ForumsWEPRVermont passes Universal Health Care bill

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For the first time in US history health care is a right, not a privilege for the rich and healthy. People in Vermont will no longer be denied insurance based on income, pre-existing condition, age, gender, or any other factor. Everyone will have equal access to healthcare. 1 state has reformed. 49 to go.

  • 42 Replies
1,482 posts

Monopolies from businesses have historically created money for those in support of the monopoly.

Except for... All the dang time? Monopolies make money for those IN the monopoly. Anyone working for the monopoly that is experiencing rapid growth/expansion due to fast funds is usually underpayed, without benefits, and has no right to speak out for himself. They have funded infrastructure development in America, no doubt, but it was their faulty business that lead to things such as the Great Depression. Banking monopolies in the west lead to a depression in 1873 -- JP Morgan, a banker, solved the issue getting the government to hand those banks to him.

^ If you were the government, you'd have said hell naw it's still their money.
^ Instead, the banks were able to give out their loans, transfer their assets to Morgan, and not fail easy. This guy knew wtf he was doing, because his name is one of the oldest still on a brand- JP Morgan and Chase, the bank.

I'm saying we should pay Taxes for UHC, but if we are to do so, we should cut down on other stuff that slams into the deficit.

Just because a company is controlled by the government doesn't mean it isn't a monopoly.

I don't understand. There is no 'competition' in insurance. Insurance is restricted to state boundaries. It's the same thing it's not 'advancing' much farther unless health care in it's own essence choses to reprice itself.

So this has no purpose in enterprise. It's a bunch of rich people with subscribers deciding to gradually raise rates over time. ^ Not going to stop!!

Government = No Monopoly. It is in the interest of no profit, only health. Much better.
3,437 posts

If I'm not mistaken, there's a lot of other reasons why gas prices are so high, such as the added ethanol in gasoline, tariffs, and the fact we won't touch our own oil supplies. It's actually something I need to look more into myself.

Lol yeah...they're also based off of predictions the assumptions of "experts". Notice how gas goes up fast, but goes down slow? Ever wonder why that is? Let's not forget this companies make billions of dollars and spend a chunk of change BUYING THEIR OWN STOCK! Why? Because that gives the execs more benefit options...

Communism is a beast you folks made.

Communism isn't evil. It isn't wrong. Most Westerners believe it is only because of societal reactions during the Cold War.
5,043 posts

My point about monopolies is that the government is a monopoly.

Be a man and deal with it.

Bending over and taking it in the *** doesn't sound very manly to me.

This isn't Fantasy Land and you can't get what you always want.

But if you try sometimes, you find you get what you need.
3,437 posts

we should cut down on other stuff that slams into the deficit.

*coughs* military budget

Bending over and taking it in the *** doesn't sound very manly to me

You're joking right? That's your response?

But if you try sometimes, you find you get what you need.

Reality: The working class and lower class in America need afforable healthcare.

Your World: Health care us SUPER AFFORDABLE! Everyone is lazy! shsbdsherih
5,043 posts

I don't understand. There is no 'competition' in insurance. Insurance is restricted to state boundaries. It's the same thing it's not 'advancing' much farther unless health care in it's own essence choses to reprice itself.

This is one of the problems with the health care system.

Government = No Monopoly. It is in the interest of no profit, only health. Much better.

It doesn't matter if the government is trying to make a profit or not, it still costs money. The drive for profit decreases prices, government monopoly with a constant system to bail out what losses there are does not.
5,043 posts

Reality: The working class and lower class in America need afforable healthcare.

Your World: Health care us SUPER AFFORDABLE! Everyone is lazy! shsbdsherih

There you go, again with the assumptions.

I believe we should help others because we want to, not because someone is forcing us.

Again, why are we still assuming I'm defending the rich? I'm not defending the rich, the middle class, or the poor. I'm defending those who want to control their own money. I'm defending people who could use the money for better things. I'm defending people who value options.
1,482 posts

This is one of the problems with the health care system.

It isn't a *problem* for auto insurance. Why? They're unrestricted monsters, They do whatever the hell they like and have ADS all over the place. They make good money. They cause OTHER companies like Jiffy Lube to compete and invest to be better.

In health insurance, there is no 'better hospital', in auto, there is a 'better jiffy lube' -- Doctors all want money and they will get it.

It's not a problem in the system, it is a problem -- You can't sell something that's unsellable, you know.

It doesn't matter if the government is trying to make a profit or not, it still costs money. The drive for profit decreases prices, government monopoly with a constant system to bail out what losses there are does not.

Bull. If you don't like it, and it actually is causing a problem for many, we can cut it more, add onto it, etc. The drive for profit does decrease prices, but that is when someone is competing to kill your price! What is happening here is that every insurance provider has his spot in the world, he's sitting there half-assed, making deals with others to gradually kill off competition.

It's a big fat trust that acts above the board to make loads of cash.

The Government is a big fat trust that we can slap in the face.

Option two is awesome.
5,043 posts

The difference is, government has intrinsic benevolence

BINGO! We hit the nail on the head. No, the government does NOT have intrinsic benevolence, especially the federal government.
5,043 posts

Translation, you are.

No, I'm defending the middle class who is also forced to pay for Universal Health Care. Oh wait, you believe that Universal Health Care helps the middle class and that everyone in the middle class wants to pay for Universal Health Care.

News flash, not everyone in the middle class supports Universal Health Care.

News flash, not everyone has cancer.

News flash, not everyone is sick.

News flash, not all hospital visits are expensive.

It sucks when a few sick people find themselves with high medical bills, this isn't the majority of people.
9,504 posts

Translation, you are. he isn't? When Nemo is talking about people who want to control their own money, it's about how our money would be going towards UHC, despite being healthy ourselves. With government's control over health care, for those that need the healthcare, everyone is adding in the money that is spent towards said healthcare. This is nowhere near talking about the rich. This is talking about everyone's money.
5,043 posts

The constution and the social contract disagrees.

You mean the constitution written to limit government power because big government wasn't trusted?

Average cost of ER visit is $1265 Most people go to the hospital for emergency purposes and if there are complications, it can get very expensive quickly.

And the only solution you can think of to lower prices is to give the government full control over health care and force everyone to pay?
9,504 posts

News flash, the middle class elected bush into office twice, so excuse me if I don't accept the argument that it means the people are smarter.

How does this have anything to do with:

It sucks when a few sick people find themselves with high medical bills, this isn't the majority of people.

This? Are we talking about the decision making politics of the majority of the people, or are we talking about the medical well-being of the people? Let's just make things clear that nearly all known and well-known insurance companies cover most of the medical costs, provided that they aren't pre-existing conditions. What is the only thing I don't like about insurance companies? The Pre-existing conditions part. They should cover those as well, however, that damages a business. How often do people go to ER visits? Are the average people able to ring up a tab to pay for later? Is this genuinely the majority of the people? Do most people go to the hospital for emergency purposes? Or is it actually "most people go to clinics for standard, practical purposes"?
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