I fail to see how time and space go hand in hand... I have not really looked into it but I was talking with my friend and I cant seem to grasp something.
How are they relative?
He said if you travel really fast in a circle for 10 years time around you would go faster.
But I fail to see how this works. I figure you would be traveling really fast for 10 years at whatever speed and when you stop it would only be 10 years around you would it not?
Do you actually understand the mathematical evidence? No, you don't. You just assume scientists do and take their word for it.
To some extent yes, but still all that math is independent of "the person in the lab coat". Also there are other aspects that I can observe and understand for myself, such as master565 example with the clocks.
Do you actually understand the mathematical evidence? No, you don't. You just assume scientists do and take their word for it.
I assume he understands the logic of it and so do i. And since math is logic, he understands it. The concept of time being relative doesn't require math, it just requires thinking. I refer you to Einstein's riddle again.
He first discovered it when he thought of a riddle, If a man going at the speed of light holding a mirror facing himself, what would he see? In case you didn't know, light is reflected off you into the mirror to create what you see, so if you were going the speed of light then it wouldn't be able to bounce off you. He pondered this for 10 years, asking some of the greatest minds of the world until he came to the conclusion, light was a constant. If you were to go the speed of light, then the speed of light will still be going the speed of light.
So if your holding a mirror at high speeds, do you not see a correct image?
i have a question. I'm not too learned on the subject but the question still arose to me. His equation is E = mc^2. And someone stated that, whilst coming toward the speed of light, it will be unattainable as the amount of energy you put into reaching the speed of light will mostly result in your gaining of mass. My question was simply -- wtf? How do you gain mass? It was like page 3. Here's the quote
You gain extreme weight. The energy you use to accelerate further (when you're close to the speed of light) will mainly be put into your mass. That's why you can't reach the speed of light.
The only thing I do understand about the subject is that gravity slows time down, by a little.
Also, secondly,
So if your holding a mirror at high speeds, do you not see a correct image?
What does this show about time and space? All it is telling me that, if I were faster than light, then the light would not have the necessary time required to bounce off of my face, hit the glass, and reach back into my eyes in order for me to perceive it -- because I'd have ran away from that light by then.
His equation is E = mc^2. And someone stated that, whilst coming toward the speed of light, it will be unattainable as the amount of energy you put into reaching the speed of light will mostly result in your gaining of mass. My question was simply -- wtf? How do you gain mass? It was like page 3. Here's the quote
It was page 1 and i dont understand what he said either but this is his full quote. "There are restrictions to a object flying near speed of light, I don't remember whether you gain extreme weight, or energy, or the contrary; but anyway it is actually not possible for us to get even close to speed of light."
What does this show about time and space? All it is telling me that, if I were faster than light, then the light would not have the necessary time required to bounce off of my face, hit the glass, and reach back into my eyes in order for me to perceive it -- because I'd have ran away from that light by then.
How many times do i have to explain it?!?!
If you are going at the speed of light and look into a mirror, since light needs to bounce off you into the mirror, logically you wouldn't see anything. But yet, no matter what speed we have gone at we still see a reflection. This is because light always goes the speed of light no matter what speed you are going. If you go 30 MPH in a car and another car beside you goes 30 MPH, neither of you will move ahead of each other. But if you go the speed of light and there is light beside you, light would still pass you and it will be passing you at the speed of light.
e=mc^2 and a few other theorums that we go by dictate that it must have mass and to have mass it must have particles... the e i think is the manifestation of the wave of energy. to get any more in depth I'll have to do research or ask my physical chemistry teacher next semester who has a doctorate in theoretical chemistry from Harvard... best i can do at first glance.