After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
Now a fire demon horse, i run at bigfatkitty burning everything in my way, I trample, burn, and stomp on him while burning his flesh alive. I increase my heat to make me look like a running bonfire which i return to bigfatkitty and burn the bones that are left behind. and after all this work of fire. i retire to a safe zone.
now that i am a earth master, i sink the ashes deep into the earth. and then sink the gc castle. now i make a huge earthquake causing GC members to lose their balance and also get crushed by all the earth falling on them.
I build an underground fortress set up with explosives made from minerals. I make quicksand right under bigfatkitty sinking him down deep under the earth until he reaches the outer core where he burns. and if you somehow get out of that, i send a wave of earth to cover the gc camp.
i suddelny appear and do something violent. like running around like a crazy ax murderer screaming my head off with a forcefield and a bazooka that shoots frogs.
I look at Stormwalker, and think "Welcome brother, we've been expecting you!" I glide through the lava fields of Orcastius, and take in the bustling Orcae villages, towns, and cities, crowded with gnarled trolls, scarred Orcs, stringy goblins, and mangled Undead. ~IWA~ Thought I was gone? Ha....
I grab a pine apple and block ur beam with it. Then I throw it's chafed remains at u and u start to polish ur eye piece and then I through a frog at u and it eats ur eye. SD
I land on the bank of the SoulFire lava river, and walk through the main city, Orcus. I start rallying an army of loyal followers, and buy beer all 'round. ~IWA~
stormwalker, sorry i forgot to tell you this. shields are immobile and can't do anything except sheild people. i will use you to shield me from other enemies.
crazyape, I sink the earth under you and cover you with rocks and diamond, scraping up your body.
i then summon earth warriors to attack bigfatkitty, and then use more quicksand under him with a bunch of red ants.
" Koru7 leveled up! want to learn metal bending?" Me: "YES!!!!"
Koru7, you *explative*, nobody cares whether you did or not you learned something until it applies to them. I morph to a golem, and return to my savage amy of WoW beings and suchlike. A few Blood Elves join me. ~IWA~
i'm guessing now that since you are a goleom, you can get out of the earth? I metal bend the ac 130 that fell to attack you with missiles, and my earthen warriors man the turrets.
*has no idea who he's talking about* uhhmmm..... I morph back to myself, and build a little house, on the prairie, inside of which, there is a small door to an underground lab, decked out for DJ work. Inside this, is another secret passage through which only those of blackened heart and savage nature can pass into my underground base. Which is decked out for the production of battle suits, which are to be driven by Undead gnomes. ~IWA~