I say we go Hammurabi on him and force him to live out the rest of his days listening to the petty argumentation of old Jewish married couples. That would be worse than prison anyway.
At the end of the day, he did do the crime. However, he is very old and what lesson would he be learning at the end of his life? Sad if they put him away but it is the law.
Okay sure. Lets put an old man away in prison. So he can spend the rest of his life in misery at our cost. Who wins here? An old man is punsised for something he's probably very sorry for and we lose money. I think if anything we should use Zakyman's idea.
EnterOrion, there is no solid proof that he entered this horrific act of his own free will. Like I said earlier, he should perform community service as a speaker at Holocaust museums, so that he can do some good to even make a paltry attempt as repayment.
i wonder... was military involvement mandatory for men of his age at the time?
the argument is... "he could have not followed orders." knowing the people at the time and how they are rumored to have worked... not only him... but most likely his entire family and everyone he loved would've disappeared and ended up in an unmarked trench somewhere side by side the dead Jews, Gypsies, and Homosexuals who were also victims of circumstance... that circumstance being having been born at the wrong place in the wrong time period.
what if they were in the military pre-hitler? .......I wonder if abandoning the military... going AWOL as it were would've been viewed with kind and forgiving eyes. Considering Hitler orchestrated something dubbed (something similar to the name i'm going to suggest) the night of the long knives (black knives?) where he took power and had his men show up and kill a lot of ranking military officials and their families (the officials being people he was unsure would follow him w/ absolution)........ that to me would tell me I should stay in it b/c not only would I be punished. Everyone in my family would end up burnt to ashes or buried in a trench somewhere as I watched and was then executed after them. If you leave, you die. Now if you survive.. you are to be tried and killed 60 years later.
I wonder how they've conducted themselves since this episode in history...these German guards and officers.. If they were peaceful and did nothing else since then I would think them victims of circumstance and forgive. If they continued the killing and purging that the Nazi agenda promoted then they're truly evil and need to be dealt with.
so next... lets single out one by one, hunt down, and kill all of Mr. Ghadaffi's troops... as they're all guilty of the same type of crimes. O___O lets kill everyone who has ever killed anyone EVAR!!!!!! An eye for an eye doesn't make the whole world blind... it just leaves me as the only one with eyes :3
Lets wage war on everyone who has ever waged war xD
The fact that he could have resisted and didn't incriminates him even further in my opinion. He committed those actions of his own free will, and despite the barbarity of them, he chose to do them all the same. The fact that he is old makes no difference; he did the crime, he does the time.
He committed those crimes he still should be punished. I guess if I kill someone today but I hide out until I'm 92 hopefully they'll give me a lesser sentence also.
He committed those crimes he still should be punished. I guess if I kill someone today but I hide out until I'm 92 hopefully they'll give me a lesser sentence also.
that doesn't go together
it's more like if you were forced into the army to kill innocents against your will hid away from the horrible memory for a long time then suddenly be uprooted and facing trials for something you've regretted all your life and never wanted to happen
were they forced to follow them? or was their case moreso an obvious decision to follow and become indoctrinated... which is possible w/ the germans... but as I've shown... not necessarily the case