Slayer is thrash, not black metal. Not even close razaki. I like slayer better overall, but one, enter sandman, and master of puppets are all really good
I could very possibly be wrong on the metal classification, I admit that. The little bit of Slayer that I have heard, though, goes past just simple thrash and into darker music. To me, that's black metal, but that may very well not be the accepted standard.
black metal isnt classifying something as sounding heavy. It has a signature rasping/screeching vocal style, and the guitars and satanic lyrics are always easy to spot.
Perhaps Slayer doesn't have a rapsy vocal style, but I don't see how you don't believe that they lyrics are rather satanic or dark in nature. Just read them.
Yeah, slayer is not satanic compared to black metal. Unless they have professed love for satan, allegiance to satan, or doing satan's deeds the lyrics are satanic. Go and listen to metal before you make arguments that you bullshit on the spot Razaki