wouldnt you feel disgusted if sudently god would come and tell you that only gay people go to heaven? youd be disguseted but most importantly that would mean you would go to hell. because you cant decide to sudently be gay. i mean, your not straight because you want to go to heaven. your straight because you were born that way
I really doubt that you answered it... concocted a response from your own understandings, certainly, but I have a hard time believing that you answered it.
The point is that it states that your god cares about what others think, which ultimately reveals a level of self-consciousness, which defeats the whole "omnipotence" notion.
But wait, let me guess... "God lives outside of logic"?
By not teaching children about homosexuality you're making homosexuals into an 'unknown' or sorts for children and, as we all know, people tend to fear that which they don't know or understand. I think this is sickening.
Trust me, us children almost always understand everything about this by the time we reach 7th grade. If the teachers won't teach it to us, there's always the media.
Kasic, please read the entire post. I acknowledge that it may be genetic, part personal preference. However, I never said that it wasn't okay to be homosexual. I simply said that it is not natural because a species natural/main goal in life is to reproduce.
Natural mean occurring in nature. We can demonstrate this occurrence in nature, thus it's natural. This would also indicate that sex naturally isn't just for reproduction. As we see in nature it is also used for social status, pleasure and probably other functions I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.
**** it! Listen. To. Me. They won't go to hell if they don't practice their (no offense) gay-ness.
So long as the deny who they are, they won't go to hell? Nice God you got there. Really it sounds like nothing more then the religion trying to control people.
So long as the deny who they are, they won't go to hell? Nice God you got there. Really it sounds like nothing more then the religion trying to control people.
You know it MageGray! I'd rather become a coward/loser/gullible person than go to Hell.
We can demonstrate this occurrence in nature, thus it's natural.
But none of these examples are solely homosexual, like, none of them are 'lifestyle choices' to be gay. They either happen in the frenzy of mating, as social greetings, or as a form of bonding. Seems less natural than it does specific to the social needs of some animals.
red, I have no fear of that, seeing as it already occurs. Besides, the fear must be irrational, when it isn't.
That still doesn't disprove the above definition. That being said, I will repeat again that I have no problem with gays, I've never been heavily opinionated on the matter. So with that I will just urge everyone to not use the term homophobic but instead let us use the term discriminatory.
But none of these examples are solely homosexual, like, none of them are 'lifestyle choices' to be gay.
It sounds like your arguing from a stereotype.
They either happen in the frenzy of mating, as social greetings, or as a form of bonding. Seems less natural than it does specific to the social needs of some animals.
And you consider doing non of those things to be natural, especially for social animals?