ForumsWEPRDoes the U.S actually need political parties?

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3,671 posts

Does the U.S really need political parties? I feel like the main reason nothing is done is because the two parties rarely can agree on something. So, while they are arguing the problem is still there and by the time the two parties have agreed on something another problems has already come up. Obviously, its good to have differences so that we dont have a tunnel vision but, I feel like that fact you need a percentage of the vote of the opposite party is a huge barrier. I feel if everyone was "independent" that they would have to get the percentage as a whole rather than two separate bodies.

  • 36 Replies
295 posts

Someone in a thread like this said something that was actually a very good idea in my opinion.

He said we need more than two parties that way it wasn't one party vs. one party and we would probably have better outcomes. Something like that.

But yes we do need them. It's just they are a little silly sometimes because they just hate eachothers decisions no matter what.

554 posts

In England our system works by having people in every constituency vote for their member of parliament and then if no party has over 50% of the seats they have to form a coalition until they do have over 50%. At the moment there is a coalition between 2 of the main parties which is in principle good since it means the differing viewppoints can influence eachother but in practice we find out that they are both as bad as each other

3,671 posts

He said we need more than two parties that way it wasn't one party vs. one party and we would probably have better outcomes. Something like that.

I dont think third parties would help. the only thing third parties really do is lower the votes of other parties
1,558 posts

I dont think third parties would help. the only thing third parties really do is lower the votes of other parties

You're kidding, right? If not, you've got some problems. Third party parties (Sounds weird) influence what the "main" or &quotopular" parties in what they say. If a 3rd party party (Again, sounds weird) gets a bit of votes the leader may change his campaign for more votes.
55 posts

I don't think separate parties are working well. A single party with less discriminating and freedom of work will absolutely fit the US government and would surely outshine the world.

157 posts

Being Dutch it is a whole lot different:
In The Netherlands we have 9 (NINE!) political parties. And we constantly have a government out of multiple parties who are continually arguing and scheming to overrule each other. And yet we are the 16th economy in the world. In total territory we are the 135th. By 61th with population. Also we have no natural resources like iron, gold, oil whatsoever.

It can work. But then compromise is essential.

1,482 posts

[quote]When our government was originally set up, there weren't supposed to be parties

I would like evidence of this.

Well, Washington was a nonparitsan president --and his farewell address warned American not to pull itself into factions. Also, the articles of confederation had no political parties.

By 61th with population. Also we have no natural resources like iron, gold, oil whatsoever.

k wtf moment. There's oil in the North Sea, loads of limestone, peat, and I think you forgot to mention the unbelievable fertility of Dutch soil and their never-ending supply of fishies to catch and sell.

Also, Europe is very, very left [ In comparison to the US ]. They're conservative is like our democratic. I feel this is why Europe has so many parties. When someone's left, it's really easy to pick which left they want to be, since, being left means your open to change, and change can come in all directions. Whereas, a conservative, on the other hand, usually wants things to stay the same. Now you can't have two parties asking to stay the same -- they'd basically be... ONE PARTY!

Also, a third party is usually a terrible idea. Third parties are usually more liberal/conservative than their more moderate democratic or republican candidates. So, usually, a conservative third kills the moderate republican -- resulting in more of a fail seeing as it leads to the person the political third is most against in a favorable spot to win.

I'm pretty sure the US needs political party. What it also needs is new politicians. This is a little biased, but I'm tired of seeing congressional republican millionaires blab on all day about how Taxes are killing everyone and they should be reduced. Then, weeks later, they're making loads more money and say the same thing again.

There'll always be debate on the senate floor, that's where good ideas are made. Compromise is essential, but we have to pick the right men that KNOW who they're backing to do it. I feel that as of today most political leaders are people with big names that do whatever they want.
34 posts

Yes, i don't feel like typing a list of reasons because they are pretty obvious.

58 posts

I'm really getting sick of the bickering between both parties instead of fixing the problems the United States have.

3,671 posts

I'm really getting sick of the bickering between both parties instead of fixing the problems the United States have.

I agree

Yes, i don't feel like typing a list of reasons because they are pretty obvious.

Explain your spam because no its not obvious
1,751 posts

Well, you could not have political parties and vote for every single senator and representative(not a good idea if you are in California), or you could vote for a philosophy and let the party choose what candidate is best.

13 posts

i somewhat agree with quintinius.

the reason why we dutch have 9 parties is so that it can be a proper representation of the population, in that way, the process is far more democratic, because personaly, i think choosing between two parties is not democratic at all

1,482 posts

i think choosing between two parties is not democratic at all

In the USA, Ever since like... back in the day, you've been allowed to 'split your vote'. We don't have to pick one party. It's just that many do, seeing as parties are usually divided on broad, general party lines, seeing as all the other parties fail. It's not my fault that they do.

Are you saying that in the Netherlands there is a number of seats reserved per party? Or does it just so happen to be that people from 9 different parties are elected due to popular vote for them in their respective areas?
3,671 posts

Well, I am not saying they are needed but, it seems like it I mean shouldn't the goal for every political party be the interest of the people? Or to make this country better? But, I don't see that I see two parties trying to take over the house.

354 posts

We, as a species on this Earth, should come together as one and realize that no matter how bad we may hate someone, that is petty when looking at all of humanity.

It is not petty to hate someone or to divide ourselves into faction or groups. Had we not we would not be here today. If a group hates another group for particular reasons it can lead to competition between the two about which one group is the better, then both groups start thinking of new ideas and tools to outdo the other causing radical advancement in technology of all fields. Only the greatest example of this was the cold war. Because of it we now know proper equations for rocket flight to launch objects into space, we have orbiting satellites broadcasting millions of bits of data so you can wirelessly talk to your friend in France when you are thousands of miles away! Hundreds of tv stations, satellite imagery used in military combat, and by God's sake the Hydrogen Bomb!!!! Of course when the hatred between these groups leads to warfare and mass murder it is ridiculous but humanity will never unite as one group and if it does life would be BORING. If all of humanity learned the same thing, talked the same way, had the same accent, lived the same type of lifestyle, always agreed with each other, where would we progress?
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