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ForumsThe TavernHow would you feel if you got banned from AG suddenly?

131 16820
11 posts

I would feel pretty upset, but then I would get over it. I could still play the games.

  • 131 Replies
2,261 posts

Oh, boy. Me, being banned? That's hard to comprehend XD

If it was only for one day, then I would live. I've gotten by without AG for one day.

But if it was permanently, or for a long time, then first I would wallow in my guilt and shame, then I'd email the mods and ask why I got banned.

So, bottom line, it would suck. Because I have an addiction to AG.

783 posts

I'd just be annoyed at the mods/admins who banned me. :/

767 posts

How many bans would you get until its a permanent ban? Like for a repeat offense.

I'd just be annoyed at the mods/admins who banned me. :/

Yeah me too
13,657 posts

How many bans would you get until its a permanent ban? Like for a repeat offense.

We work case to case. You could be permanently banned before not even being warned, if you are severely breaking our TaC, for example with explicit pornography, or, in theory, continue on with several bans for necroing threads.
However, Cormyn have taken up a three hit policy, in most cases, which means you could get banned quite easily if you forget to read our rules.
But case to case seems to be the answer.

I'd just be annoyed at the mods/admins who banned me. :/

You shouldn't be, it is not our fault you can't behave or follow our rules.
Just saying.

I find the OP badly constructed, which is mirrored in how many regulars making two answers: One of an actual justified ban (Bummed), and one of lightening fast wtf banning without reason (outraged).
The latter should never be happening. If it does, report it to the staff (through email, unless you want to get in trouble if the banning was actually justified, but poorly written), and wait it out.
If you are permabanned that way, just assume you are not welcome. Or report it to the staff (through email) and wait it out.

Note that you in most, if not all cases, will know why you were banned, as a ban-message will follow the ban. However, at times mods are too busy, and will ban first, and write later, which means it will be a good idea to check back, if your ban message is blank.
Only users who will get a blank ban message is repeat offence ad-spammers and repeat offence account suiciders, and I think they fit in the "gtfo" category anyway.

On a further note, remember that if you make an alt account to circumvent a ban (justified or otherwise), you are breaking the rules and digging the hole deeper for yourself.

However, a little faith in us mods that we do such things because you deserve it (and have been warned about it several times already), or for your own good.
Otherwise you might end up looking stupid when evidence pile up. We will be sitting behind our screens laughing.

If I got banned? Unless it was an accident (like when Nemo dropped his banhammer on his own foot), or unjustified, I would probably mob about for a while, then enjoy the free time off.
Unless it was a perma, but what are the odds for that...

The end.
1,747 posts

Oh no, Cenere is here, get down, get down, or you'll get banned. XD

Anyways, jokes aside, I think Cenere is right in everyway. I'm not being a suck-up, but it's true, if you look at it in a different perspective mods, and admins keep the forums a clean place.

3,085 posts

People aren't banned for no reason - if I was banned from AG then I would assume, rightly, that I'd committed an act or said something that contravened the Terms and Conditions. As for how I'd feel - I should imagine I'd feel rather annoyed with myself for acting in such an undignified or contrary manner that led to my removal from AG, at least temporarily, and lost the respect of my contemporaries.

4,104 posts

They can always ip ban you soo you can't make a new account

If they ban your IP you won't b able to get on the site.

Being banned would probably be a good thing for me because i tend to procrastinate by coming here.
599 posts

I got banned for a day once... it sucks and i was SO bored had nothing else to do. but if I got banned forever :0.

i dont spam in the littlest amounts cuz of it.

thats why i got banned for 1 day neither do i now
12,319 posts

However, Cormyn has taken up a three hit policy, in most cases, which means you could get banned quite easily if you forget to read our rules.

This looks like a 3 strikes, you're out kind of system. I have received two warnings so far on AG:

1) Before I became active on the forums, I wrote a game comment on Evolution Squared. I got a warning for bypassing the profanity filter from cormyn.

2) Today (as of this post), I got a warning from Cenere for spamming (too complicated to describe further) related to my Evils of the Buzzkill Insult story.

So, I have to be careful from now on or I will get perma-banned. In fact, I have had several moments where I could've been temp-banned, but I avoided each one.

As for what to do if I get banned (which is closer than you think), I have several other sites that I go to. Therefore, getting banned isn't the end of the world for me. I would not circumvent the ban or create an alt for any other reason, but I could still go on AG for the games.
2,917 posts

When I got a temporary ban... I missed AG more that moment than I would miss oxygen underwater.

5,952 posts

i would get pissed, get over it, and then make another account

1,868 posts

If I get banned, there is a reason for my ban. So I would understand it and then move to other websites. I think I would start making videos. And if I get temporarily banned, wouldn't make difference.

i would get pissed, get over it, and then make another account

I don't think it is a good idea making other account.
1,936 posts

I don't think it is a good idea making other account.

Can't you get perma-banned if you do that? O.o

If I wasn't exactly sure why I was banned, then I would probably contact a mod asking for specifics on what I did wrong.

But honestly, a week long ban isn't TOO bad. I'd go on CT or be more productive with schoolwork.
15,595 posts

If they ban your IP you won't b able to get on the site.

There are ways to get around that.
Can't you get perma-banned if you do that?

I think the first time you do it you would get an extended ban - another time then you'll get permanently banned.
1,868 posts

Can't you get perma-banned if you do that? O.o

I *think* if you get perma-banned and you make other account, your IP address is blocked but I am not sure. But I would be fine without AG forums, I would just play the games without being logged in.
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