theres reason to be glad hes dead, but to celbrate is too mucch, if you can take joy from what should be a chilling reminder of what he as part of then your clearly looking for an exscuse to feel good and shout so patriotism
I dont think we should CELEBRATE Osama's death as it seems wrong and is kind of creepy and strange. Why celebrate death? We aren't to fear it, but we shouldn't celebrate it either. This is in NO WAY a slam to the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead, but Americans don't generally celebrate death as it isn't something we like. Why aren't we putting this extra energy into helping those families childrens, husbands, and wives who went over there so we could stay free?
WHY does everyone keep making threads on Osama, for one, it's NOT "that" big of a deal, he hadn't done anything in 10 years, he's just been hiding. There's also like 200 threads on this (I don't even think i'm exaggerating)
Go to one of those threads...
As for my opinion, I think you should be glad, but dancing in the street with fireworks would be a little much.
There is a huge reason to celebrate. But what I feel is that we are not celebrating his death. We are celebrating a victory.
Victory? There is no victory, only absolved vengeance. War against terror is still there, and it might even get worse if the former second-placed and actual first-placed stays at the lead; he is supposedly even more violent than Osama. You really only celebrated the death of Osama.
All we have done is gotten revenge. It actually sickens me. Celebrating a death just shows how savage as a human race we can really be. I feel it's similar to when people would gather and watch people be hung or stoned. And think about all the people our government has killed? That is equally as bad in my opinion as him killing 1'000s.
Revenge can be a good thing. But in reality there is still so much to be done besides focusing on his death. It's more important to move on. It was good for propaganda.
based on new information the attack tself was beneficial, they discovered some plots and a real insight into how Al Queida works, tuens out osama may have been more operational than we first thought
based on new information the attack tself was beneficial, they discovered some plots and a real insight into how Al Queida works, tuens out osama may have been more operational than we first thought
I feel that celebrating a deathâ"even feeling joy for the death of someone evilâ"goes against almost every religious teaching. After the Israelites left Egypt and the Egyptians had been drowned by the Red Sea, God rebuked His angels for celebrating. In the Talmud, it says, something the like of
Do not celebrate at the death of your enemy, nor be gladdened when he stumbles.
I feel this sums up how we should act with this. So, do not be glad that Osama is dead, but be glad that there is less evil in the world.
He is dead but there are thousands of crazy people like him in earth. Im finnish so here has,nt (luckily) been any terrorist attack, although there was terrorist attack in stockholm, sweden in 2010 (but im not sure was it Al-Qaida...)