Forums → WEPR → 91 Year Old War Criminal Tried
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I get mildly graphic w/ my painting of a few mental pictures here. If you don't like the mentioning of death or blood... or the description of someone dying then don't read it. ...just thought I'd give a heads up. I had way too much time on my hands... but I thought what I said needed to be said. I'm sure you will disagree with me. ...but at least u'll have to read muh uber post and pick out a million citations for ur debunking :3...jk. ...but seriously. don't read it if you're too faint of heart. >_> and i'd like you to tell me b4 u delete it so i can copypasta it somewhere to fix the unnacceptable. ...or u copypasta it and give it to walker if it isn't walker and he'll relay it to me through unmentioned ways O__o
so it begins... one of the longest forum posts of my time (LotR reference)
say i'm in the military...... I call some random German city home. I have lots of friends, family, and neighbors who live around my house... inside my house lets say I have a 3 kids and a pregnant wife. say I was in the German military prior to Hitler's rise to power... a canon fodder member of the infantry (that way i didn't get knifed in the overthrow).
At the founding of the death camps, I am stationed at one of them. One day a group of people is herded into a room full of showers expecting to get clean. I'm told to push a button (or pull a lever) while they're in there. I point at it and say "what do?"...(but in german)... their reply:
"It turns on the gas that will flow from the faucet heads and send those lesser humans to a painful ashy grave... now if you question what I tell you again, I'll shoot you on sight... is that clear?"
Its then that I realize that if I disagree with the Nation whom I'm fighting for's agenda and means for realizing that agenda I'll be killed... My family will be killed. My friends and neighbors will disappear. If I run and hide, then anyone I know who doesn't go AWOL with me will receive the wrath that's directed towards me. My military friends will hunt me for fear of they themselves being hunted if they don't. If I stand my ground and say no, then I'll be shot on site, or worse... they'll subdue me... and staple my eyes open so that I have to watch them torture, experiment on, maim, gas, kill, and/or incinerate alive my babies, my wife, and my unborn (of course that's a small list of the possible things that could've happened). ...if they didn't make my potentially indoctrinated already born children do the dirty work for the Fuhrer. (there are cases of children turning on parents who w/ held food to feed their families that they were w/holding to feed the little indoctrinated bugger that was meant to be sent to the German gov't instead...quotas and such)
all that to show that not everyone was indoctrinated and that my point has a tad bit more than a slim to none chance of being right.
if i pull the lever, then a lot of people will die... and there will be more to follow. If I don't pull the lever.. then those people will still die today... and so will my family and possibly many more just by association (especially if they try and protect my family or hide them)........ its no longer about just me and my ideals. my decision affects the lives of more than just those in the gas chamber. I could make a pointless/useless show of integrity and make a martyr of myself... but again... my family will suffer. ...or i spend the next few days, months, years doing such things again and again hoping for it to end... and hoping to spare my family.... hoping to myself make it to see another day.
so I hesitate my hand over the lever for a moment while all this is going through my head. I look at my commanding officer... and I pull the lever... sometime after I can no longer hear the torturous screams of agony.... I commence cleaning out the countless bodies of innocent men, women, and children whom I just slaughtered.
now, years later... b/c of not making a martyr of myself back then I am to be held accountable for the innumerable people that I put to death so that my family could live. They call it murder and slap "war crime" on it... and genocide. At the time... I called it survival.
now.. proper research could debunk that... and make all the above void... but if there's reasonable suspicion of him being a victim of circumstance (a reasonable doubt in him being an uber nazi)... then he should be absolved and forgiven.
