After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
ok, no more use of pokemon moves unless it categorizes into your armatar.
E.G. : plant armatar = grass moves wizard armatar = psychic or ghost.
got it?
I use my plants to form a form of a force field, which then take the damage of shadow force, and since you're not a fire armatar, you can't use sacred fire. So then i put mandrakes in my corn cob cannon, and blast them at pickpocket causing extreme pain to your ears.
remember, pickpocket is my opponent. so no one else attack him.
by the way, members that have come back. remember to put either SD or Sprhydroosa at the end of your post. otherwise people will be confused as to which clan you are on
thank you very much. P.S. sorry for the double post SD
Oh ok it's on pal. I make a bow ( not like a bow and arrow but like a long stick that u whirl around) and block the attack. Then I have two knifed come out of each end and slice and stab my way past pohlhammer. U r no match for me!
please, pohlhammer, pickpocket is my opponent, no one else attack him. I snatch the bo staff with a vine, then use frenzy plant from right underneath you. also encasing you with plants, enchanted with magic that you can't get or warp out of.