Now, what people don't see is my country, Canada. We basically follow America wherever they go, we just do so quietly. Except Iraq. But, we are in Afghanistan. Why? I have no idea. I blame Harper. Sure, I suppose showing our support to the cause was nice, but let's be realistic, it isn't our war and we should have pulled out years ago.
And you see, as an American, who thinks America is boss, I still agree with you on this. The war is stupid, and if you never went in there then we'd have probably pulled out sooner. So I agree with that.
I think a lot of people feel this way toward America, because, to the world, America is a bully who goes in and takes what they want, and does what they want. They'll defy the U.N ten times over, and no one will do anything.
I could give you the obnoxious 'well if it weren't for us there wouldn't be a UN'
But really, if nobody says anything, I think it is because there is more going on in the upper realm of global politics then we know. I mean, it's not as if nobody else cares. Also, when does the USA ' go in and take what it wants '. Don't give this war as an example, because, I don't support it, the war is stupid, and we're not really taking anything but a deficit down our throats.
Some? Try history says. Your ancestors basically walked west with guns shooting and killing indiscriminately. Oh, let's not forget the war of 1812. You tried to invade Canada, so we burnt down your White House.
Firstly, not my ancestors, I'm the son of an Immigrant that arrived from Pakistan in '92
Sorry, 'Some' wasn't the best word. 'All' is more like it. Though, in all fairness, I think any historian would agree with me that Natives would still be here and there would not have been such struggles that history that we have seen. It is not only America. Look at all of Latin America. ALL of it. It has been defined by a 95% loss of the New World's population, and revolutions by Creoles, the descendants of Spanish settlers. If they all didn't fall over and die from Smallpox, they would have been able to make some sensible claim. I'm not saying what America did was right, it was nasty. Yet I feel it was caused less by aggression/racism than it was by the fact that so much land was held by so few, a dying race, at that.
^Also, kinda scary fact, according to a practice AP World Exam by Collegeboard -- a larger percent of the global population was caused by the disease-creating interactions between the Old and New World's than there was by the Black Plague!
Also, as for your War of 1812 comment. I'm going to take that as some Canadian pride and let it slide. I mean, I could talk about how, in that time, and for 100 years after, Britain had to play mommy for you, and agree on your border without your consent, but whatever, I won't.
Manifest Destiny is a poison. Alexander, the Roman Empire, England, they all believed the same corrupted lie. That they were destined to be great. And yes, all this empires were large, powerful and great things. However, when these empires fell it caused problems, a lot of problems. England was probably the least problematic, but they had a little foresight, though India comes to mind...that wasn't exactly peaceful.
No no. All of your examples involve EMPIRES. They involve the British concept of Imperialism.
America does not 'control' the state's it takes over.
It does not 'subjugate power' upon those lands.
It literally puts people in, and accepts them into statehood.
Manifest Destiny is somewhat like Russia's massive expansion that (I believe) started around the 14th century. Russia did well for a while, if not for it's lack of industry and revolutions and lack of isolation.
Manifest Destiny is a concept that has, I think, only been tested out once -- The USA.
Eh...your system is getting stale, you barely move politically and thus socially. Americas ideas were built for a short term goal, stability. They, I believe, were never meant for the long run.
What do you mean by Long Run? Also, where do we not move the world politically/ thus socially? You honestly think America [if it wanted to] could not get... I'd say, half of Asia and Africa to do what it wants just by agreeing to stop its IMF Loans? The stability this country seeks is unrealistic, which is why, it will always progress towards it forever.
Also, many countries have made huge contributions to the world as well. My favourite Canadian example, aside from Vimy Ridge, is Lester B. Pearson. But, at least from those Americans I speak with, either: know nothing about what I'm saying, or refuse to accept it.
When am I saying they haven't? I'm sorry that most world history books [mine being from a European writer] chose not to point out the beauties of Canada and it's rich history. I did get history from just about everywhere else though, and I admire places like Britain and a lot of ancient empires. I think I have a fairness to think America's the best place to be in the world. Also, I don't see how, with any examples, you could say America has not given contributions to this world. If anything, we're even historically accepted to have kept Europe out of Communism. The US deserves some credit. Not all. But some. It's not as if I'm some ignorant zombie thinking everything on this earth owe's its existence to the US.
The same coin causes vast amounts of poverty, poor healthcare and a failing education system over the long run. Canada is in somewhat of the same boat because we have our Conservatives in for so long now. We need a strong Liberal Leader or even NDP to get those things back on track.
No, it doesn't. This isn't the first time in the US's history that people have doubted it's ability to do it 'in the long run'. The same coin, if used effectively [kill the tax cuts ffs] does not contribute or cause this vast amount of failure. I suppose with conservatives around it will, obviously, the money will just be thrown into a bank and society will flounder. I hope that America will see that politically and pick someone with brains.
no, americans have contributed hugely to the world, which is inevitable since they were the largest free democracy for a very long time, and you werent the first country to invent freedom, the french beat you to it
Never said it was the first to invent freedom.
Yes, they oppressed them. It was wrong. It's just that the diseases helped them when picking their choices.
americ ahs never fought for freedom which isnt an acceptable quality in someone or thing, and america isnt a good example of freedom, its law ssytem is anything but fair and americas history has never been free look at vietnam, that wasnt in the support of freedom
You pick the one war that occurred without formal Congressional approval and happened at a time when, many European nations, actually SUPPORTED America's combat against Communism. Even if it was, I'd say, more of a nasty flick to show America's honor and superiority. I think the war was terrible and a bad point in America's history, but it is just one time. It's not as if it defines what America stands for.
America, in my opinion, is too involved in world affairs. It is arrogant and selfish to view the world as though we are omniscient policemen.
I agree with that. We need to back the F out.
And i also see that our society has problems, such as our grudge against Communism -- but that I won't blame. As the oldies die out so will this grudge, It's not our fault they had to live through years of fear of nuclear attack, so I wont' judge.
Also, our country is large and has power. Government will ALWAYS be corrupt. The idea is that it won't become overly corrupt, and hopefully, with the way America is designed to be, will be checked by the people in media and checked by our government. I hope. Yet, I know for a fact that no government can honestly say there is no corruption in itself.
I think America has a lot of fixing to do, but I don't feel that it is something that should be a 'laughing stock' or something I should be disgusted by. Maybe it's just me thinking that I'm lucky to live here. Whatever the case, I like my country.