if he went out there and took a dump on a dead/dying body before throwing it in the furnace I'll gladly pull the lever on him. (that is... a dump w/o having a gun pointed at him)
...I hit a raccoon the other day w/ my car @55mph... he walked out in the middle of the road right in front of me and stared at me w/ those beady little glowing eyes of his. I didn't have time to slow down and stop on the highway and not hit him that way... if i continued forward then I would surely hit him (it was like a 1-2 second decision). I had time to swerve tho(and think about swerving)... a steep ditch w/ trees just past it on one side... and a car w/ people in it to the left... If I'd only wrapped my car around that pine tree and sacrificed myself... or swerved left and hit that car... that furry little critter would possibly still be walking the earth today. ...but I didn't. I pursued one of the most basic instincts organisms have... self preservation. Thus, I am guilty of inhumane acts toward animals... and should be thrown in jail for animal cruelty and/or brutality directed at animals (last one isn't real i don't think... but it sounds awesome)...technically if I could've missed it in anyway.. then I should have by your logic. (inb4... he totally wouldn't have died if he didn't do it... bull crap. people "disappeared" back then all the time)
it will be said that the two scenarios are by no means equivalent or proportionally similar. they were both unthinkable unfortunate events. albeit they weren't inescapable... I totally could've gone somewhere other than straight... and soldier boy could've not pulled the lever. the car behind me or the one to my left most likely would've hit it had I swerved... and another more compliant soldier would've been found immediately after (or even during) I had been subdued to pull the lever for me. both would've happened regardless of whether or not I had been the one who actually did it....i just chose to do it so I wouldn't possibly die right then and there... or die and take other otherwise safe innocent individuals down with me.
if he were to somehow fit this ridiculous mold I've fabricated... and the law were to still find him guilty with those grounds proven and considered... and even part of the reason for the sentence and any punishment is dole'd his way... then the law is wrong
I wonder how many of the condemning people when placed in his boots in that situation would've martyred themselves and sacrificed other people? ...granted there are those who hate their families and themselves as it is...and would simply give the middle finger to the commanding officer and gladly die.
nighwish's sentiment portrayed in 10th Man Down (lyrics meaning... not youtube vid) vaguely applies to this... except its from the perspective of a soldier who upon quitting and going AWOL wouldn't of had his family hurt in anyway other than in knowing he quit and was a "coward"........i wonder if that character would've quit if he knew his family was going to be killed for him goin awol on the field. (meaning his side in the war had been switched)
again..... if a person were to fit the description I've suggested and still be persecuted. Then the law has failed miserably... and it is wrong. That is my position. The law should dictate what can be brought to trial and the possible punishments. The judge/jury should be there to take account of everything and be there to also to make sure people aren't persecuted for unfortunate inescapable catastrophes that by definition makes them the bad guy w/ a life to death... or a just put-to-death verdict. ...even then. if the judge/jury were to put the man as described to death then they would be wrong. someone just following orders in this environment w/ these circumstances has no choice in the matter. If you want to get picky about it... there's a choice... its one that only somebody completely HUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRR stupid or who hated their own life (along side a perceived super small percentage allowance for anything else) would make.
if someone tells me from behind a bullet proof glass... to shoot this tied up Gay Jew Gypsy sitting in front of me in the head...or else 4 grown men will take turns punching my pregnant wife in the stomach (area... u get what I'm getting at) and then shoot her in the head...and another guy will see just how high the pressure in my 2 year old's jugular will spray its contents into the air when he severs it if I don't..... well. just so you know... there'd be one less gay jew gypsy alive in this world. That's basically the position those soldiers were in whether they did it with a smile on their face or not. hell, if I had to do something that horrendous everyday I'd most likely find someway to die inside and enjoy it too. ...but I'm probably the only one in the world who'd do that tho as no1 else would go along with it. If I were the judge/jury my vote would be to dismiss... and he'd be most likely given another trial b/c people would love to see a 91 year old squirm... we are sadistic after all....but it wouldn't be me who cast the first stone.... I'd leave it to all the other people in the world who would've wrapped their car and themselves and family around the pine tree cast the stones after the next trial.
if he is in fact proven guilty even in my opinion then this will then be a post about a hypothetical happening... and is still pertinent to how I think the law can be wrong... it is only a collective attempt of enforcing what we think is right. It is still fallible. ...but I see those failings as mostly fixable or damage controllable. that is how I mean for it to be viewed
redundancy and random insomnia ftw!!!!!!!
We should punish himWhy?
Non sequitur.
He committed those crimes he still should be punished.
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