For the first time in US history health care is a right, not a privilege for the rich and healthy. People in Vermont will no longer be denied insurance based on income, pre-existing condition, age, gender, or any other factor. Everyone will have equal access to healthcare. 1 state has reformed. 49 to go.
Complaining to the Government that taxes in America are to high is like saying that piss will put out a fire. You can try to do it, it might make some small indent in the overall problem, but you are eventually just gonna get your **** burned off.
Plus, if the man that was in the video is so right, why haven't you tried to get it forwarded to the government in the first place? And if he is so firmly set in his beliefs, than why is he making a YouTube video about it rather than doing something? He is a grown man. If he has something to say to the government, he should be allowed to go there and say it.
Just gonna put this out there that we don't have a high rate of taxation in this country.
Point is?
Plus, if the man that was in the video is so right, why haven't you tried to get it forwarded to the government in the first place? And if he is so firmly set in his beliefs, than why is he making a YouTube video about it rather than doing something? He is a grown man. If he has something to say to the government, he should be allowed to go there and say it.
Do you want me to give you a straw hat for your straw man?
You are not forced to. You can always leave a place you don't like -- K that's crap. Democracy literally is the criticism of one's country. There is no option to leave, just to change and fix. The 'if you don't like it then leave' argument is like 2nd grade.
If you are a selfish person, then !!SOCIETY!! should handle the selfish person, not the government. If someone wants to be selfish and hoard their money, it's their money! If you don't like it, don't buy their product. If you don't like it, write about it. If you don't like it, protest.
That's a little insane. What are you saying, we should allow monopolies to 'hoard' their money into land assets to eventually control our lives and overprice the living crap out of us? A little off topic, but I feel that a community, be it national or not, has a certain standard it must hold -- whether it be in form of their earned money or otherwise.
Point is?
This is a problem. Either everyone pays more for healthcare, or someone has gradually raise taxes to acceptable levels. We would not be having this problem if governments could subsidize or give benefits to us in other forms. Europe kicks our *** in benefits, be it healthcare or whatever. It's a lot bigger, but it does so because it holds taxes in check. This country's had a flagrant downsizing of Taxes since the 70's -- and I think it's stupid. I don't pay taxes, but my family does. It's an income eater, but I'd have rather liked it if I wasn't about to go through my post-Highschool years in a government that is pushed so far down itself with debt that benefits for me will be a load of bull.
Universal Healthcare will only work if everyone's a part of it. If we chose to pay for our military that defends our lives, I see no reason why not to pay for an insurance policy that does the same thing. I understand that some people may not want it -- but I could do without 90% of the US interstate. What if people in the 1950's said they'd only like if it their taxes went towards roads near their home? America's roadways would be just as class-oriented as our health care is.
What are you saying, we should allow monopolies to 'hoard' their money into land assets to eventually control our lives and overprice the living crap out of us? A little off topic, but I feel that a community, be it national or not, has a certain standard it must hold -- whether it be in form of their earned money or otherwise.
I like monopolies. Big, strong, corporations that are fighting in their own gigantic world of super economics. But lets look further into what they are.
I'll just give you a history example -- So lets take it back toooooo.... 1880. So, lets say you and me are Farmers, we're not the 2% of people that have money. The cash we'll get is coming from crops. Crops need to be transported. So you go in your wagon to the nearest railroad. You see... 'Monopolycorp's Railroads!" So you go elsewhere. Same thing. You notice that the prices are ridiculous. Why's that? The monopoly can do whatever the hell it wants, and charge the living crap out of you. You are now poor, the monopoly has no competition. You'll never get lower prices, and nobody else will ever take incentive to improve upon the manufacturing of railroads due to an utter lack of competition in it's economic sector.
I believe in Democracy and freedom. No one should pay for something they do not want!
There are certain things that, if everyone contributes, it makes society better overall. Even if I never go to college, or drive, or use sewage, my taxes still go to education, roads, and sewer systems. If everyone could deduct from their taxes the services they don't use, we would be a society that provides no basic services to anyone. Nothing would be affordable but for the very rich. The last thing a society needs is for the rich to be the only ones who can afford healthcare, education, and basic human services.
Newer example, not as accurate. OPEC. They have oil. We don't. They charge 5 trillion a barrel. We'll buy it when push comes to shove.
[I know gov. + politics + other things influence oil, but you get the point]
* And to add to thelistman's point. Government supported infrastructure is a model making piece of this country. Democracy involves union. And union requires a commitment. We're like states. State's give their sovereignty to the Federal Government. Secession doesn't really work What I'm trying to say is, overall, if people live more and go to school more and die less and think harder and smoke less weed -- I have a feeling we'll all be making more money eventually, riight?!
And corporations, though large and godly, will be in a series of fierce, healthy economic competition fueling the world.
The current system is a free market based system. Second, even if it is not, a free market system would make my point even more valid due to the arbitrary rise in costs and denial of service.
No, it isn't. And no, it wouldn't.
You seriously ask that?! Shows you a very poor student of history.
So the reason monopolies are bad is because nobody can compete with them? Monopolies are bad because a single business owns the only source of a product or service? If monopolies are so evil, why do we want to destroy certain areas of the market and allow the government to create their own monopoly?
Universal health care can not be competed against because universal health care does not have to make a profit. Universal health care can not support itself, it must be constantly bailed out with our taxes. The government can take as much taxes as they want from the people.
Just because a company is controlled by the government doesn't mean it isn't a monopoly.
One being that the current system is that of a free market, the other being that I support this system.
You're the poster boy for arguments like this. You throw out arguments that appear to support the system and claim it to be a certain way, then you go around saying we're all "wrong". You then claim you do not support the system. Yet, you support something similar. >.>
You're constantly complaining that you don't want to pay taxes for a UHC system. Meanwhile I don't want to support a foreign war effort because my country shouldn't be over there supporting America's mess. However, I'm paying my taxes for it. Be a man and deal with it. This isn't Fantasy Land and you can't get what you always want.
Monopolies from businesses have historically created money for those in support of the monopoly. However, they've cause economic problems for others, such as the working and lower classes. I suggest you do your history homework.
Newer example, not as accurate. OPEC. They have oil. We don't. They charge 5 trillion a barrel. We'll buy it when push comes to shove.
If I'm not mistaken, there's a lot of other reasons why gas prices are so high, such as the added ethanol in gasoline, tariffs, and the fact we won't touch our own oil supplies. It's actually something I need to look more into myself.