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ForumsThe TavernPirating software

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4,104 posts

I know plenty of people who download software from websites for free. What they don't seem to see is that stealing software from a website is no different from stealing from an item from a store. Stealing is stealing. Some of them do it because they don't want to pay, some of them do it and say if they like it they will buy it later(they never buy it). So i ask you AG, what is your opinion on pirating software?

  • 30 Replies
608 posts

My opinion is the same as yours.

4,104 posts

Also, when i say i know people who pirate software, i don't mean a 20$ or 50$ thing, i mean hundreds of dollars of pirated software.

608 posts

I think they do know what they are doing. And even if they didn't that doesn't make it right.

2,261 posts

I think it's most likely because they don't want to pay a crapload of money for something, whatever it might be.

It's all I have to say on it, really.

4,104 posts

I think it's most likely because they don't want to pay a crapload of money for something, whatever it might be.

Well obviously, but if i don't want to pay for a new computer, can i go walk into a store and take it?
2,261 posts

Well obviously, but if i don't want to pay for a new computer, can i go walk into a store and take it?

The problem with that is, the store that you'd steal it from most likely has security. Online, you have less of a chance of being caught pirating/stealing something. Also, you can't exactly pirate a computer off the Internet.
4,104 posts

The problem with that is, the store that you'd steal it from most likely has security. Online, you have less of a chance of being caught pirating/stealing something. Also, you can't exactly pirate a computer off the Internet.

The concept of stealing is the same. I don't believe that people who pirate software would steal from the store if there was no security.
4,104 posts

I just want to say that software is not the same as hardware - it is mostly ideas, lots of typing, and sweat.

I fail to see the difference. Using your logic, hardware is Ideas, planning, and sweat. Designing software is extremely difficult and good ones take years of studying programing.

(though most should be worth a fraction of the cost - it's mostly to pay the people who made it)

1. who else would the money be for?
2. I don't think you realize how much money and time goes into designing software

however, for pirating movies, if you know you will only watch it once or twice and you have no way to rent it, I suppose pirating a movie is okay.

Then you are stealing from the creators of the movie. I see no difference.

The only reason you have to pay for a lot of software is that the people who made the software need the money it costs to stay alive and pay off the debt they gathered for the price of the computer they bought.

I don't think you see programming as a real thing.
2,027 posts

I used to do it a lot when I was younger, but that was mostly due to the fact that there weren't really any good game or record stores in my town.

I think what made me think it was acceptable when I was younger was that unlike shoplifting, when you pirate something the source doesn't lose their copy, so you sort of felt like it didn't do any harm. Granted, in those cases when I wasn't planning to buy the game/album/movie I suppose it didn't make a difference, but when you do buy games it's not the game itself you pay for as much as it is all the work behind it.

The only reason you have to pay for a lot of software is that the people who made the software need the money it costs to stay alive and pay off the debt they gathered for the price of the computer they bought.

Everyone who works on the game gets paid. Take a look at the credits the next time you finish a game and you can tell that there's usually a very large team working on these games. Now, imagine every one of them gets a reasonable monthly pay. Then remember that it takes over a year to finish developing a good game. As you can imagine, the companies have to pay their employees a lot during this time. In addition to that, they may have some computers and software to pay for as well. This means that developing a good game is very, very expensive. Now, even if a CD itself doesn't cost much, they've still got a whole lot of expenses to cover, and that's why games cost so much.
606 posts

Yes I admit I stole tons of things when I was younger. Food software movies I downloaded tons of music. And I still download music. And so does billions of other people around that world. But for software if I need it I will download it. A lot of software company's have free version of there product for you to download. And than if you like it you can buy it. Witch a ton of people don't. But some do. So I still do on a rare basest.

600 posts

I know someone who stole software, no wait, no one lost anything so it can't have been stealing. Never mind.

767 posts

Is it just for the internet cause theres other ways you could do it i think...

4,104 posts

I know someone who stole software, no wait, no one lost anything so it can't have been stealing. Never mind.

Except the developers who lost the money the person owes them for taking their thing.

Just because they don't lose physical property, doesn't mean they don't lose money.
4,206 posts

I'm not going to pay for over priced music just because monopoly wants to.

As for software, I agree. A lot of them are produced by third party corporations or independent artists. The only software I don't feel bad after downloading is anything with Microsoft.

9,504 posts

Be it hardware, software, media, what-have-you, pirating is larceny upon a company or corporation. It doesn't matter whether it is a multi-billion dollar conglomerate that can be interpreted as a monopoly or a small company that is starting off and needs funds, you are taking their money by not paying for it legitimately.

What is something I tolerate about downloading software?Sampling: A product that is so old or obsolete that said developer discontinues distribution of said product, where they couldn't possibly gain any more significant funds from selling it further, or by losing money if they continue distribution any longer. An example would be old school video games. That software company would be losing money by continuing to develop that product, so they discontinue it. If you cannot get your hands on that video game from that company, then by all means, set up an emulator and download it. No one significant is losing any money by sampling the software, because they discontinued distribution of it. They are focusing their funds on other projects and do not wish to waste money by continuing obsolete products.

Current products that corporations can still make money from? Pirating. You're taking their money. There can't possibly be a legitimate excuse for not properly buying their products, like "oh, I'm just going to watch it once or twice" or "bah, it's a multi-billion dollar corporation; $50 isn't that much to them". It's larceny. Violations against user-license agreements. Against national and international laws. Bad.

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