah that is possibly true these debates are never won or lost i think christsinas have given up especially as many arent very well researched and have no evidence or real insight
One shouldn't be ashamed of their faith, if so, maybe they aren't truly faithful. Atheism is one of the easiest religions (If you even consider it one) to back up. It's much easier to say there was no God, guidelines, we aren't obligated to do something, than it is to say there is a great being in the heavens that has always been there and created us randomly. You also have other factors depending on the religions that make it even harder to back up, such as if God created us for a purpose of spreading good and he loves us, why would he let so much bad happen, or why do we need to do something. It also is more pleasing for someone to be able to do whatever and know there's no afterlife consequences for Atheists.
Also, is Atheism "Spreading" ,I guess you could say, as the Generations go by?
Atheism is one of the easiest religions (If you even consider it one) to back up.
Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god; it isn't directly opposed to religion since bhuddists can be considered as atheists, and you can't say that all atheists reject spiritual guidelines; but atheism can't be regrouped in one group, it makes no sense.
Also, is Atheism "Spreading" ,I guess you could say, as the Generations go by?
Maybe, I would say there is a better correlation between level of education and atheism. Just consider small villages vs cities..
good point but atheism isnt a religion nor can it be considered one, because atheism means no religion, but yes atheism is spreading looking at past censuse s' will prove that, the question is how much more will it spread?
good point but atheism isnt a religion nor can it be considered one, because atheism means no religion, but yes atheism is spreading looking at past censuse s' will prove that, the question is how much more will it spread?
It'll spread until it comes down to a war between the heart and the mind; and seeing as there are nigh unconvertible christians here, and the general population isn't getting much smarter, I'd say atheism would cease to expand, and religion would become, as you said Sproos, an immovable object.
interesting... but you could consider it on the flip side and say there unconvertable atheists, and the general population si getting less intelligent from my observations
and religion already is and probably always will be the immovable object, there are and always will be die hard christians taht can never be converted, and they will raise there children to be the same
but you could consider it on the flip side and say there unconvertable atheists,
There could only be a flip side if christianity was on the rise, which it most certainly is not, and will not be unless by some miracle 2012 drives us all into caves and we start fervent worship to save ourselves.
and they will raise there children to be the same
Ah but I am living proof that no matter how zealous your parents are, you can differentiate from their belief system.
yes but there are unconvertable atheists and my point still stands that theism will always be around in one way shape or form, and although some may leave their parents faith many wont simply out of duty to their family if nothing else
I would think atheism is a way to relieve stress. Being one and having no worries about 'Sunday School' or 'Confirmation'. Athiesm is not as much as a way of life as being religious, there is no time devoted to it, and no emotions running with the religion, that is of course unless you get ito a debate.
What I'm trying to say is... Athiesm is a more welcoming religion since it involves absolutely nothing.
Oh please, atheism is not a religion, in no case ever, they're not even a consistent group, since being atheist still allows to be spiritual; so atheism does not imply per se to be less stressing; this is only how you personally experience it. The only thing about atheism is that we don't believe in a deity; it's not something we have chosen because it brings advatnages or such, it is simply a state of mind.
Also, is Atheism "Spreading" ,I guess you could say, as the Generations go by?
Some guy once said "the number of gods is decreasing, we started with animism, people moved on to polytheism and now people are monotheistic. The next logical step is atheism.
It'll spread until it comes down to a war between the heart and the mind; and seeing as there are nigh unconvertible christians here, and the general population isn't getting much smarter, I'd say atheism would cease to expand, and religion would become, as you said Sproos, an immovable object.
A very low number of people who have decided to be atheists convert to a religion compared to theists coming to atheism. And while atheism is unprovable and theism isn't if there was a god he would have revealed his existence by now to all. And unconvertable christians will die and their children might have doubts. And as science advances people get smarter when they hear about they new discoveries.
Atheists can't be unconvertable because god could easily prove he exists.
And atheism is the opposite of religion because it has no unified beliefs or holy books it just has one simple rule. There is no god. It could be called a belief state but so could things like communism.
I'd be careful while saying this. Is bhuddism opposed to religion? Is spirituality opposed to religion? Atheism doesn't automatically include no spiritualism at all. It only includes no belief in a deity.