US is ranked:
5th in the most polluting people
4th in the most wastes
1st for strongest air pollution
1st for biggest nuclear wastes
It also has a population of 300 Million and a enormous amount of OCCUPIED Land [just so the Canada and Russia arguments don't spill in] -- Of course we're winning.
It's true, we throw away much more than the average person per capita in terms of waste. We also win in terms of water waste [then again, our water costs a LOT less]
We also have a bunch of rude, noise, arrogant morons. We win in crime, drugs, fatness, etc.
Yet, we're a diverse nation with a lot of coal. The biggest thing I love about this country is not what is in it but what it stands for. It might sound a little cliche but I've always loved knowing that I was born in a place that was created for the sake of an idea.
I do think that a lot of people thing America is the best place in the universe. I'd say I'm one of them. America freaking rocks. I don't see any statistic evidence to prove otherwise at the moment, and if some people would like to say we're at the top of the world, then let them, I think our 14 Trillion Dollar GDP has some meaning to it, even if our debt is equalizing it.
I would like to say that even though I love America, I can see its downfalls. The country is headed towards a wrong direction. As a high school student, I know a lot of the same people from all of the same classes. Everyone else I see is an idiot to me. Because really, we've got a lot of idiots.
Americans are an overly proud arrogant people, who glorfiy their own history. Many the debate I have had over various incidents in history where America and Canada have had an impact. And always my American counterpart has rudely disregarded my country's hand in such events. Claiming America's superiority in blind ignorance
I'm sorry to say it, but, though I respect the history of the world and all that it stands for. Americans do have a lot to be proud it. We are symbolic of individualism and ever since the 1940's, we've been bosses. I don't see where they claim superiority in 'blind ignorance'. America's done a lot.
Being a Muslim, I can tell you one of the worst things about America is it's fake diversity. We always clamor around talking about all the Asians and Black people we have running around. But really, if they're not assimilated as one big block of American mass then they're excluded a lot.
Overall, though, I think, it really depends on where you live in America. I live in the third richest county in the nation, and the first and second richest neighbor my county. So my thoughts are a little questionable, seeing as where I live now -- everything is green and pretty, crime rates are dead and the area I'm in was apparently bubbled out of the recession.
^ But I've also lived in Northwest Greater Houston, where I saw a lot of drugs and morons and illegal immigrants. Not fun.
so overall, I think it is fair to say that America is an amazing country based on what it stands for and it's history. What it is right now is a little distasteful, but I believe it has the tools required to patch itself up and continue on, I'm not in any way expecting a demise of this great country. I think the #1 thing it needs is education, and to teach people about globalization and where America really is on the earth. I really think it's going downhill -- but as for now, America is pretty sweet.